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- Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Althoff ›
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- Artikel in Zeitschriften und Magazinen
Artikel in Zeitschriften und Magazinen
Artikel in Zeitschriften und Magazinen
- Ralph Bergmann, Klaus-Dieter Althoff, Mirjam Minor, Meike Reichle, and Kerstin Bach: Case-Based Reasoning - Introduction and Recent Developments. In: Künstliche Intelligenz, 23(1), pp. 5-11, February 2009 (bibtex).
- Althoff, Klaus-Dieter, Reichle, Meike, Bach, Kerstin, Hanft, Alexandre, and Newo, Régis: Agent Based Maintenance for Modularised Case Bases in Collaborative Multi-Expert Systems. Accepted for Expert Update, Special Issue on tht 12th UK Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning, to appear (BibTeX, PDF)
- Althoff, K.-D. & Weber, R. O. (2006). Knowledge Management in Case-Based Reasoning. Accepted for Knowledge Engineering Review
- Althoff, K.-D., Hanft, A., Mänz, J., Schaaf, M., Decker, B., Nick, M. & Rech, J. (2005). Intelligente Informationssysteme für wissensintensive Dienstleistungen. Universität Hildesheim - Magazin, Nr. 9, Okt. 2005, 5-8
- Decker, B., Rech, J., Althoff, K.-D., Klotz, A., Leopold, E. & Voss, A. (2004). eParticipative Process Learning - Process-Oriented Experience Management and Conflict Solving. Accepted for Special Issue on Collaborative Business Process Technologies, Journal on Data on Knowledge Engineering, edited by M. E. Orlowska & S. Sadiq
- Decker, B., Rech, J., Althoff, K.-D., Klotz, A., Leopold, E. & Voss, A. (2004). Participative Process Introduction - Three Case Studies from the indigo Project. Journal of Universal Computer Science Vol. 10, No 3, 186-204
- Rech, J. & Althoff, K.-D. (2004). Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering - Status and Future Trends. Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering, KI (3)2004, 5-11
- Decker, B. & Althoff, K.-D. (2003). Durch Mitarbeiterpartizipation zu gelebten Prozessen. Wissensmanagement 4/2003, 26-28
- Jedlitschka, A. & Althoff, K.-D. (2003). Case-Based User Modeling in an Experience Management System. KI (1)2003, 46-49
- Jedlitschka, A., Althoff, K.-D., Decker, B., Hartkopf, S., Nick, M. & Rech, J. (2002). The Fraunhofer IESE Experience Management System. KI (1)2002, 70-73
- Althoff, K.-D., Bergmann, R. & Branting, L. K. (2001). The Third International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR'99). AI Magazine, Spring 2001, 116-118
- Nick, M., Althoff, K.-D. & Tautz, C. (2001). Systematic Maintenance for Corporate Experience Repositories. Computational Intelligence 17(2), 364-386
- Althoff, K.-D., Bomarius, F. & Tautz, C. (2000). Knowledge Management for Building Learning Software Organizations. Information System Frontiers Journal, Vol. 2, Nr. 3/4, 349-367
- Kalfoglou, Y., Menzies, T., Althoff, K.-D. & Motta, E. (2000). Meta-Knowledge in Systems Engineering: Panacea or Undelivered Promise? The Knowledge Engineering Review 15(4), December 2000
- Menzies, T., Althoff, K.-D., Kalfoglou, Y. & Motta, E. (2000). Issues with Meta-Knowledge. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE), Vol. 10, No. 4, 549-555
- Bomarius, F., Althoff, K.-D. & Müller, W. (1999). Knowledge Management for Learning Software Organizations. In Software Process - Improvement and Practise Journal (News Section), 89-93
- Althoff, K.-D., Bergmann, R., Wess, S., Manago. M. , Auriol, E., Larichev, O. I., Bolotov, A., Zhuravlev, Y. I. & Gurov, S. I. (1998). Case-Based Reasoning for Decision Support Tasks in Medical Domains: The INRECA Approach. AI in Medicine Journal, 12, 1, 25-41
- Althoff, K.-D. & Aamodt, A. (1996). Relating case-based problem solving and learning methods to task and domain characteristics: towards an analytic framework. AI Communications, 9 (3), 1-8
- Althoff, K.-D. & Aamodt, A. (1996). Zur Analyse fallbasierter Problemlöse- und Lernmethoden in Abhängigkeit von Charakteristika gegebener Aufgabenstellungen und Anwendungsdomänen. Special Issue on Case-Based Reasoning, KI (1)96, edited by B. Bartsch-Spörl and S. Wess, 10-15
- Althoff, K.-D. & Bartsch-Spörl, B. (1996). Decision Support for Case-Based Applications. Special Issue on Case-Based Decision Support, Wirtschaftsinformatik 1/96, edited by von D. Ehrenberg, 8-16
- Wilke, W., Bergmann, R. & Althoff, K.-D. (1996). Fallbasiertes Schließen zur Kreditwürdigkeitsprüfung. Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence in Finance, KI 4/96, edited by C. Weinhardt and S. Kirn
- Althoff, K.-D., Wess, S., Bartsch-Spörl, B., Janetzko, D., Maurer, F. & Voß, A. (1992). [PS] Fallbasiertes Schließen in Expertensystemen: Welche Rolle spielen Fälle für wissensbasierte Systeme?. KI (4)92, 14-21, Baden-Baden: FBO Verlag
- Althoff, K.-D., Maurer, F., Traphöner, R. & Wess, S. (1991). Die Lernkomponente der Moltke3-Werkbank zur Diagnose technischer Systeme. KI (1)91, 58-64, Baden-Baden: FBO Verlag
- Althoff, K.-D., Kratz, N., Richter, M. M. & Spieker, P. (1988). Planning Systems and Artificial Intelligence. Annals of Operations Research, 16, 3-12
- Althoff, K.-D., Nökel, K., Rehbold, R. & Richter, M. M. (1988). A Sophisticated Expert System for the Diagnosis of a Cnc Machining Center. Zeitschrift für Operations Research, 32, 251-269