Anima, Prisca Ama. (2020) „Adaptation Strategies To Motherhood Challenges: A Study of Teenage Mothers in the Adaklu District of Ghana.“
Appiah-Boateng, Sabina. (2020) „Land-Use Conflicts and Psychosocial Well-Being. A Study of Farmer-Herder Conflict in Asante Akyem North District of Ghana.“
Asare, Amos Dwarka. (2020) „Policy Strategies for a Performing Arts Sector: An Analysis of Cultural Support for the Performing Arts in Ghana.“
Bello, Madinatu. (2020) „Building and Sustaining a Performing Arts Market in Cape Coast Metropolis of Ghana: A Study of Connections Among Universities and Non-Academic Performing Arts Organisations.“
Cheri, Lawan. (2020) „Implications of settling internally displaced persons in host communities on the management of common pool resources In Yobe State, Nigeria.“
Nyingchuo, Alasambom. (2020) „Examination of Women’s Socio-Cultural Exclusion Through Film for Developement in Kom, North West Region of Cameroon.“
Osman, Adams. (2020) „Landscape Change and Sustainability of Indigenous Culture ofthe Ga/Dangme in Greater Accra Region, Ghana.“
Shallangwa, Zainab Musa. (2020) „Effects of Displacement on Kanuri Cultural Practices of Internally Displaced Persons of Borno State, Northeast, Nigeria.“
Ukuma, Shadrach Teryila. (2020) „Cultural Performances: A Study on Managing Collective Trauma Amongst Displaced Persons in Daudu Community of Benue State, Nigeria.“
Yusuf, Umar Lawal. (2020) „Community Perception of the Role of Civilian Joint Task Force (CJTF) in Resisting Boko Haram Culture of Violence in Borno State, Nigeria.“
Published Journal Articles by Students
Sadiq, Lawan et. al. (March 2018) “A Review of Material and Non-Material Cultural aspects of Ebira People of Kogi State, Nigeria”. Maiduguri Journal of Arts and Design. Vol. 3,
Cheri, L. (2018). Forced and Criminal Exploitation of the Internally Displaced Persons in Northeastern Nigeria. The Kaduna Journal of Historical Studies (KJHS), Vol. 9. No. 2.
Ukuma, T. S., 2018. „Folklore as a Resource for Cultural Presentation in Nollywood: An Exploration of Bokwaghfan and Inale„. International Journal of Integrative Humanism. Vol. 10 No. 2. pp. 91-96.
Yusuf, Umar Lawal et. al (January 2018) “Police Resource and Ineffective Drug and Crime Control in Nigeria” International Journal of Research Without Boundaries. Vol. 1 No. 1
Yusuf, Umar Lawal et. al. (2018) “The Role of Unemployment and Poverty in the Boko Haram Phenomenon in Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria”. Maiduguri Journal of Arts and Social Sciences (MAJASS) Vol. 15, No.
Yusuf, Umar Lawal et. al. (November 2018) “Peace Building and Conflict Resolution as Essential Ingredient for Sustainable Development in Africa” Sahel Journal of Management Science. Vol. 3
Papers presented at conferences by students in collaboration with supervisors
Bukar, A & Kagu, B.(2018).Education and Sustainable Development in Borno State: Challenges and Ways Forward. Maiden International Conference of Center for Study and Promotion of Cultural Sustainability held in University of Maiduguri on 15- 16 November 2018.
Cheri, L. The plight of Internally Displaced Persons in Host Communities of Yobe state, Nigeria: Worrisome Woe. Paper Presented at Faculty of Arts UNILORIN & African Studies Institute, University of Georgia, Athens, USA 4th – 7th December, 2018
Cheri, L. (2018). War against Boko Haram Insurgency: The need for alternative conflict management strategies in Northeastern Nigeria. Presented at a joint Ilorin/ Georgia 2nd Joint International Conference, held 4th to 6th December, 2018 at the University of Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria.
