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E-Mail: mantilla(at)uni-hildesheim(de)

Beruf und Studium


Außerplanmäßige Professorin an der Universität Hildesheim, Institut für Biologie und Chemie


Leiterin der Biologischen Station Siegen-Wittgenstein


Juniorprofessorin für Ökologie und Umweltbildung, Universität Hildesheim, Institut für Biologie und Chemie


Akademische Rätin auf Zeit an der Universität Koblenz-Landau, Institut für Umweltwissenschaften, Abteilung Ökosystemanalyse


Leiterin der Juniorforschergruppe „Biodiversität, Ökologie und Management von Küstenhabitaten der Ostsee“ am Institut für Botanik und Landschaftsökologie der Universität Greifswald. Förderung des Projektes durch die Bauer-Hollmann-Stiftung (Stifterverband für die deutsche Wissenschaft)


Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin in der Abteilung Pflanzenökologie und Ökosystemforschung der Universität Göttingen


Promotion im Fachgebiet Pflanzenökologie und Ökosystemforschung an der Universität Göttingen mit dem Titel „Effects of air humidity on development, physiology and distribution of woodland herbs and tree saplings“, gefördert durch die deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt


Studium der Biologie auf Diplom an der Universität Göttingen



Einfluss von globalem Wandel auf temperate Ökosysteme

Ökologie von Laubwäldern und Küstenökosystemen

Mikroklima und Vegetation

Biodiversität und Management von Offenlandschaften


Naturschutz und Ökosystemmangement


Angewandte Umweltbildung


Aktuelle Projekte

<link fb4/institute/biologie/abteilung-biologie/arbeitsgruppen-research-groups/oekologie-und-umweltbildung/projekte/einfluss-von-beweidung-pedosphaere-relief-und-klimawandel-auf-die-biodiversitaet-im-nationalpark-asinara-sardinien/ - - "Opens internal link in current window">Einfluss von Beweidung, Pedosphäre, Relief und Klimawandel auf die Biodiversität im Nationalpark Asinara (Sardinien)</link>

AMBio MADAGASCAR - Strategien zum Erhalt der Biodiversität in Madagaskar am Beispiel des Alaotra-Sees

COMTESS- Nachhaltiges Küstenzonenmanagement

Klimawandel, Herbivorie und Konkurrenz: Auswirkungen von Temperaturanstieg auf Laubbäume und ihre Interaktionen

Abgeschlossene Projekte


Treitler, J.T., Drissen, T., Stadtmann, R., Zerbe, S. & Mantilla-Contreras, J. (2017) Complementing endozoochorous seed dispersal patterns by donkeys and goats in a semi-natural island ecosystem. BMC Ecology 17 (42).

Winter, R.,  Mucedda, M., Pidinchedda, E., Kierdorf, U., Schmidt, S. & Mantilla-Contreras (2017) Small in size but rich in bats - species diversity and abandoned man-made structures put Asinara island (Sardinia) into conservation focus for bats in the Mediterranean region. Acta Chriopterologica 169 (1): 119-126.

Reibelt, L.M, Richter, T., Rendigs, A. & Mantilla-Contreras, J. (2017) Malagasy conservationists and environmental educators: life paths into conservation. Sustainability 9(2): 227.

Treitler, J.T., Buse, J., Carpaneto, G. M., Zerbe, S. & Mantilla-Contreras, J. (2017) Effects of dung-pad conditions and density on coprophagous beetle assembages in a Mediterranean rangeland. Biodivesity and Conservation 26:1431-1444.

Stiegel, S., Entling, M. H. & Mantilla-Contreras, J. (2017) Reading the leaves' palm: leaf traits and herbivory along the microclimatic gradient of forest layers. PLoS ONE 12(1): e0169741. DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0169741

Rakotoarisoa, T. F., Richter, T., Rakotondramanana, H. & Mantilla-Contreras, J. (2016) Turning a problem into profit: using water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) for making handicrafts at Lake Alaotra, Madagascar. Economic Botany 70 (4): 365-379.

Hulisz, P., Piernik, A., Mantilla-Contreras, J., Elvisto, T. (2016) Main Driving Factors for Seacoast Vegetation in the Southern and Eastern Baltic. Wetlands, 1-11.

Lewandowska, A. M., Biermann, A., Borer, E. T., Cebrián-Piqueras, M. A., Declerck, S. A., De Meester, L. et al. (2016) The influence of balanced and imbalanced resource supply on biodiversity–functioning relationship across ecosystems. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 371 (1694)

Minden, V., Scherber, C., Piqueras, M. A. C., Trinogga, J., Trenkamp, A., Mantilla-Contreras, J. et al. (2016) Consistent drivers of plant biodiversity across managed ecosystems. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B. 371 (1694)

Mantilla-Contreras, J., Carrière, S.M. Editorial (2015) Madagascar's open landscapes under the spotlight. Madagascar Conservation & Development 10(3): 107-109.

