Face Work and Social Media

Face Work and Social Media

On platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, on message boards, in blogs and commentaries, in short: in the Social Media, users interact as if they knew each other personally. Malicious verbal behaviour is found next to clapping and kissing emoticons, both indicative of users' relational work strategies. This book presents seventeen papers on face work in Social Media – theoretical reflections as well as corpus-based studies – thus opening the way to rethink linguistic pragmatics in computer-mediated communication.


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Band 2:

Face Work and Social Media (Kristina Bedijs, Grudrun Held, Christiane Maaß (Eds.))


Im Folgenden finden Sie die einzelnen Artikel des zweiten Bands zum Download:


Introduction: Face Work and Social Media (Kristina Bedijs, Grudrun Held, Christiane Maaß)

Part I:

Theoretical Considerations on Face and Identity in Social Media

<link media/fb3/uebersetzungswissenschaft/Hildesheimer_Beitr%C3%A4ge_zur_Medienforschung/Band_2/1_Figura...or_Face_Reflections_on_Two_Sociopragmatic_Key_Concepts_in_the_Light_of_a_Recent_Media_Conflict_Between_Italians_and_Germans_and_Its_Negotiation_in_Italian_Internet_Forums_Held.pdf - download "Initiates file download">Figura... or Face? Reflections on Two Sociopragmatic Key Concepts in the Light of a Recent Media Conflict Between Italians and Germans and Its Negotiation in Italian Internet Forums</link> (Gudrun Held)

Politeness and Face Work in German Forum Communication (Claus Ehrhardt)

<link media/fb3/uebersetzungswissenschaft/Hildesheimer_Beitr%C3%A4ge_zur_Medienforschung/Band_2/3_Reflections_of_the_Psychological_Terms_Self_and_Identity_in_Relation_to_the_Concept_of_Face_for_the_Analysis_of_Online_Forum_Communication_Fr%C3%B6hlich.pdf - download "Initiates file download">Reflections on the Psychological Terms Self and Identity in Relation to the Concept of Face for the Analysis of Online Forum Communication</link> (Uta Fröhlich)


Part II:

Constructions of Group Identity in Social Media

<link media/fb3/uebersetzungswissenschaft/Hildesheimer_Beitr%C3%A4ge_zur_Medienforschung/Band_2/4_Shared_Face_and_Face-Enhancing_Behaviour_in_Social_Media_Commenting_on_the_Spanish_Goalkeeper_s_Tears_on_YouTube_Bedijs.pdf - download "Initiates file download">Shared Face and Face-Enhancing Behaviour in Social Media: Commenting on the Spanish Goalkeeper's Tears on YouTube</link> (Kristina Bedijs)

Relational Work and the Display of Multilingualism in Two Facebook Groups (Miriam A. Locher/Brook Bolander)

Speak Your Mind, but Watch Your Mouth: Complaints in CouchSurfing References (Daria Dayter/Sofia Rüdiger)

"You sound very talented" – Negotiating Face in Online Message Boards (Jenny Arendholz)


Part III:

Face Threatening and Face Flattering in Online Communication

<link media/fb3/uebersetzungswissenschaft/Hildesheimer_Beitr%C3%A4ge_zur_Medienforschung/Band_2/8_On_the_Markedness_of_Communication_on_Online_Message_Boards_as_Part_of_a_Perception-Oriented_Politeness_Approach_Maa%C3%9F.pdf - download "Initiates file download">On the Markedness of Communication on Online Message Boards as Part of a Perception-Oriented Politeness Approach</link> (Christiane Maaß)

Negative Evaluation and Face Work in French and Italian Online Comments (Verena Thaler)

Face Work and Flaming in Social Media (Uta Helfrich)

<link media/fb3/uebersetzungswissenschaft/Hildesheimer_Beitr%C3%A4ge_zur_Medienforschung/Band_2/11_The_Collaborative_Construction_of_an_Outsider_as_a_Troll_in_the_Blogosphere_of_Latin_American_Immigrants_to_Quebec__Canada_Kluge.pdf - download "Initiates file download">The Collaborative Construction of an Outsider as a Troll in the Blogosphere of Latin American Immigrants to Quebec, Canada</link> (Bettina Kluge)

Linguistic Strategies for the Realisation of Face Work in Italian Tweets (Nadine Rentel)


Part IV:

Face in Experts and Laypeople Communication in Social Media

Subject Emergence, Self-Presentation, and Epistemic Struggle in French Language Forums (Martina Schrader-Kniffki)

Impoliteness in the Negotiation of Expert Status: Folk Linguistic Debates in a French Online Forum (Melanie Kunkel)

<link media/fb3/uebersetzungswissenschaft/Hildesheimer_Beitr%C3%A4ge_zur_Medienforschung/Band_2/15_A_Matter_of_Politeness_On_the_Role_of_Face-Threatening_Acts_in_Online_Tutoring_Linnemann__Brummernhenrich__Jucks.pdf - download "Initiates file download">A Matter of Politeness? On the Role of Face-Threatening Acts in Online Tutoring</link> (Gesa Linnemann/Benjamin Brummernhenrich/ Regina Jucks)

<link media/fb3/uebersetzungswissenschaft/Hildesheimer_Beitr%C3%A4ge_zur_Medienforschung/Band_2/16_Hofnarr_and_B%C3%BCrgerschreck_vs._kamir-batir_and_barakobamas_Face_Work_Strategies_and_Stylising_in_Russian_and_German_Inline_Discussion_Forums_Kre%C3%9F.pdf - download "Initiates file download">"Hofnarr" and "Bürgerschreck" vs. "kamir-batir" and "barakobamas": Face Work Strategies and Stylising in Russian and German Online Discussion Forums</link> (Beatrix Kreß)