Short Bio

Yoko Arisaka was born in Japan but moved to the United States when she was 18. She has received her Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of California, Riverside (1996). She was Associate Professor of Philosophy in the Philosophy Department and Graduate Faculty at the Center for the Pacific Rim (now Center for Asia Pacific Studies) at the University of San Francisco (1996-2007). During Fall 1997 she was a CNRS research associate at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris. Since 2005 she lives in Hannover, Germany. She has been a Fellow at the Forschungsinstitut für Philosopohie Hannover (2009-11) and is currently an adjunct faculty at the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Hildesheim, Germany. 

Fields of Research

  • Political philosophy
  • Philosophy of race and gender issues
  • Modern Japanese philosophy
  • Phenomenology
  • Philosophy of technology

Publications (selection)

Curriculum Vitae