Rakotoarisoa, T.F., Waeber, P.O., Richter, T., Mantilla-Contreras, J. (2015) Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), any opportunities for the Alaotra wetlands and livelihoods? Madagascar Conservation & Development 10(3): 128-136.

Lammers, P. L., Richter, T., Waeber, P. O., Mantilla-Contreras, J. (2015) Lake Alaotra wetlands: how long can Madagascar's most important rice and fish production region withstand the anthropogenic pressure? Madagascar Conservation & Development 10(3): 116-127.

Carboni, M., Dengler, J., Mantilla-Contreras, J., Venn, S., & Török, P. (2015) Conservation value, management and restoration of Europe’s semi‑natural open landscapes. Hacquetia 14(1): 5-17.

Schirmel, J., Mantilla-Contreras, J., Gauger, D., Blindow, I. (2015) Carabid beetles as indicators for shrub encroachment in dry grasslands. Ecological Indicators 49: 76-82.

Reibelt, L.M., Richter, T., Waeber, P.O., Rakotoarimanana, S.H.N.H., Mantilla-Contreras, J. (2014) Environmental education in its infancy at Lake Alaotra, Madagascar. Madagascar Conservation & Development 9(2): 71-82.

Ratsimbazafy, J.H., Ralainasolo, F.B., Rendigs, A., Mantilla-Contreras, J., Andrianandrasana, H., Mandimbihasina, A.R., Nievergelt, M., Lewis, R. & Waeber, P.O. (2013) Gone in a puff of smoke? Hapalemur alaotrenis at great risk of extinction. Lemur News 17: 14-18.

Pietzsch, D., Ochsner, S. & Mantilla-Contreras, J. (2013) Low-intensity husbandry as a cost efficient way to preserve dry grasslands. Landscape Research 38: 523-539.

Mantilla-Contreras, J., Schirmel, J. & Zerbe, S. (2011) Influence of soil and microclimate on species composition and grass encroachment in heath succession. Journal of Plant Ecology 5: 249-259.

Möller, I., Mantilla-Contreras, J., Spencer, T. & Hayes, A. (2011) Micro-tidal coastal reed beds: hydro-morphological insighty and observations on wave transformation from the southern Baltic Sea. Estuarine, Coastal & Shelf Science 92 (3): 424-436

Fender, A. C., Mantilla-Contreras, J. & Leuschner, Ch. (2011) Multiple environmental control of leaf area and its significance for productivity in beech saplings. Trees 25 (5): 847-857

Schirmel, J., Mantilla-Contreras, J., Blindow, I. & Fartmann, T. (2010) Impacts of succession and grass encroachment on Orthoptera in heathlands. Journal of Insect Conservation 15 (5): 633-642

Mantilla-Contreras, J., Möller, I. & Zerbe, S. (2010) Einfluss von Klimaveränderungen auf Küstenhabitate der Ostsee. Schriftenreihe Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 81: 245-260.

Möller, I., Lendzion, J., Spencer, T., Hayes, A. & Zerbe, S. (2009) The sea-defence function of micro-tidal temperate coastal wetlands. Coastal Processes 2009, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Ashurst.

Lendzion, J. & Leuschner, Ch. (2009) Temperate forest herbs are adapted to high air humidity- evidence from climate chamber and humidity manipulation experiments in the field. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39: 2332-2342.

Leuschner, Ch. & Lendzion, J. (2009) Air humidity, soil moisture and soil chemistry factors as determinants of the herb layer composition in beech forests. Journal of Vegetation Science 20: 288-298.

Linares-Palomino, R., Cardona, V., Hennig, E.I., Hoffmann, D., Lendzion, J., Soto, D., Herzog, S. K. & Kessler, M. (2009) Non-woody life-form contribution to vascular plant species richness in a tropical American forest. Plant Ecology 201: 87-99.

Lendzion, J., Schirmel, J., Köppler, A., Blindow, I., Hampicke, U. & Zerbe, S. (2008) Biodiversität und Management von Salzgrasländern und Dünenheiden im Nationalpark Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft. BfN-Skripten 243: 117-120.

Lendzion, J. & Leuschner, Ch. (2008) Growth of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) saplings is limited by elevated atmospheric vapour pressure deficits. Forest Ecology and Management 256: 648-655.


