Enhancing Teaching Practice in Higher Education in RUSSIA and CHINA
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Workshops für Lehrende an der Universität Hildesheim (03.09.18-07.09.18)
- Learning in higher education: theoretical, individual, and cultural approaches
- International activities at Stiftung Universität Hildesheim
- English in academic settings
- Intercultural potential of E-learning methods
- Collaborative international online learning
- Dealing with diversity in higher education: Preparing (inter)national students
- Activating methods, moderation and conducting discussions
- Learning Centres for Tertiary Education Didactics at Hildesheim University
- Innovative methods in higher education teaching
- Consulting with students in higher education settings
Workshops an der Universität Hildesheim (03.09.18-07.09.18):
- Learning in higher education: theoretical, individual, and cultural approaches
- International activities at Stiftung Universität Hildesheim
- English in academic settings
- Intercultural potential of E-learning methods
- Collaborative international online learning
- Dealing with diversity in higher education: Preparing (inter)national students
- Activating methods, moderation and conducting discussions
- Learning Centres for Tertiary Education Didactics at Hildesheim University
- Innovative methods in higher education teaching
- Consulting with students in higher education settings
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The Capacity Building Project „Enhancing Teaching Practice in Higher Education in Russia and China” is the Erasmus + joint project which started in October 2017.
ENTEP has been initiated with the aim of improving the quality of education and teaching, enhancing teaching practices and further developing educational science in Russia and China. Partners experienced in higher education teacher training formed a consortium of EU, Russian and Chinese higher education institutions in order to benefit from their different experiences, profiles and specific expertise and to produce relevant and high quality outcomes. The Project is focused on building cooperation and exchange of good teaching practices among European, Russian and Chinese universities, which should result in the modernization of partner country institutions.
The project contributes to the higher education reform in Russia and China through establishing a system of sustainable professional development in higher education on the basis of the best EU teaching practices and equipped with contemporary innovative teaching methodologies and pedagogical approaches with the emphasis on quality and regulation.
Project Coordinator: Technische Universität Dresden (TUD)
Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU), United Kingdom
Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna (UNIBO), Italy
Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra (IPC), Portugal
Institute of World Civilizations(IWC), Russia
Institute of Pedagogy,Psychology and Social Problems (IPPSP), Russia
Ural State University of Economics (USUE), Russia
Penza State University (PSU), Russia
Sanya University (SU), China
Jiangxi Normal University (JXNU), China
Private Hualian University (HLU), China
Work Package 1 & 2
An Analytical Report Work Group analyze the current teaching practices in RU and CNHEIs, propose the improvement strategy and write a Report
- Preparing top management and teaching staff for core development activities through training workshops
Work Package 3
- Set up of the Centres for Teaching and Learning
Work Package 4, 5 & 6
Introduction of advanced pedagogical approaches and innovative methodologies at the established Centres
Development of modern, tailored, professional development program curricula and module syllabi for teacher training by Development Teams and supervision of the experts in accordance with the Didactical Manual recommendations and templates suggested by the Guide
- Modernisation of PhD and MA curricula by introducing modules on Teaching Methodology, Pedagogy and Psychology developed by PCI teachers under the supervision of experts
Work Package 7
Internal quality control and monitoring: Monitoring and ensuring that all project activities are carried out to an appropriately high quality standard, monitoring project results, work plan and LFM against results, evaluation and approval of the quality of training plan, materials and publications, final assessment of the quality of delivered services and trainings (analysing feedback questionnaires from users and trainees), producing 6-monthly progress reports and presenting them to the ENTEP Council
- External Quality Control
Work Package 8
Dissemination and exploitation of results: Ensuring the impact of the project and long-term strategies for the maintenance of outputs and continuation of the project efforts after its end
- Identification of short-term and long-term dissemination and sustainability strategies: conduct an assessment of the project and determine specific activities that can and should be continued, conduct the planning process for dissemination and sustainability, identify what resources are needed to sustain the project and make results visible as much as possible and work toward obtaining them
Work Package 9
- Project Management is targeted by Work Package 9 with the aim of ensuring effective and smooth project implementation and the necessary reporting to the EACEA. The leader is TUD as a grant-holder, who bears the financial and legal responsibility for the proper operational, administrative and financial implementation of the entire project. All partners play an active role in collective management, reporting and providing timely feedbacks.
Workshops for teachers at the Stiftung Universität Hildesheim (03.09.18-07.09.18):
- Learning in higher education: theoretical, individual, and cultural approaches
- International activities at Stiftung Universität Hildesheim
- English in academic settings
- Intercultural potential of E-learning methods
- Collaborative international online learning
- Dealing with diversity in higher education: Preparing (inter)national students
- Activating methods, moderation and conducting discussions
- Learning Centres for Tertiary Education Didactics at Hildesheim University
- Innovative methods in higher education teaching
- Consulting with students in higher education settings
Teilnahme an Konferenzen:
"EXPLORING CROSS-BOARDER COLLABORATIONS IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS: TEACHING AND LEARNING" at the Kazan Federal University, Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Problems (IPPSP) in Kazan (16.10.18-17.10.18) (Mehr Informationen)
Project meeting in Guangzhou, China (27.-29.05.2019) (Mehr Informationen)
B. Kreß / M. Lazovic: Transformation of knowledge building spaces & outcomes: Internationalisation, Innovation and Ideals of Higher Education, University of Sanya, China (20.11.2019)
K. Schweiger / O. Mennecke: Aligning Competences with Assessment: Forms and Methods of Examination, University of Sanya, China (21.11.2019)
Monitoring Visits:
- Writing learning outcomes: How to capture progression in and complexity of learning", am 8.10. und 11.10.2019 an der Universität Penza und Universität Kazan, Russland
- Writing learning outcomes: How to capture progression in and complexity of learning", am 8.10. und 10.10.2019 an der Universität Moskau und Universität Jekaterinburg, Russland
- (2019) Beatrix Kreß, Milica Lazovic, Kathrin Schweiger, Vasco da Silva: Linguistic Approaches to Diversity in Higher Education. In: "Exploring Cross-Boarder Collaborations in Higher Education Institutions: Teaching and Learning." International Research Conference Proceedings (Kazan, 16-17 October 2018). Kazan. S. 47-62.
Coordinator des Projekts: Herr Prof. Dr. Holger Kuße (E-Mail senden)
Project partner in Hildesheim: Frau Prof. Dr. Beatrix Kreß (E-Mail senden)
Administrator: Frau Svitlana Vyshnevska M. A. (E-Mail senden)
Project Manager: Frau Christina Spirow (E-Mail senden)
Mehr Informationen finden Sie auf der zentralen Webseite des Projekts.
Facebook-Seite des Projekts (Mehr Informationen)
Mitarbeitende am ENTEP-Projekt in Hildesheim:
Prof. Dr. Beatrix Kreß
Prof. Dr. Stephan Schlickau
Ehemalige Mitarbeitende:
Dr. Milica Lazovic