Kühn, Boris; Schammann, Hannes; Bendel, Petra (2024). Integration als Pflichtaufgabe: Holzweg oder Königsweg zu krisenfesten kommunalen Strukturen? Link.
Kühn, Boris; Ziegler, Franziska (2024). Weiter am Limit? Zur Lage der Kommunen bei der Aufnahme Geflüchteter. Befragung mit dem Mediendienst Integration. Link
Kasparick, Danielle; Schammann, Hannes; Heimann, Christiane; Müller, Sandra; Younso, Christin; Ziegler, Franziska (2024). Cities and transnational migration policymaking: assessing the factors that shape transnational engagement. MPRG Working Paper 01/2024 (open access).
Schlee, Thorsten; Schammann, Hannes; Münch, Sybille (2023): An den Grenzen? Ausländerbehörden zwischen Anspruch und Alltag. BertelsmannStiftung. Link.
Kühn, Boris (2023): Am Limit? Kommunale Unterbringung von Geflüchteten. Befragung mit dem Mediendienst Integration. Link.
Torfa, Masooma., Bosch, Christine, Birner, Regina, Schammann, Hannes (2022): Private companies' engagement in the labour market integration of refugees: An exploratory study of the city of Stuttgart, Germany. In: International Migration, Online first, 1– 18. [open acess]
Mehl, Peter, Johanna Fick, Birgit Glorius, Stefan Kordel und Hannes Schammann (Eds.) (2023): Geflüchtete in ländlichen Regionen Deutschlands (Studien zur Migrations- und Integrationspolitik). Springer VS. [open access]
Maas, Felix; Münch, Sybille; Schader, Miriam; Schammann, Hannes (Eds.) (2022): Special Issue: The Politics of Uncertainty: Producing, Reinforcing, and Mediating (Legal) Uncertainty in Local Refugee Reception, Journal of Refugee Studies, 34 (4). [Introduction: open access]
Schammann, Hannes & Danielle Gluns (2021): Migrationspolitik. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Kneuer, Marianne; Corsten, Michael; Schammann, Hannes; Kahle, Patrick; Wallaschek, Stefan; Ziegler, Franziska (2021) Claiming solidarity. A multilevel discursive reconstruction of solidarity. In: European Journal of Social Theory, online first, DOI: 10.1177/13684310211045794
Heimann, Christiane; Gluns, Danielle; Schammann, Hannes (2021) Characterising two German city networks: the interplay of internal structure, issue orientation and outreach strategies, Local Government Studies, online first, DOI: 10.1080/03003930.2021.1964476 (open access).
Schammann, Hannes, Danielle Gluns, Christiane Heimann, Sandra Müller,Tobias Wittchen, Christin Younso & Franziska Ziegler (2021): Defining and transforming local migration policies: a conceptual approach backed by evidence from Germany. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, online first, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2021.1902792 (open access).
Ziegler, Franziska & Schammann, Hannes (2021): Detecting Theoretical Concepts in Large Corpora. Solidarity in the plenary debates of the German Bundestag. MPRG Working Paper 02/2021 (open access).
Schammann, Hannes (2021). Zwischen common ground und Multiperspektivität: Überlegungen zu Stand und Perspektiven der Migrationsforschung. In: Zeitschrift für Migrationsforschung, 1(1), S. 125 - 148. DOI: 0.48439/zmf.v1i1.102 (open access).
Wallaschek, Stefan & Franziska Ziegler (2021). Making Sense of the ‘New Normal’: The COVID-19 Crisis in the Communication of the Prime Ministers of Ireland and New Zealand. In: Culture, Practice and Europeanization, 6(1), 112-134. ISSN 2566-7742. (open access).
Younso, Christin; Schammann, Hannes (2021): The Politics of Restricted Meritocracy: Refugees in Higher Education in Germany. In: Berg J., Grüttner M., Streitwieser B. (eds) Refugees in Higher Education. Higher Education Research and Science Studies. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp 193-204. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-33338-6_10.