Reibelt, L.M., Richter, T, Rendigs, A. & Mantilla-Contreras, J. (2017). Prägende Erlebnisse und Vorbilder madagassischer Naturschützer und Umweltpädagogen. SIIVE, Bayreuth. (Vortrag)

Lammers, P.L., Lux, M., Richter, T. & Mantilla-Contreras, J. (2016). Conservation in rual areas in developing countries- Parc Bandro, a case study of a small-scale conservation project at Lake Alaotra, Madagascar. GtÖ 2016, Göttingen, Germany. (Vortrag)

Rakotoarisoa, T.F., Schmidt, N., Richter, T. & Mantilla-Contreras, J. (2016). Are water hyacinth fertilizers opportunities for agriculture at Lake Alaotra, Madagascar? GtÖ 2016, Göttingen, Germany. (Vortrag)

Reibelt, L.M., Richter, T., Waeber, P.O., Rendigs, A. & Mantilla-Contreras, J. (2016). Drivers and barriers to environmental education in the Alaotra primary schools, Madagascar. GtÖ 2016, Göttingen, Germany. (Vortrag)

Mantilla-Contreras, J., Lammers, P.L., Rakotoarisoa, T.F., Schmidt, N., Lux, M. & Richter, T. (2015) Nature conservation in rural areas of developing countries- an example from Lake Alaotra, Madagascar. GfÖ 2015, Göttingen, Germany (Vortrag)

Winter, R., Treitler, J., Kierdorf, U., Schmidt, S. & J. Mantilla-Contreras (2015) Occurrence and activity patterns of bats in different habitat types in the northern part of the island of Asinara (Sardinia, Italy). Italian bat conference 2015, Trient, Italy. (Vortrag)

Winter, R., Treitler, J., Kierdorf, U., Schmidt, S. & J. Mantilla-Contreras (2015) Occurrence and activity patterns of bats in different habitat types in the northern part of the island of Asinara (Sardinia, Italy). TDFF 2015, Olpe, Germany. (Vortrag)

Winter, R., Treitler, J., Kierdorf, U., Schmidt, S. & J. Mantilla-Contreras (2015) Occurrence and activity patterns of bats in different habitat types in the northern part of the island of Asinara (Sardinia, Italy). GfÖ 2014, Hildesheim, Germany. (Vortrag)

Pätsch R., Piernik A. & Mantilla-Contreras J.  (2015). Salt grasslands along the polish Baltic Sea coast and the influence of wild grazing animals. IAVS, Brno, Czech Republik. (Poster)  

Reibelt, L.M., Richter, T., Waeber, P.O. Rendigs, A., Rakotoarimanana, S. & Mantilla-Contreras, J. (2014). Environmental Education: Clashing value systems at Lake Alaotra, Madagascar. GfÖ, Hildesheim (Vortrag)

Reibelt, L.M., Waeber, P.O., Wilmé, L., Garcia, C., Dray, A., Rendigs, A., Richter, T. & Mantilla-Contreras, J. (2014). From teaching knowledge to gaming for understanding: using a management role playing game as learning tool. ISAGA gaming conference, Dornbirn, Austria (Poster).

Lammers, P. L., Richter, T., Rendigs, A., Waeber, P. O. & J. Mantilla-Contreras (2014): Current problems and future challenges for the Lake Alaotra wetland complex, Madagascar. GfÖ, Hildesheim, Germany (Vortrag)  

Treitler J., Stadtmann R., Drissen T., Careddu G., Sauerwein M., Zerbe S. & Mantilla-Contreras J. (2014) Land use and distribution of grazing animals in the National Park Asinara (Sardinia, Italy). GfÖ, Hildesheim, Germany (Vortrag)   

Pätsch R., Piernik A. & Mantilla-Contreras J.  (2014): Salt grasslands along the polish Baltic Sea coast and the influence of wild grazing animals. GfÖ, Hildesheim, Germany. (Poster)  

Jung-Dahlke, C., Kessler, M. & Mantilla-Contreras, J. (2013). Geoinformatisch-statistische Modellbildung der räumlichen Verteilung der Bodenvegetation in Abhängigkeit geoökologischer Einflussfaktoren am Beispiel dreier Waldtypen in Bolivien. Tagungsband ARGIT 2013.

