Benito Schöpke
Telefon: +49 5121 883-40740E-Mail Kontaktformular
Raum: HC.G.1.04
Sprechzeit: nach Vereinbarung
- Institut für Biologie und Chemie [Wiss. Angestellter]
since 2023 Researcher & Lecturer at Uni Hildesheim
since 2019 Doctorate on vegetation ecology of grassland – crop field boundaries at
Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) with
apl. Prof. Monika Wulf & Prof. Karsten Wesche
2018 Master of Ecology, Evolution & Nature Conservation (Uni Potsdam)
Theses on island biogeography of kettle hole vegetation with
PD Thilo Heinken
2012 – 2021 teaching assistance & lecturer for advanced botanical classes,
Uni Potsdam
2011 Bachelor Biosciences (Uni Potsdam) Theses on urbanization effects on
ruderal plant species with Dr. Volker Kummer
2010 – 2018 research assistance and field botanist in various scientific projects at
University of Potsdam, Munich, Cottbus, Agroscope Zurich,
Biodiversity Exploratories
2009 – 2018 teaching assistance botanical basics, Uni Potsdam
research interests
I am interested in the biodiversity patterns in our agricultural landscapes, especially of plants. How the configurational components of the landscape – i.e. patches and the boundaries between them, their heterogeneity and connectivity – impacting and interacting with each other. How biodiversity is influenced by land use on various spatial and temporal scales.
teaching in Hildesheim (SS24)
- Vertiefte floristische Artenkenntnisse
- Botanisch - vegetationskundliches Seminar
- Vegetationsökologische Freilandübung
- Vorlesung Ökologie (partly)
- Freilandübung zur Vorlesung Ökologie
- International Association for Vegetation Science
- Eurasian Dry Grassland Group
- Gesellschaft für Ökologie
- Botanischer Verein Berlin Brandenburg
Schöpke, B., Wesche, K., Tschan, G.F., Wulf, M., 2024. Plant species richness increase across crop field–dry grassland edges masks diverging patterns in generalists and specialists. Landsc Ecol 39, 39.
Schöpke, B., Wesche, K., Wulf, M., 2023. Dry grasslands adjacent to organic fields have higher plant diversity − Even far into their interior. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 357, 108672.
Schöpke, B., Heinze, J., Pätzig, M., Heinken, T., 2019. Do dispersal traits of wetland plant species explain tolerance against isolation effects in naturally fragmented habitats? Plant Ecology 220, 801–815.