Luisa Bogenschütz

Sprechstunde/ Office Hours

By appointment. Nach Absprache.


  • Modellierung perzeptueller Entscheidungsprozesse; Olfaktorik und assoziatives Gedächtnis


seit 2021

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Doktorandin in der AG Allgemeine Psychologie Stiftung Universität Hildesheim


Studiengang Psychologie (M.Sc.) Georg-August Universität Göttingen


Studiengang Psychologie mit Schwerpunkt pädagogische Psychologie (B.Sc.) Stiftung Universität Hildesheim


Studiengang Sozialwissenschaften (B.A.) Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover


  • WS 2021/22 Begleitseminar Allgemeine Psychologie II
  • SS 2022 EmPra (Mathematische Modelle perzeptueller Entscheidungsfindung)
  • WS 2022/23 Begleitseminar Allgemeine Psychologie II
  • SS 2023 EmPra (Emotionaler Einfluss von Gerüchen)


  • Bogenschütz, L., Bermeitinger, C., Brörken, A., Schlüter, H., Hackländer, R. (2022). Odor associated memories are not necessarily highly emotional. Acta Psychologica, 230.

Vorträge und Poster

  • Bogenschütz, L., Bermeitinger, C., Hackländer, R. (2024). Unpacking the Impact of Retrieval Context: Investigating the Emotionality of Odor-Evoked Autobiographical Memory with the Single-Cue Delayed Rating Method. Talk helg at TeaP 2024, Regensburg.
  • Bogenschütz, L., Hackländer, R., Bermeitinger, C. (2023). Are Odor Evoked Auobiographical Memories Actually More Emotional? - Investigating the Misattribution Hypothesis. Talk held at HExKoP 2023. Hildesheim, Germany.
  • Bogenschütz, L., Hackländer, R., Bermeitinger, C. (2023). An investigation of odor associated autobiographical memory. Talk held at TeaP 2023. Trier, Germany.
  • Bogenschütz, L., Hackländer, R., Bermeitinger, C. (2022). IEPOCHAM Model on Associative Memory and Odors: How and When Do Odors Bind to Events? Talk held at Doktoranden-Kolloquium. Hildesheim, Germany.
  • Bogenschütz, L., Albrecht, T. (2022). Same, but different? Comparison of Signal-Detection Theory and Decision Diffusion Model. Talk held at HexKoP 2022. Greifswald, Germany.
  • Bogenschütz, L., Hackländer, R., Bermeitinger, C. (2022). Attention to Odors in a Context Dependent Memory Paradigm. Talk held at 52. DGPS Congress. Hildesheim, Germany.
  • Bogenschütz, L., Hackländer, R., Bermeitinger, C. (2022). IEPOCHAM Model on Associative Memory and Odors: How and When Do Odors Bind to Events? Talk held at 11th ADok. Bremen, Germany.
  • Bogenschütz, L., Hackländer, R., Bermeitinger, C. (2022). Odor associated autobiographical memories do not differ from memories associated with other modalities. Poster presented at TeaP 2022. Cologne, Germany (online).
  • Bogenschütz, L., Albrecht, T. (2021). Parameters of Decision Making. A Comparison of Signal-Detection Theory and Decision Diffusion Model. Poster presented at HexKoP 2021. Würzburg, Germany.

Bachelor- / Mastertheses Supervision

  • Decision Diffusion Model
  • Signal-Detection Theory
  • Models of Perceptual Decision Making
  • Olfaction and Autobiographical Memory
  • Olfaction and Context Dependent Memory
  • Olfaction and Paired-Associate Memory