Lammers, P.L., Richter, T., Rendigs, A., Waeber, P.O. & Mantilla-Contreras, J. (2013). Lake Alaotra wetlands: ecological trends in the most important rice and fish production region of Madagascar. GfÖ 2013, Potsdam. (Vortrag)

Lammers, P.L., Richter, T., Rendigs, A., Waeber, P.O. & Mantilla-Contreras, J. (2013). The influence of invasive water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) on the Alaotra wetlands, Madagascar. Open Landscapes 2013, Hildesheim. (Vortrag)

Mantilla-Contreras, J., Lammers, P.L., Rakotoarisoa, T.F., Richter, T., Reibelt, L.M., Rendigs, A. & Waeber, P.O. (2013). AMBio Madagascar- Biodiversity conservation at Lake Alaotra, Madagascar. GfÖ 2013, Potsdam. (Poster)

Mantilla-Contreras, J., Richter, T., Rendigs, A., Lammers, P.L., Rakotoarisoa, T.F., Reibelt, L.M. & Waeber, P.O. (2013). Impact of invasive plant species on the habitat quality of the Alaotran Gentle Lemur (Hapalemur alaotrensis) at lake Alaotra, Madacascar. Open Landscapes 2013, Hildesheim. (Vortrag)

Mantilla-Contreras, J., Lammers, P.L., Rakotoarisoa, T.F., Richter, T., Reibelt, L.M., Rendigs, A. & Waeber, P.O. (2013). Linking science and implementation – Biodiversity conservation at Lake Alaotra, Madagascar. Open Landscapes 2013, Hildesheim. (Poster).

Mantilla-Contreras, J., Ratsimbazafy, J., Rendigs, A., Richter, T., Lammers, P.L. & Rakotoarisoa, T.F. (2013). A change-framework for the management and conservation of Hapalemur alaotrensis. International Prosimian Congress, Ranomafana, Madagaskar. (Vortrag)

Rakotoarisoa, T.F., Richter, T., Rendigs, A., Waeber, P.O., Lammers, P.L. & Mantilla-Contreras, J. (2013). Eichhornia crassipes, curse or opportunity for local stakeholders at Lake Alaotra? Open Landscapes 2013, Hildesheim. (Vortrag)

Rakotoarisoa, T.F., Richter, T., Rendigs, A., Waeber, P.O., Lammers, P.L. & Mantilla-Contreras, J. (2013). Eichhornia crassipes, opportunity or threat for biodiversity conservation at Lake Alaotra, Madagascar? GfÖ 2013, Potsdam. (Vortrag)

Rakotoarisoa, T.F., Richter, T., Rendigs, A., Waeber, P.O., Lammers, P.L. & Mantilla-Contreras, J. (2013). Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), opportunity or threat for Alaotran gentle lemur (Hapalemur alaotrenis) conservation? International Prosimian Congress, Ranomafana, Madagaskar. (Poster)

Richter, T., Waeber, P.O., Rakotoarisoa, T.F., Lammers, P.L., Reibelt, L.M., Rendigs, A. & Mantilla-Contreras, J. (2013). The Alaotra Marshland Biodiversity Project (AMBio) at Lake Alaotra, Madascar. Conserving biodiversity and enhancing local livelihoods for future generations. Open Landscapes 2013, Hildesheim. (Vortrag)

Reibelt, L.M., Richter, T., Rendigs, A., Waeber., P.O. & Mantilla-Contreras, J. (2013). Are the future resource users aware of their environment? Environmental education in its infancy at Lake Alaotra. Open Landscapes 2013, Hildesheim. (Vortrag)

Treitler J., Drissen T., Stadtmann R., Careddu G., Sauerwein M., Zerbe S. & Mantilla-Contreras J. (2013) How does grazing influence the biodiversity of the National Park Asinara (Sardinia, Italy)? Open Landscapes 2013, Hildesheim. (Vortrag)   

Reibelt, L.M., Richter, T., Rendigs, A., Waeber., P.O. & Mantilla-Contreras, J. (2013). Environmental Education as a tool for conservation of Hapalemur alaotrenis. International Prosimian Congress, Ranomafana, Madagaskar. (Vortrag)

Treitler, J., Drissen, T., Stadtmann, R., Careddu, G., Sauerwein, M., Zerbe, S. & Mantilla-Contreras, J. (2013). Influence of grazing, soil, relief and climate change on the biodiversity of the National Park Asinara (Sardinia, Italy)? GfÖ 2013, Potsdam. (Poster)

Drissen, T., Treitler, J., Stadtmann, R., Winter, R., Careddu, G., Sauerwein, M., Zerbe, S. & Mantilla-Contreras, J. (2013). Influence of grazing, soil, relief and climate change on the biodiversity in the National Park of Asinara (Sardinia, Italy). Open Landscapes 2013, Hidesheim. (Poster)

