Das Kolloquium Elektronische Musikpraxis hat in diesem Semester die Musikerin, Komponistin und Live-Coding-Künstlerin Laura Zapata zu Gast. Im Gespräch wird sie uns ausführlich Einblicke/-höre in ihre künstlerische Praxis geben. Das Gespräch wird auf Englisch sein.
Laura Zapata is a Colombian composer and holds a master's degree in Electroacoustic Composition/New Media from the Centro Superior Katarina Gurska in Madrid, Spain. In her creative journey, she has immersed herself in experiences with soundscapes, minimalism, deep listening, electroacoustics, live coding, performance, and sound art. She has a special interest in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research, as well as in fostering critical thinking through music that can be expressed in sound and musical creations advocating for the visibility of social issues and vulnerable populations. Over the past years, Laura has specialized in digital audio synthesis, honing her skills in programming environments such as SuperCollider, Pure Data, Max/MSP, and high-level programs designed for composers and artists.