2nd TeacherTranslanguagingCamp 2022

We are pleased that we were able to win the internationally renowned linguist and expert in the field of multilingualism and translanguaging, Prof. Dr. Li Wei from University College London, for the opening of the second TeacherTranslanguagingCamp. 

The opening lecture by Prof. Dr. Li Wei on the topic of 'Translanguaging, Language and Education' took place on Monday, 27.06.22 at 6 pm. It was aimed at (teacher training) students, lecturers of all subjects and all interested parties. 

In the workshops on Tuesday (28.06.22, 17.30 - 20.00), topics related to multilingualism and (extra-)school places of learning were dealt with by researchers from our partner universities and schools. 

At the multilingual museum tour on Wednesday (29.06.22, 18.00 - 20.00), Dr. Christian Bayer, curator for Egyptology and Mediterranean Antiquity, led a tour of the current exhibition at the Roemer-Pelizaeus Museum in Hildesheim on the topic of 'Multilingualism in Ancient Egypt'. The museum pedagogue Margrid Schiewek explored possibilities for experiential experiences for pupils. 

In addition, on Thursday evening (30.06.22, 18.00 - 20.00) there was an intercultural workshop on 'Diversity and Multilingualism in Museums' with Lina Chihabi, mediator and trainer for diversity management and intercultural training, for students. 

The camp was rounded off on Friday (01.07.22, 18.00 - 19.00) with an expert workshop on the current topic 'Support and experiences - newly immigrated children and young people in Lower Saxony schools and day-care centres'. 

Materials from the 2nd TeacherTranslanguagingCamp

Keynote speech entitled "'Translanguaging, Language and Education" by Prof. Dr. Li Wei.

Workshops on the topic of "Multilingual workshops around the topics of multilingualism and (extra)school places of learning

Workshop 1: "Promoting multilingual competences in primary school according to the Montessori concept", with Dr. Giulia Consalvo (FU Bozen/Montessori Primary School Brixen, Italy) in German 

  • Abstract
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Workshop 2: "Multilingualism in non-formal learning spaces in Mexico", with Dr. María Estela Estrada (UAEMex, Mexico) in English 

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Workshop 3: "Multilingualism on the banks of the Nile: a historical overview", with Amr Azouz (Ain Shams University, Egypt) in German

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Workshop 4: "Teaching in a multilingual school: Introduction to the theoretical background and practical applications", with Dr Miroslav Janík (Masaryk University, Czech Republic) in English 

  • Abstract
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Guided tour of the ancient Egyptian collection, with Dr. Christan Bayer and Margrid Schiewek from the Roemer-Pelizaeus-Museum, Hildesheim, Germany

Experts talk on the topic 'Support and Experiences - Newly Immigrated Children and Adolescents in (Lower Saxony) Schools and Kitas' with Maria Ringler (Association of Binational Famlies and Partnerships, iaf e.V.), Omar Fahmy (FuNah/SUH) and Nataliya Butych (Ukrainian Association in Lower Saxony e.V.)


Impressions of the 2nd TeacherTranslanguagingCamp