Dr. rer. nat. Pamela Baess


Fields of work:

  • Institut für Psychologie [Wiss. Angestellte]
  • Kommission zur Vergabe leistungsbezogener Mittel im FB 1 [Mitglied - Vorsitz]
  • Auswahlkommission Lore-Auerbach-Stipendien / Deutschlandstipendien Fachbereich 1 [Vertreterin Gruppe Wiss. Mitarb. (WM)]


Biographical Sketch

since 06/2014Research staff and Lecturer, Department of General Psychology, University of Hildesheim
01/2013 - 05/2014Work group leader (executive functions) and researcher, Transfer centre of Neuroscience, University of Ulm
08/2010 - 12/2012Postdoctoral researcher, Brain Research Unit, Low Temperature Laboratory, Aalto University School of Science, Espoo, Finland
02/2009 - 07/2010Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Psychology, Max-Planck-Institute of Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany

PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) University of Leipzig, Germany

Topic: Processing of self-initiated sounds: Evidence from EEG studies

02/2006 - 01/2009PhD student in the graduate programme "functions of attention in cognition", Department of Biological including Cognitive Psychology, University of Leipzig, Germany
10/2000 - 01/2006Studies of Psychology, University of Leipzig, Germany



WS 2021/22

Begleitseminar zur Vorlesung „Allgemeine Psychologie 1“ (5 Parallelgruppen)

Empirisch-experimentelles Praktikum 1

SoSe 2021

Vertiefungsseminar „Action science“ (3 Parallelgruppen) (Bachelor Psychologie)

"Empirisch-experimentelles Praktikum Teil 2" (2 Gruppen)

Vorlesung „Allgemeine Psychologie für Nebenfächler"

WS 2020/21

"Empirisch-experimentelles Prakikum Teil 1" (Bachelor Psychologie)

Begleitseminar zur VL Allgemeine Psychologie 1 (3 Parallelgruppen) (Bachelor Psychologie)

Grundlagenvertiefung „Open Minds“ (Master Psychologie)

Vertiefungsseminar Allgemeine Psychologie I „Cultural Psychology“ (Bachelor Psychologie)

SoSe 2020

Vertiefungsseminar „Allgemeine Psychologie 1“ – 2 Parallelkurse (Bachelor Psychologie)

„Wissenschaftliche Praxis 1“ (Bachelor Psychologie)

Grundlagenvertiefung „social cognition: Making up the mind“ (Master Psychologie)

WS 2019/20

Seminar "Vertiefungsseminar Emotion & Motivation" (Bachelor Psychologie)

Seminar "Wissenschaftliche Praxis 1" (Bachelor Psychologie)

Vorlesung "Allgemeine Psychologie für Nebenfächler"

SS 2019

Seminar "Sensory attenuation in the human EEG" (Master Psychologie)

Seminar "Vertiefung Allgemeine Psychologie 1" (Bachelor Psychologie)

Seminar "Wissenschaftliche Praxis 2" (Bachelor Psychologie)

WS 2018/19

Seminar "Projektband Psychologie: social cognition Teil 3" (Lehramt)

Seminar "Implicit attitude measures: From concepts to current problems" (Master Psychologie)

Seminar "Wissenschaftliche Praxis 1" (Bachelor Psychologie)

SS 2018

Seminar "Wissenschaftliche Praxis 2" (Bachelor Psychologie)

Seminar "Projektband Psychologie: social cognition Teil 2" (Lehramt)

Seminar "From the self and sense of agency to joint action: a literature seminar" (Master Psychologie)

WS 2017/18

Seminar "Wissenschaftliche Praxis 1" (Bachelor Psychologie)

Seminar "Implicit and explicit measures for research with focus on migration" (Master Psychologie)

Seminar "Projektband Psychologie: social cognition Teil 1" (Lehramt)

SS 2017

Seminar "Wissenschaftliche Praxis 2" (Bachelor Psychologie)

Seminar "Paradigmen der „Allgemeinen Psychologie 1 in der Anwendung in der Sportpsychologie" (Bachelor Psychologie)

Seminar "Self, self-agency, & joint action" (Master Psychologie)

WS 2016/17

Seminar "Wissenschaftliche Praxis 1" (Bachelor Psychologie)

Seminar "Evaluationsprojekt" (Master Psychologie)

Seminar "Emotion & Motivation" (Bachelor Psychologie)

SS 2016

Seminar "Wissenschaftliche Praxis 2" (Bachelor Psychologie)

Seminar "Allgemeine Psychologie 1: Paradigmen der visuellen Aufmerksamkeit" (Bachelor Psychologie)

WS 2015/16

Seminar "Wissenschaftliche Praxis 1" (Bachelor, Psychologie)

Seminar "Handeln und Handeln lassen" (Master, Psychologie)

Seminar "Methoden der Psychologie" (Nebenfach Psychologie)

SS 2015

Seminar "Methoden der Datenerhebungsverfahren" (Bachelor Psychologie, 2 Parallelkurse)

