Andreas Mojzisch

Professor Dr. phil. Andreas Mojzisch

Foto Andreas Mojzisch


Telephone: +49 5121 883-10914
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Room: W4-104 - Gebäude W (Tilsiter Straße) - Hauptcampus
Consultation time: Die Sprechstunde findet in den Semesterferien nur nach persönlicher Vereinbarung statt.
Homepage: Homepage

Fields of work:

  • Institut für Psychologie [Professor_innen]
  • Ethikkommission [Vertreter Gruppe Professor_innen (P) - FB 1]
  • Forschungskommission (4:1:1:1) [Vertreter Gruppe Professor_innen (P) - FB 1]
  • Ethikkommission Fachbereich 1 [Vertreter Gruppe Professor_innen (P)]
  • Fachbereichsrat Fachbereich 1 (7:2:2:2) [Vertreter Gruppe Professor_innen (P)]



  • Soziale Konformität und soziale Normen
  • Gruppenentscheidungen und Gruppenurteile
  • Stress und soziale Entscheidungsprozesse
  • Occupational Health Psychology
  • Organisationsklima
  • Precarious Manhood

Publikationen in Fachzeitschriften

Abdel Hadi, S., Mojzisch, A., Janurek, J., & Häusser, J. A. (in press). A challenge-hindrance perspective on the relationship between job demands, self-regulatory capacity, and employee physical activity. Work & Stress.

Till, F. J., Heimrich, J., Frenzel, S. B., van Dick, R., Mojzisch, A., Junker, N. M., & Häusser, J. A. (2025). Social identification in times of crisis: How need to belong, perspective taking, and cognitive closure relate to changes in social identification. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 55(1), 38-51. 

Duderstadt, V. Mojzisch, A., & Germar, M. (2024). Social influence and social identity: A diffusion model analysis. British Journal of Social Psychology, 63, 1137–1155.

Germar, M., & Mojzisch, A. (2024). Broadening the Scope and Dropping Dead Weight: Toward a Better Understanding of the Full Life Cycle of Norms. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 19(1), 57-59.

Janurek, J., Junker, N., Abdel Hadi, S., Mojzisch, A., & Häusser, J. (2024). Work-related rumination as a mediator between hindrance demands and sleep quality. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 97(3), 783-790.

Junker, N. M., Häusser, J. A., Mojzisch, A., Theisges, L., & van Dick, R. (2024). Unholy alliances: When achievement norms and group identification negatively affect objective task performance and well-being. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 27(6), 1437–1451.

Kunde, W., Molin, J. D., Engel, J., Koch, S., Kollei, T., Ditzen, B., Ehring, T., Heinrichs, N., Kiesel, A., Kirsch, P., Krahé, B., Meiser, T., Mojzisch, A., Neyer, F. J., Pauen, S., Scheiter, K., Thiel, C. M., & Wolf, O. T. (2024). Bericht des Fachkollegiums Psychologie in der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). Psychologische Rundschau, 75(2), 171–176.

Roswag, M., Häusser, J. A., Abdel Hadi, S., Hubert, P., & Mojzisch, A. (2024). Political affiliation as a moderator of the relationship between organizational climate and COVID-19 vaccine readiness. Social Science & Medicine, 342, 116557.

Fellbaum, L., Mojzisch, A., Bielefeld, L., Benit, N., & Soellner, R. (2023). The effectiveness of workplace interventions for the prevention of alcohol use: A meta-analysis. Addiction, 118(11), 2043-2061.

Germar, M., Albrecht, T., & Mojzisch, A. (2023). Social norm learning alters feature-based visual attention: Evidence from steady-state visual evoked potentials. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 49(11), 1460–1466.

Germar, M., Duderstadt, V. H., & Mojzisch, A. (2023). Social norms shape visual appearance: Taking a closer look at the link between social norm learning and perceptual decision-making. Cognition, 241, 105611.

Häusser, J., Abdel Hadi, S., Reichelt, C., & Mojzisch, A. (2023). The reciprocal relationship between social identification and social support over time: A four-wave longitudinal study. British Journal of Social Psychology, 62(1), 456-466.

Henk, K., Rosing, F., Wolff, F., Frenzel, S. B. van Dick, R., Erkens, V. A., Häusser, J. A., Mojzisch, A., & Boer, D. (2023). An examination and extension of the Peltzman effect during the COVID-19 pandemic. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, 4, 100091.

Roswag, M., Abdel Hadi, S., Häusser, J. A., & Mojzisch, A. (2023). Running toward my challenges: Day-level effects of physical activity before work on appraisal of the upcoming workday and employee well-being. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 28(5), 310–324.

Roswag, M., Häusser, J. A., Abdel Hadi, S., Hubert, P., & Mojzisch, A. (2023). Organizations affect their employees’ vaccine readiness: A self-perception theory perspective. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 15(4), 1603-1618.

van Dick R., Frenzel, S. B., Erkens, V. A., Häusser, J. A. Haslam, S. A.,  Mojzisch, A., Steffens, N. K. & Junker, N. M. (2023). Reduced loneliness mediates the effects of multiple group identifications on well-being. British Journal of Social Psychology, 62(4), 1693-1714.

Abdel Hadi, S., Mojzisch, A., Krumm, S., & Häusser, J. A. (2022). Day-level relationships between work, physical activity, and well-being: Testing the physical activity-mediated Demand-Control (pamDC) model. Work & Stress, 36. 355-376.

Duderstadt, V. H., Mojzisch, A., & Germar, M. (2022). Social norm learning from non-human agents can induce a persistent perceptual bias: A diffusion model approach. Acta Psychologica, 229, 103691.

Frenzel, S.B., Haslam, S.A., Junker, N.M., Bolatov, A., Erkens, V.A., ..., Mojzisch, A., ...., & van Dick, R. (2022). How national leaders keep ‘us’ safe: A longitudinal four-nation study exploring the role of identity leadership as a predictor of adherence to COVID-19 non-pharmaceutical interventions. BMJ Open; 12:e054980.

Frenzel, S., Junker, N., Avanzi, L., Bolatov, A, Haslam S. A., …, Mojzisch, A., …& Dick, R. (2022). A trouble shared is a trouble halved: The role of family identification and identification with humankind in well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. British Journal of Social Psychology, 61(1), 55-82.

Frenzel, S., Junker, N., Avanzi, L., Erkens, V. A., Haslam S. A., …, Mojzisch, A., …& Dick, R. (2022). Perceptions of the targets and sources of COVID-19 threat are structured by group memberships and responses are influenced by identification with humankind. Psychologica Belgica, 62, 75–88.

Huber, C. Germar, M., & Mojzisch. A. (2022). Authenticity occurs more often than inauthenticity in everyday life: Evidence from retrospective reports. Social Psychology, 53, 63–72.

Hubert, P., Abdel Hadi, S., Mojzisch, A., & Häusser, J.A. (2022). The effects of organizational climate on adherence to guidelines for COVID-19 prevention. Social Science & Medicine. 292,114622.

Mojzisch, A., Elster, C., & Germar, M. (2022). People perceive themselves to adhere more strictly to COVID-19 guidelines than others. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 27, 325-332.

Abdel Hadi, S., Mojzisch, A., Parker, S. L., & Häusser, J. A. (2021). Experimental evidence for the effects of job demands and job control on physical activity after work. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 27, 125–141.

Germar, M. & Mojzisch, A. (2021). Basal testosterone renders individuals more receptive to minority positions. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12, 955-964.

Junker, N. M., Kaluza, A. J., Häusser, J. A., Mojzisch, A., van Dick, R., Knoll, M., & Demerouti, E. (2021). Is work engagement exhausting? The longitudinal relationship between work engagement and exhaustion using latent growth modeling. Applied Psychology: An International Review. 70, 788-815.

Mojzisch, A., Frisch, J. U., Doehne, M., Reder, M., & Häusser, J. A. (2021). Interactive effects of network centrality and social identification on stress. British Journal of Psychology, 112, 144-162,

Schönbrodt, F. D., Hagemeyer, B., Brandstätter, V., Czikmantori, T., Gröpel, P., ..., Mojzisch, A., ..., & Schultheiss, O. C. (2021). Measuring implicit motives with the Picture Story Exercise (PSE): Databases of expert-coded German stories, pictures, and updated picture norms. Journal of Personality Assessment, 103, 392-405.

Kappes, C., Häusser, J. A., Mojzisch, A., & Hüffmeier, J. (2020). Age differences in negotiations: Older adults achieve poorer joint outcomes in integrative negotiations. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 149, 2102–2118.

Mojzisch, A., Häusser, J. A., & Leder J. (2020). The effects of option generation on post-decisional regret in everyday life decision-making: A field experiment. Journal of Economic

Germar, M., & Mojzisch, A. (2019). Learning of social norms can lead to a persistent perceptual bias: A diffusion model approach. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.

Häusser, J. A., Stahlecker, C., Mojzisch, A., Leder, J., van Lange, P. A. M., & Faber, N. S. (2019). Acute hunger does not always undermine prosociality. Nature Communications.

Junker, N. M., van Dick, R., Avanzi, L., Häusser, J. A., & Mojzisch, A. (2019). Exploring the mechanisms underlying the social identity – ill-health link: Longitudinal and experimental evidence. British Journal of Social Psychology, 58, 991-1007.

Large, I., Pellicano, E., Mojzisch, A., & Krug, K. (2019). Developmental trajectory of social influence integration into perceptual decisions in children. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116, 2713-2722.

Schleu, E., Mojzisch, A., & Hüffmeier, J. (2019). Run for the team: An analysis of effort gains in track and field relays. Psychology of Sport and Exercise.

Schultze, T., Mojzisch, A., & Schulz-Hardt, S. (2019). Why dyads heed advice less than individuals do. Judgment and Decision Making, 14, 349-363.

Germar, M., Sultan, A., Kaminski, J., & Mojzisch, A. (2018). Dogs (Canis familiaris) stick to what they have learned rather than conform to their conspecifics’ behavior. PLoS ONE 13(3): e0194808.

Janurek, J., Abdel Hadi, S., Mojzisch, A., & Häusser, J.A. (2018). The association of the 24-hour distribution of time spent in physical activity, work, and sleep with emotional ex-haustion. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(9), 1927;

Leder, J., Häusser, J. A., Krumm, S., Germar, M., Schlemmer, A., Kaiser, S., Kalis, A., & Mojzisch, A. (2018). The cognitive underpinnings of option generation in everyday life decision-making: A latent variable analysis. Cognitive Science, 42, 2562-2591.

Häusser, J. A., & Mojzisch, A. (2017). The physical activity-mediated Demand-Control (pamDC) model: Linking work characteristics, leisure time physical activity, and well-being. Work & Stress, 31, 209-232.

Hofheinz, C., Germar, M., Schultze, T., Michalak, J., & Mojzisch, A. (2017). Are depressed people more or less susceptible to informational social influence? Cognitive Therapy & Research, 41,  699–711.

Hüffmeier, J., Filusch, M., Mazei, J., Hertel. G., Mojzisch, A., & Krumm, S. (2017). On the boundary conditions of effort losses and effort gains in action teams. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102, 1673-1685.

Schultze, T., Mojzisch, A., & Schulz-Hardt, S. (2017). On the inability to ignore useless advice: A case for anchoring in the Judge-Advisor-System. Experimental Psychology, 64, 170-183.

van Dick, R., Ketturat, C., Häusser, J., & Mojzisch, A. (2017). Two sides of the same coin and two routes for improvement: Integrating resilience and the social identity approach to well-being and ill-health. Health Psychology Open, 4, 1-6.

Germar, M., Albrecht, T., Voss, A., & Mojzisch, A. (2016). Social conformity is due to biased stimulus processing: Electrophysiological and diffusion analyses. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 11, 1449-1459.

Leder, J., Schilbach, L., & Mojzisch, A. (2016). Strategic decision-making and social skills: Integrating behavioral economics and social cognition research. International Journal of Financial Studies, 4, 22; doi:10.3390/ijfs4040022.

Ketturat, C., Frisch, J., Ullrich, J., Häusser, J., van Dick, R., & Mojzisch, A. (2016). Disaggregating within- and between-person effects of social identification on subjective and endocrinological stress reactions in a real-life stress situation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 42, 147–160.

Mojzisch, A., Schultze, T., Hüffmeier, J., & Schulz-Hardt, S. (2016). Differentiation of selves: Differentiating a fuzzy concept. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, doi:10.1017/S0140525X15001478, e159

Schulz-Hardt. S., Giersiepen, A., & Mojzisch, A. (2016). Preference-consistent information repetitions during discussion: Do they affect subsequent judgments and decisions? Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 64, 41–49.

Schweizer, T. S., Schmalenberger,  K. , Eisenlohr-Moul, T., Mojzisch, A., Kaiser, S., & Funke, J. (2016). Cognitive and affective aspects of creative option generation in everyday life situations. Frontiers in Psychology, 7:1132, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01132

Frisch, J.U., Häusser, J., & Mojzisch, A. (2015). The Trier Social Stress Test as a paradigm to study how people respond to threat in social interactions. Frontiers in Psychology, 2;6:14.

Frisch, J.U., Häusser, J., van Dick, R., & Mojzisch, A. (2015). The social dimension of stress: Experimental manipulations of social support and social identity in the Trier Social Stress Test. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 105, doi: 10.3791/53101.

