Autumn School for Information Retrieval and Information Foraging 2017
Overview lectures on Advanced topics in Information Retrieval and Information Foraging.
1. – 6. October 2017
at the Leibniz Center for Informatics Schloss Dagstuhl -
The Autumn School for Information Retrieval and Information Foraging 2017 (ASIRF) will continue to provide opportunies to learn about the the latest developments in the area of Information Retrieval Models, Systems, Evaluation, as well as about Information Iteraction and Human Information Foraging Behaviour.
Some of the following topics will be presented at the autumn school:
- IR Models
- Evaluation
- Task Based Evaluation
- Modelling Interactive IR
- Information Behavior
- Log File Analysis
- Multimedia Retrieval
- Clustering im IR
- Mutlilingual IR
- Bibliometrics
The program for ASIRF 2017 is online now (PDF).
How to register
In January, a registration form will be made available. All attendants will be accomodated in double or single rooms on the premises. Student grants including travel support, room and board and participation fee will be available for students from outside Germany. Participation without student grant is also possible, however, the costs need to be covered. The deadline for registration is the 1st of May.
Amount of stipend per country (DAAD)
Previous Schools
The school stands in the tradition of the German "Herbstschule Information Retrieval" and the Summer School Information Foraging organized by Radboud University Nijmegen. More information can be found in last years program and in the ASIRF group on facebook.
Prof. Thomas Mandl
Universität Hildesheim, Germany
Dr. Ingo Frommholz
University of Bedfordshire, UK