Seminar "Emotion & Motivation: Entwicklung von Emotionen" (Bachelor Psychologie)

WS 2014/15

Seminar "Methoden und Experimentalprogramme der Psychologie" (Nebenfach)

Seminar "Der Handlung auf der Spur" (Master Psychologie)



Research Interests




Articles in peer-reviewed journals

[16]     Schäfer, S., Baess, P., & Frings, C. (in press) Relevant to me - The integration of other people into the self-concept happens and depends on their current relevance. Discover Psychology

[15]     Cracco, E., Genschow, O. & Baess, P. (2022). Top-down social modulation of perception-action coupling. Editorial for special issue, Acta Psychologia, 222, 103481, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0001691821002316

[14]     Jacobsen, T., Baess, P., Roye, A., Winkler, I. & Schröger, E. (2021). Word class and word frequency in the MMN looking glass. Brain and Language, 218, 104964.

[13]     Klaffehn, A., Baess, P., Kunde, W. & Pfister, R. (2019). Sensory attenuation prevails when controlling for temporal predictability of self- and externally generated tones. Neuropsychologia, 132(107145), 1-9

[12]     Baess, P., Weber, T., & Bermeitinger, C. (2018). Sharing different reference frames: How stimulus setup and task setup shape egocentric and allocentric Simon Effects. Frontiers in Psychology.

[11]     Baess, P., & Prinz, W. (2017). Face/agent interference in individual and social context. Social Cognition, 35(2), 146-162.

[10]     Zhdanov, A., Nurminen, J., Baess, P., Hirvenkari, L., Jousmäki, V., Mäkelä, J. P., Mandel, A., Hari, R., Parkkonen, L. (2015). An internet-based real-time audiovisual link for dual MEG recordings. PLoS One, 10(6), e0128485.

[9]       Baess, P., & Prinz, W. (2015). My partner is also in my mind: Social context-driven modulation of the visual N1 response. Experimental Brain Research, 233(1), 105-113.

[8]       Baess, P., Zhdanov, A., Mandel, A., Hirvenkari, L., Parkkonen, L., Jousmäki, V., Mäkelä, J.P., & Hari, R. (2012). MEG dual scanning: Technical procedure to study real-time social interaction. Fronties in Human Neuroscience, 6, 83.

[7]       Horvath, J. Maess, B., Baess, P., Tóth, A. (2012). Action-sound coincidences suppress evoked responses of the human auditory cortex in EEG and MEG. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24(9), 1919-1931.

[6]       Grimm, F., Schröger, E., Baess, P., & Kotz, S. A. (2012). The cerebellum generates auditory predictions: ERP lesion data. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24(3), 689-706.

[5]       Wenke, D., Atmaca, S., Holländer, A., Baess, P., Liebelt, R., & Prinz, W. (2011). What is shared in joint action? Co-representation, response conflict, and agent identification. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 2(2), 147-172.

[4]       Baess, P. Horváth, J., Jacobsen, T., & Schröger, E. (2011). Selective suppression of self-triggered sounds: An EEG study. Psychophysiology, 48, 1276-83.

[3]       Baess, P., Widmann, A., Roye, A., Schröger, E., & Jacobsen, T. (2009). Attenuated human auditory middle latency responses and evoked 40 Hz response to self-generated  sounds. Europ J Neurosci, 29, 1514-1521.

[2]       Baess, P., Jacobsen, T., & Schröger, E. (2008). Suppression of the auditory N1 event-related potential component with unpredictable self-initiated tones: Evidence for internal forward models with dynamic stimulation. Int J Psychophys, 70, 137-143.

[1]       Grimm, S., Schröger, E., Bendixen, A., Baess, P., Roye, A. & Deouell, L.Y. (2008). Optimizing the auditory distraction paradigm: Behavioral and event-related potential effects in a lateralized multi-deviant approach. Clinical Neurophysiology, 119, 934-947.  


Monographs & book chapters

Baess, P. & Fenkse, P. (Hrsg.) (2020). Paradigmen der Kognitiven Psychologie: Sportpsychologie – Anwendung in der Sportpsychologie. Hildesheim: Universitätsverlag Hildesheim.

Baess, P. (2019). Kurzstichwörter zu den Begriffen “Sense of Agency”, “joint Simon Effekt” und “sensory attenuation”. J. Funke & M. Wirtz (Hrsg.). Dorsch – Lexikon der Psychologie. Bern: Hogrefe.

Bermeitinger, C. & Baess, P. (2018). Gedächtnis und Wissensabruf. In J. Strohmer (Hrsg.). Herausgeberwerk zur Darstellung zentraler psychologischer Inhaltsbereiche für Fachkräfte in Kita, Krippe und Hort.Bern: Hogrefe. 

Baess, P. & Brandes, C. (2015). Gedächtnisabruf. IN: C. Bermeitinger (Ed.). Paradigmen der Kognitiven Psychologie: Stimmung II. Berlin: Uni-Edition.

Baess, P. (2010). Processing of self-initiated sounds: Evidence from EEG. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsbuchverlag.