Dienstag, 16. Januar 2024 um 08:14 Uhr
"Propaganda has nothing to offer that goes into the future", says Prof. Dr. Beatrix Kreß in this expert conversation with Swedish media scientist and author Göran Bolin and her colleague at Hildesheim University, Prof. Dr. Michael Corsten. That's why it works best in backward-looking surroundings as in relevant parts of the Russian society. In Ukraine on the other hand, the term isn't as well accepted, explains Bolin. In his book "Managing Meaning in Ukraine" he and co-author Per Ståhlberg examine the dynamics of communication in the complex political situation since the Euromaidan Revolution. On Thursday, January 18th, Göran Bolin will hold a contribution as part of the lecture series "Digitale Lebenswelten - Digital Lifeworlds" (also available online).
Communication in Times of War - an Expert Talk about "Meaning Management" in the Ukraine
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Göran Bolin is Professor of Media and Communication Studies at Södertörn University in Sweden. His lecture "Meaning management, fake news and the role of facts" will be held at Volkshochschule Hildesheim (Riedelsaal) on Thursday, January 18th from 6.15 to 7.30 pm.
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