Winter, R., Treitler, J., Careddu, G., Kierdorf, U., Zerbe, S., Sauerwein, M., & Mantilla-Contreras, J. 2013. Occurrence and activity patterns of bats in different habitat types in the northern part of the island of Asinara (Sardinia, Italy). Open Landscapes 2013, Hildesheim. (Poster)

Treitler, J., Drissen, T., Stadtmann, R., Careddu, G., Sauerwein, M., Zerbe, S. & Mantilla-Contreras, J. (2013). How does grazing influence the biodiversity of the National Park Asinara (Sardinia, Italy)? Open Landscapes 2013, Hildesheim. (Vortrag)

Koch, A. & Mantilla-Contreras, J. (2013). Trade-offs in ecosystem functions and services of Baltic coastal ecosystems with respect to climate change and coastal protection. Open Landscapes 2013, Hildesheim. (Vortrag)

Pätsch, R., Piernik, A. & Mantilla-Contreras, J. (2013). Salt grasslands along the german and polish Baltic Sea coast and the influence of wild grazing animals. Open Landscapes 2013, Hildesheim. (Vortrag)

Mantilla-Contreras, J. & Zerbe, S. (2012) Restoration and management of open landscape habitats in Europe. Workshop, Ecosummit 2012, Ohio, USA.

Mantilla-Contreras, J. & Zerbe, S. (2012) Influence of climate and land use changes on low lying Baltic coastal habitats. Ecosummit 2012, Ohio, USA. (Vortrag)

Mantilla-Contreras, J. (2012) Baltic coastal habitats- present status and future perspective. (eingeladener Vortrag, Universität Hamburg).

Mantilla-Contreras, J. (2012) Küstenökosysteme im globalen Wandel. Universität Hildesheim (Antrittsvorlesung, Universität Hildesheim)

Mantilla-Contreras, J. (2012) Von der Blattfläche zur Nachhaltigkeit – Biologie im 21. Jahrhundert. Schüler Universität MINT (eingeladener Vortrag, Universität Hildesheim)

Mantilla-Contreras, J. (2012) Nährstoffe in der Dünenheide: Einwirkung auf die Artenvielfalt. (eingeladener Vortrag, Universität Greifswald)

Joly, M. Mantilla-Contreras, J., Rendigs, A. & Richter, T. (2012) Environmental Education at Lac Alaotra. Conference on Environmental Education in Madagascar, Centre for International Education, University of Sussex, UK. (Vortrag)

Mantilla-Contreras, J., Möller, I., Spence, T. & Zerbe, S. (2011) Influence of climate and land use changes on low lying Baltic coastal habitats. Coastal Ecology Workshop, Hingene, Belgien. (Vortrag)

Mantilla-Contreras, J., Schirmel, J. & Zerbe, S. (2011) Influence of soil and microclimate on species composition and grass encroachment in coastal heath succession. Jahrestagung der IAVS, Lyon, Frankreich. (Vortrag)

Möller, I., Mantilla-Contreras, J., Spencer, T. & Hayes, A. (2011) Wave vegetation interaction within Baltic coastal reedbeds. Geophysical Research Abstracts 13, EGU 2011-13848.

Mantilla-Contreras, J. & Zerbe, S. (2010) Plant species of coastal salt grassland will be negatively affected by temperature increase and soil drought. Jahrestagung der ESA, Pittsburgh, USA. (Vortrag)

Mantilla-Contreras, J., Schirmel, J., Blindow, I. & Zerbe, S. (2010) Species richness of multiple taxonomic groups along a successional gradient in a coastal Baltic heath. Jahrestagung der GFÖ, Giessen (Vortrag)

Mantilla-Contreras, J., Möller, I., Schirmel, J., Blindow, I., Hayes, A., Spencer, T., Pietzsch, D., Hampicke, U. & Zerbe, S. (2009) Baltic coastal habitats in the face of global environmental change. Coastal Ecology Workshop, Westerhever. (Vortrag)

Lendzion, J., Schirmel, J., Köppler, A., Blindow, I., Hampicke, U. & S. Zerbe (2008) Biodiversität und Management von Salzgrasländern und Dünenheiden im Nationalpark Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft. Interdisziplinäres Expertentreffen zum Übereinkommen über die biologische Vielfalt, Vilm. (Vortrag)

Lendzion, J., Schirmel, J., Köppler, A., Blindow, I., Hampicke, U. & S. Zerbe (2008) Biodiversity and land use of coastal habitats of the Baltic Sea. Coastal Ecology workshop, Yerseke, Netherlands. (Vortrag)

Lendzion, J. & Leuschner, Ch. (2007). Temperate forest herbs are adapted to high air humidity. 37th Jahrestagung der GFÖ, Marburg. (Vortrag)