Plant Ecology & Nature Conservation
Institute for Biology and Chemistry
Phone +49(0)5121-883-40722
Mail metzjo(at)uni-hildesheim(de)
Room G105
Gade F, Metz J (2024)
Competition, Drought, Season Length? Disentangling Key Factors for Local Adaptation in Two Mediterranean Annuals across Combined Macroclimatic and Microclimatic Aridity Gradients. Ecology and Evolution, 14, e70513.
Kurze S, Ouyang J, Gade F, Katz O, Schaller J, Metz J (2024)
Ecotypic differentiation of leaf silicon concentration in the grass Brachypodium hybridum along a rainfall gradient. Frontiers in Plant Science 15, 1417721.
Hartmann LJ, Metz, J (2024)
Vulnerabler auf kleinen Flächen und mit einer gewissen Widerstandskraft gegenüber klimatischen Einflüssen – die Feuchtwiesenorchidee Dactylorhiza majalis in Brandenburg. Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege in Brandenburg, 2022 (4), 24 - 30.
Metz J, Tielbörger K (2023)
A drought year favored drier-adapted origins over local origins in a reciprocal transplant experiment along a rainfall gradient. Oikos.
Hartmann LJ, Metz J (2023)
Long-term data indicates positive effects of habitat size and ambiguous climate effects on population growth of the endangered wetland orchid Dactylorhiza majalis. Global Ecology and Conservation.
Steingräber, LF, Ludolphy C, Metz J, Kierdorf H, Kierdorf U (2022)
Uptake of lead and zinc from soil by blackberry plants (Rubus fruticosus L. agg.) and translocation from root to leaves. Environmental Advances 9, 100313.
Steingräber, LF, Ludolphy C, Metz J, Germershausen L, Kierdorf H, Kierdorf U (2021) Heavy metal concentrations in floodplain soils of the Innerste River and in leaves of wild blackberries (Rubus fruticosus L. agg.) growing within and outside the floodplain – the legacy of historical mining activities in the Harz Mountains (Germany). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, doi: 10.1007/s11356-021-17320-w.
Metz J, Hartmann LJ, Ristow M (2021) Zur Diskussion der Pflege und Bestandssituation des Breitblättrigen Knabenkrautes (Dactylorhiza majalis) in Schutzgebieten Brandenburgs – Antwort auf eine Entgegnung. Berichte aus den Arbeitskreisen Heimische Orchideen 38(1) 111-121.
Metz J, Lampei C, Bäumler L, Bocherens H, de Meaux J, et al. (2020): Rapid adaptive evolution to drought in a subset of plant traits in a large-scale climate change experiment. Ecology Letters, DOI:10.1111/ele.13596
Poppei M, Ristow M, Geissler K, Metz J (2018b): Die Bestandssituation des Breitblättrigen Knabenkrautes Dactylorhiza majalis in ausgewählten Schutzgebieten Brandenburgs. Berichte aus den Arbeitskreisen Heimische Orchideen 35(2): 179-196. (reprint of Poppei et al. 2018a)
Poppei M, Ristow M, Geissler K, Metz J (2018a): Die Bestandssituation des Breitblättrigen Knabenkrautes Dactylorhiza majalis in ausgewählten Schutzgebieten Brandenburgs. Naturschutz & Landschaftspflege in Brandenburg 27: 20-26.
Metz J, Freundt H, Jeltsch F (2018): Stable germination behavior but partly shifting seed-seed interactions along a steep rainfall gradient. Basic and Applied Ecology 28: 5-16.
Kurze S, Bareither N, Metz J (2017): Phenology, roots and reproductive allocation, but not the LHS scheme, shape ecotypes along an aridity gradient. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 29: 20-29.
Bareither N, Scheffel A, Metz J (2017) Distribution of polyploid plants in the common annual Brachypodium distachyon (s.l.) in Israel is not linearly correlated with aridity. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences. doi: 10.1080/07929978.2017.1288406
Lampei C, Metz J, Tielbörger K (2017) Clinal population divergence in an adaptive parental environmental effect that adjusts seed banking. New Phytologist 214: 1230–1244.
Tomiolo S, Metz J, Blackwood CB, Djendouci K, Henneberg L, Müller C, Tielbörger K (2017) Short-term drought and long-term climate legacy affect production of chemical defenses among plant ecotypes. Environmental and Experimental Botany 141: 124-131.
Garcia-Camacho R, Metz J, Bilton MC, Tielbörger K (2017) Phylogenetic structure of annual plant communities along an aridity gradient: Interacting effects of habitat filtering and shifting plant-plant interactions. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences doi: 10.1080/07929978.2017.1288477.
Bilton MC, Metz J, Tielbörger K (2016) Climatic niche groups: A novel application of a common assumption predicting plant community response to climate change. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 19: 61–69.
Metz J, Tielbörger K (2016) Spatial and temporal aridity gradients provide poor proxies for plant-plant interactions under climate change: a large-scale experiment. Functional Ecology 30: 20-29.
Metz J, von Oppen J, Tielbörger K (2015) Parental environmental effects due to contrasting watering adapt competitive ability, but not drought tolerance, in offspring of a semi-arid annual Brassicaceae. Journal of Ecology 103: 990-997.
Tielbörger K*, Bilton MC*, Metz J*, Kigel J, Holzapfel C, Lebrija-Trejos E, Konsens I, et al. (2014) Middle-Eastern plant communities tolerate 9 years of drought in a multi-site climate manipulation experiment. Nature Communications 5, Article 5102. * equal contribution authors
Metz J, Ribbers K, Tielbörger K, Müller C (2014) Long- and medium-term effects of aridity on the chemical defence of a widespread Brassicaceae in the Mediterranean. Environmental and Experimental Botany 105: 39-45.
Tielbörger K, Fleischer A, Menzel L, Metz J, Sternberg M (2010) The aesthetics of water and land: a promising concept for managing scarce water resources under climate change. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A – Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 368: 5323-5337.
Metz J, Liancourt P, Kigel J, Harel D, Sternberg M, Tielbörger K (2010) Plant survival in relation to seed size along environmental gradients: a long- term study from semi-arid and Mediterranean annual plant communities. Journal of Ecology 98: 697-704.