⮩ Pressemitteilung der Stiftung Universität Hildesheim

Our aim is to bring together researchers from different linguistic disciplines, such as Sociolinguistics, Bilingualism, Contact Linguistics, Language Acquisition, Psycho-linguistics, Pedagogy and other relevant fields. We kindly invite you to submit a paper based on an empirical study or a theoretical approach to this conference on Turkish in a European context.

Venue: University of Hildesheim, Bühler Campus
Date: 12 July 19; 10-18:00
Room: LN 304

Conference committee (in alphabetical order):





09:30 – 10:00



10:00 – 10:05


Elke G. Montanari

10:05 – 10:35

Aspects of the Language of Thinking in Multilingual Turkish

Jochen Rehbein

10:35 – 11:05

The post-verbal position in Turkish in two contact settings: Turkish-German bilinguals in Germany and Turkish-Kurdish bilinguals in Turkey

Christoph Schroeder, Kateryna Iefremenko

11:05 – 11:35

How much variation disqualifies the heritage speaker’s nativeness?

Guelsen Yilmaz

11:35 – 12:05

Turkish heritage speakers in Germany

Işıl Erduyan

12:05 – 12:35



12:35 – 13:05

Encounter with Prof. Dr. Irene Pieper, Vice President of the University of Hildesheim Foundation for International Affairs


13:05 – 13:35

The development of a Turkish-English code-switching frequency task

Jeanine Treffers-Daller, Zehra Ongun, Julia Hofweber and Michal Korenar

13:35 – 14:05

Dual language competencies of Turkish-German bilingually developing 3-5-year-olds

B. Ertanir, J. Kratzmann and S. Sachse

14:05 – 14:35

Enhancing Turkish Language Prestige in Germany: The Role of Turkish Language Education for Heritage Speakers

Yasemin Dayıoğlu-Yücel

14:35 – 15:05



15:05 – 15:35

Shifting towards Turkish In Germany? A discourse- analytical approach

Annette Herkenrath

15:35 – 16:05

Subject-verb agreement marking in Turkish heritage speakers

Serkan Uygun, Claudia Felser

16:05 – 16:35

Round table

Fatih Bayram, Michael Daller, Elke G. Montanari, Christoph Schroeder, Jeanine Treffers-Daller