Hartmann, M., Kluge, A., Kalis, A., Mojzisch, A., Tobler, P., & Kaiser, S. (2015). Apathy in schizophrenia as a deficit in the generation of options for action. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 124, 309-18. 

Leder, J. Häusser, J., & Mojzisch, A. (2015). Exploring the underpinnings of impaired strategic decision-making under stress. Journal of Economic Psychology, 49, 133–140.

Benit, N., Mojzisch, A., & Soellner, R. (2014). Preselection methods prior to the internal Assessment Center for personnel selection in German companies. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 22, 253-260.

Frisch, J., Häusser, J., van Dick, R., & Mojzisch, A. (2014). Making support work: The interplay between social support and social identity. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 55, 154–161.

Germar, M., Schlemmer, A., Krug, K., Voss, A., & Mojzisch, A. (2014). Social influence and perceptual decision-making: A diffusion model analysis. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 40, 217-231.

Häusser, J., Schlemmer, J., Kaiser, S., Kalis, A., Mojzisch, A. (2014). The effects of caffeine on option generation and subsequent choice. Psychopharmacology, 231, 3719-3727.

Häusser, J., Schulz-Hardt, S., & Mojzisch, A. (2014). The active learning hypothesis of the Job-Demand-Control Model: An experimental examination. Ergonomics, 57, 23-33.

Häusser, J. Schulz-Hardt, S., Schultze, T., Tomaschek, A., & Mojzisch, A. (2014). Experimental evidence for the effects of task repetitiveness on mental strain and objective work performance. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 35, 705-721.

Mojzisch, A., Kerschreiter, R., Faulmüller, N., Vogelgesang, F., & Schulz-Hardt, S. (2014). The consistency principle in interpersonal communication: Consequences of preference confirmation and disconfirmation in collective decision making. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 106, 961-977.

Mojzisch, A., Krumm, S., & Schultze, T. (2014). Do high working memory groups perform better? A conceptual approach linking individual differences in working memory capacity to group performance. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 13, 134-145.

Kaiser, S., Simon, J., Kalis, A., Schweizer, T. S., Tobler, P. N., & Mojzisch, A. (2013). The cognitive and neural basis of option generation and subsequent choice. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience, 13, 814-829.

Kalis, A., Kaiser, S., & Mojzisch, A. (2013). Why we should talk about option generation in decision-making research. Frontiers in Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 4:555. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00555

Leder J., Häusser, J., & Mojzisch, A. (2013). Stress and strategic decision-making in the beauty contest game. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 38, 1503-1511.

Mojzisch, A. & Häusser, J. (2013). Fehlentscheidungen in politischen Gremien: Wie sie entstehen und wie sie sich verhindern lassen. The Inquisitive Mind, 3.

Schultze, T., Mojzisch, A., & Schulz-Hardt, S. (2013). Groups weight outside in-formation less than individuals because they should: Response to Minson and Mueller (2012). Psychological Science, 24, 1371-1372.

 Schilbach, L., Eickhoff, S. B., Schultze, T., Mojzisch, A., & Vogeley, K. (2013). To you I am listening: Perceived competence of advisors influences judgment and decision-making via recruitment of the amygdala. Social Neuroscience, 8, 189-202.

Faulmüller, N., Mojzisch, A., Kerschreiter, R., & Schulz-Hardt, S. (2012). Do you want to convince me or to be understood? Preference-consistent information sharing and its motivational determinants. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38, 1685 - 1697.

Häusser, J.A., Kattenstroth, M., van Dick, R. & Mojzisch, A. (2012). We are not stressed: Social identity in groups buffers neuroendocrine stress reactions. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48, 973-977.

Schultze, T., Mojzisch, A., & Schulz-Hardt, S. (2012). Why groups perform better than in-dividuals at quantitative judgment tasks: Group-to-Individual transfer as an alternative to differential weighting. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 118, 24-36.

Schulz-Hardt, S. & Mojzisch, A. (2012). How to achieve synergy in group decision-making: Lessons to be learned from the hidden profile paradigm. European Review of Social Psychology, 23, 305-343.

Häusser, J. A., Mojzisch, A., & Schulz-Hardt, S. (2011). Endocrinological and psychological responses to job stressors: An experimental test of the Job Demand-Control Model. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 36, 1021-1031.

Mojzisch, A., & Schulz-Hardt, S. (2011). Process gains in group decision-making: A conceptual analysis, preliminary data, and tools for practitioners. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 26, 235-246.

