Arbeiten zu Bantu-Sprachen (Kopie 1)

Research on (some of) the Bantu-languages

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Possible Work

A corpus of Northern Sotho texts is available for research purposes locally. Students' participations (information science, information technology lexicography, computational linguistics) are very much welcome! Please contact one of the above, if you're interested.

Links related to Northern Sotho

Wikipedia on Northern Sotho

African Languages com on Northern Sotho

Links to the HLT / Linguistics community in Southern Africa

National HLT Network

Linguistic Society of Southern Africa (LSSA)

African Language Association of Southern Africa (ALASA)

 African Association for Lexicography (AFRILEX)

Publications/Presentations concerning Northern Sotho/Setswana/Zulu and e-lexicography

Faaß, Gertrud, 2022. Applied Corpus Linguistics for Lexicography: Sepedi Negation as a case in point. Lexikos 32(2): 82-104

Faaß, Gertrud and Bosch, Sonja, 2016. An integrated e-Dictionary Application - the case of an open educational trainer for Zulu. International Journal of Lexicography 26(2) 2016. doi: 10.1093/ijl/ecw021

Taljard, Elsabé, Faaß, Gertrud and Bosch, Sonja, 2015. Implementation of a Part-of-Speech Ontology: Morphemic Units of Bantu languagesImplementation of a Part-of-Speech Ontology: Morphemic Units of Bantu languages
Nordic Journal of African Studies (24:2) 2015: 146-168,

Faaß, Gertrud, Bosch, Sonja and Rufus Gouws. 2014.A general lexicographic model for a typological variety of African Languages
Lexikos 24 (Afrilex-reeks/ series 24:2014): 94-115

Bosch, Sonja and Faaß, Gertrud. 2014. Towards an integrated e-dictionary application - the case of an English to Zulu dictionary of possessives. In: proceedings of the 16th EURALEX International congress, 15-19 July, 2014, Bolzano/Bozen (EURAC): 739-747

Faaß, Gertrud, Bosch, Sonja, and Elsabé Taljard. Towards a Part-of-Speech Ontology: Encoding Morphemic Units of two South African Bantu languages. Nordic Journal of African Studies Vol. 21(3) 2012, pp. 118–140

Faaß, Gertrud and Elsabé Taljard. Automatic detection of Copulatives in Northern Sotho Corpora. The 5th international conference on Bantu languages (Bantu5). 12. - 15. Juni 2013, Paris, France. slides

Bosch, Sonja, K.-S. Choi, E. de la Clergerie, A. Fang, G. Faaß, K. Lee, A. Pareja-Lora, L. Romary, A. Witt, A. Zeldes, and F. Zipser.
<tiger2/> as a standardised serialisation for ISO 24615 – SynAF. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT11). 2012. 37 - 57.

Faaß, Gertrud and Daan J. Prinsloo. A computational implementation of the Northern Sotho Infinitive. South African Journal of African Languages, Vol. 31 (2) (2012) 281-301.

Faaß, Gertrud, Sonja Bosch, and Elsabé TaljardThe ontology of morphemic units in the Sotho and Nguni Languages of South Africa, presented at a pre-conference workshop to the B4ntu 2011 conference in Berlin, April 6, 2011. slides

Faaß, Gertrud. A morphosyntactic description of Northern Sotho as a basis for an automated translation from Northern Sotho into English (PhD Thesis, University of Pretoria, South Africa) access via the library of the University of Pretoria

Faaß, Gertrud. The verbal phrase of Northern Sotho: A morpho-syntactic perspective
In: Proceedings of the AfLaT workshop on African Language Technologies at the LREC conference in Valetta, Malta (18th May 2010)). 37--42 slides

Heid, Ulrich, Daan J. Prinsloo, Gertrud Faaß, and Elsabé Taljard. Designing a noun guesser for part of speech tagging in Northern Sotho. South African Journal of African Languages Volume 29(1), 2009. 1 -- 19.

Faaß, Gertrud, Refilwe Ramagoshi, and Fannie Sebolela. Updating the Setswana monolingual School Dictionary, Thanodi ya Setswana ya Dikole: An experimental study In: Otlogetswe, T.J. (ed) MLA Kgasa: A pioneer Setswana lexicographer. (2009) Cape Town: Centre for Advanced Studies of African Society (CASAS), book series no. 64. 146 -- 172.

Faaß, Gertrud, Ulrich Heid, Daan J. Prinsloo, and Elsabé Taljard. Part-of-Speech tagging of Northern Sotho:Disambiguating polysemous function words Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Language Technologies for the African Languages (AfLaT 2009). 31 March 2009. 38 -- 45.

Prinsloo, Daan J., Gertrud Faaß, Elsabé Taljard, and Ulrich Heid. Designing a verb guesser for part of speech tagging in Northern Sotho Southern African Linguistics and Applied Languages Studies (SALALS) 26 (2) 2008 185 -- 196

Taljard, Elsabé, Gertrud Faaß, Ulrich Heid, and Daan J. Prinsloo. On the development of a tagset for Northern Sotho with special reference to standardisation. Literator 29(1) April 2008 (special edition on Human Language Technologies). 111 -- 137