Cheri, L. (2018). Recurring Insurgency: A threat to Food Security in Yobe state Nigeria. Presented at the First Annual Conference of the Nigerian Political Science Association. North East Zone (NPSA/NE) from 25th to 27th April 2018 at the Department of Political Science, federal University, Kashere, Gombe State.
Cheri, L., Muhammad A., Dlakwa, H., (2018) Managing Ecological Challenges in Nigeria: Effects of desertification on Food Security in Yusufari Local Government area of Yobe state. Presented at the 1st National conference of the Center for the Study and Promotion of Cultural Sustainability, University of Maiduguri from 15th to 18th November.
Dlakwa, H. Cheri, L. & Muhammad A. (2018) Fostering Sustainable Development in University of Maiduguri, Nigeria: The Role of Students’ Associations. Presented at the 1st National conference of the Center for the Study and Promotion of Cultural Sustainability, University of Maiduguri from 15th to 18th November.
Lawan, S. & Gabriel, A. G. (November, 2018). Culture in Solid Waste Disposal in Maiduguri. Cultural Sustainability, Performance and the Sustainable Development Goals in Times of Crisis. University of Maiduguri, Nigeria.
Nyinghuo, Alasambom and Saliba, James. (November 2018). The Impact of the Decentralization Process in Cameroon on Sustainable local development. International conference organized by the Centre for the Study and Promotion of Cultural Sustainability of the University of Maiduguri, theme: “Cultural Sustainability, Performance and the Sustainable Development Goals in Time of Crisis”.
Tanwie, S. B. & Ododo, S. O. (November, 2018). Film for Development as change Agent in post-colonial Cameroon. Cultural Sustainability, Performance and the Sustainable Development Goals in Times of Crises. University of Maiduguri, Nigeria.
Yusuf, L. U., Gazali, A. W. (2018). Resisting Boko Haram Insurgents Culture of Violence: Community Perception of the Role of Civilian Joint Tasks Force in Maiduguri Metropolitan Area: Centre for the Study and Promotion of Cultural Sustainability: Maiden International Conference: 15th-16 November 2018: El-kanemi Hall, University of Maiduguri
Yusuf, L. U. (2018). Youths as Agents of Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism in North eastern Nigeria: 2nd Kano Winter School: International Institute of Islamic Thought, (IIIT): Held from 22nd December, 2018 to 1st January 2019: at Centre for Gender Studies, Bayero University Kano.
Abba Gana Wakil, M & Prof. Bulama, K (2018); An appraisal of Boko Haram Insurgency and its impact on Socio-Economic Progress of Diffa Region; Niger Republic. [ Maiden International Conference: Theme: Cultural Sustainability; Performance and the sustainable Development Goals in Time of Crisis. El-Kanemi Hall; University of Maiduguri. Date 15- 16 November 2018.
Wakil, M. Abba Gana (2018). Cultural Shift in Kanuri Marriage System: A case Study of Maiduguri Metropolis. [Maiden International Conference. Theme: Cultural Sustainability; Performance and the Sustainable Development Goals in Time of Crisis. El-Kanemi Hall University of Maiduguri. Date 15- 26 Nov 2018
Published Journal Articles by BoD, Steering Committee Members/Coordinator
Dlakwa, H.D. (2018) “The Secretary General and Challenges of United Nations Reforms on a Changing World Order” Nigerian Institute of International Relations (ed) Politics and Diplomacy of the Selection of the United Nations Secretary General. Lagos: NIIA (Chapter 5)
Dlakwa, H.D. (2018) Rebuilding Lives: Navigating the Tides of Desolated Communities in Northeast Nigeria. Paper presented at Niexter Security Policy Dialogue on Breaking the Stalemate: The Fight against Insurgency in Northeast Nigeria, on December 17th, 2018. pp. 8 – 16.
Bulama, Kagu et. al. (2018). “Study Group Formation and Academic Performance of Undergraduate Students in the University of Maiduguri, Nigeria. International Journal of Research without Boundaries. 1(1). pp. 46 – 50.