Rothmund, T., Mojzisch, A., & Schulz-Hardt, S. (2011). Effects of consensus information and task demonstrability on preference-consistent information evaluation and group decision quality. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 33, 382-390.

Faulmüller, N., Kerschreiter, K., Mojzisch, A., & Schulz-Hardt, S. (2010). Beyond group-level explanations for the failure of groups to solve hidden profiles: The individual preference effect revisited. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 13, 653-671.

Häusser, J. A., Mojzisch, A., Niesel, M., & Schulz-Hardt, S. (2010). Ten years on: A review of recent research on the job demand-control (-support) model and psychological well-being. Work & Stress, 24, 1-36.

Mojzisch, A., Grouneva, L., & Schulz-Hardt, S. (2010). Biased evaluation of information during discussion: Disentangling the effects of preference consistency, social validation, and ownership of information. European Journal of Social Psychology, 40, 946–956.

Mojzisch, A., & Schulz-Hardt, S. (2010). Knowing others' preferences degrades the quality of group decisions. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 98, 794-808.

Schulz-Hardt, S., Vogelgesang, F., Pfeiffer, F., Mojzisch, A., & Thurow-Kröning, B. (2010). When forewarning backfires: Paradoxical effects of elaborating social feedback on en­trapment in a losing course of action. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 23, 404–420.

Schrammel, F., Pannasch, S., Graupner, S., Mojzisch, A., & Velichkovsky, B. (2009). Virtual friend or threat? The effects of facial expression and gaze interaction on psychophysiological responses and emotional experience. Psychophysiology, 46, 922-931.

Kalis, A., Mojzisch, A., Schweizer, S., & Kaiser, S. (2008). Weakness of will, akrasia, and the neuropsychiatry of decision-making: An interdisciplinary perspective. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience, 8, 402-417.

Kerschreiter, R., Schulz-Hardt, S., Mojzisch, A., & Frey, D. (2008). Biased information search in homogeneous groups: Confidence in the group decision as a moderator for the effect of anticipated task requirements. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 34, 679-691.

Mojzisch, A. & Krug, K. (2008). Cells, circuits, and choices: Social influence on percep­tual deci­sion-making. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience, 8, 498-508.

Mojzisch, A., Schulz-Hardt, S., Kerschreiter, R., Brodbeck, F. C., & Frey, D. (2008). Social va­lidation in group decision making: Differential effects on the decisional impact of prefe­rence-consistent and preference-inconsistent information. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 44, 1477-1490

Mojzisch, A., Schulz-Hardt, S., Kerschreiter, R., & Frey, D. (2008). Combined effects of know­ledge about others’ opinions and anticipation of discussion on confirmatory informa­tion search. Small Group Research, 39, 203-223.

Schilbach, L., Eickhoff, S. B., Mojzisch, A., & Vogeley, K. (2008). What's in a smile? Neural correlates of facial embodiment during social interaction. Social Neuroscience, 3, 37-50.

Brodbeck, F. C., Kerschreiter, R., Mojzisch, A. & Schulz-Hardt, S. (2007). Improving group decision making under conditions of distributed knowledge: The information asymmetries model. Academy of Management Review, 32, 459-479.

Mojzisch, A. & Schulz-Hardt, S. (2007). Being fed up: A social cognitive neuroscience approach to mental satiation. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1118, 186-205.

Mojzisch, A. (2007). Rezension des Fragebogens zur Arbeit im Team (FAT). Zeitschrift für Ar­beits- und Organisationspsychologie, 51, 137-142.

Pfeiffer, F., Schönborn, S., Mojzisch, A., & Schulz-Hardt, S. (2007). Der Einfluss einer un­ein­deutigen Informationslage auf eskalierendes Commitment: Ein Test der "Deci­sion Di­lemma Theory". Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 51, 168-179.

Mojzisch, A., Schilbach, L., Helmert, J. R., Pannasch, S., Velichkovsky, B. M. & Vogeley, K. (2006). The effects of self-involvement on attention, arousal, and facial expres­sion dur­ing social interaction with virtual others: A psychophysiological study. Social Neuro­science, 1, 184-195.

Schulz-Hardt, S., Brodbeck, F. C., Mojzisch, A., Kerschreiter, R. & Frey, D. (2006). Group de­cision making in hidden profile situations: Dissent as a facilitator for decision quality. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 91, 1080-1093.

Brodbeck, F. C., Kerschreiter, R., Mojzisch, A., Frey, D. & Schulz-Hardt, S. (2002). The dis­semination of critical, unshared information in decision-making groups: The effects of prediscussion dissent. European Journal of Social Psychology, 32, 35-56.