Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sool Park
Principal Investigator
Tel.: +49 05121 883-21111
E-Mail: park[at]uni-hildesheim.de
Room: Cultural Campus, Building 3, 1.02

Sool Park was born in Korea in 1986. He studied philosophy, mathematics and comparative literature in Munich. Currently, he is Junior Professor of Intercultural Philosophy at the University of Hildesheim. His research focuses on Korean philosophy and philosophy of translation. In 2023, he published Histories of Philosophy and Thought in the Korean Language. Park has also translated several works from German into Korean: Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, Trakl, Novalis, Hölderlin and Kafka. He also translates philosophical and lyrical works from Korean into German: his translation of Kim Hyesoon’s “Autobiography of Death” (co-translation with Uljana Wolf) will be published in 2025.
Intercultural Philosophy, Korean Philosophy, Philosophy of Translation, Zen-Buddhism, Wittgenstein, German and Korean Poetry
Korea, East Asia, Germany
German, Korean, English, Japanese, Classical Chinese, Sanskrit
Chang Do-bin: History of Korean Thought (1925), hg. v. Sool Park, Hildesheim: Universitätsverlag Hildesheim, 2024.
Histories of Philosophy and Thought in the Korean Language from the 8th Century to 2022: A Bibliographical Guide, Hildesheim: Olms, 2023.
Paradoxien der Grenzsprache und das Problem der Übersetzung: Eine Studie zur Textualität philosophischer Texte und zu historischen Übersetzungsstrategien, [Paradoxes of Limit-Language and the Problem of Translation: A Study on Textuality of Philosophical Texts and Historical Translation Strategies], Würzburg: Könighausen and Neumann 2022.
“최근 독일어권에서 세계철학사의 새로운 기획과 한국철학사 연구 전통의 변화,” [Recent developments in Global History of Philosophy and History of Korean Philosophy in the German-speaking World], The Society for Study of Korean History of Thoughts, Vol. 74, 2023.
“Übersetzung des Unsinns: Übersetzungskritik zum ersten Satz des Tractatus,” [Translation of nonsense: Translation critique of the first proposition of the Tractatus], Proceedings of 43th International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, 2022.
“Philosophiegeschichtsschreibung und Subjektkonstitution in Korea” [Historiography of philosophy and subject constitution in Korea], Polylog, Vol. 46, 2021.