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- Howto: Quick guide into POS registration
Howto: Quick guide into POS registration
Quick guide: Online registration to academic achievements / exams
The following steps are required for the online registration of academic achievements / exams.
- Login into LSF, menu 'My functions', submenu 'POS management', then 'POS registration'
- Acknowledge that you have read the page with important information
- Choose the study / subject in a particular semester (the last four are shown), then the module, and afterwards a course in the tree structure
- Click on the link 'To the registration' or 'To the deregistration' to register for a course or deregister, i.e. cancel an existing registration, respectively.
- Confirm the registration / the deregistration.
- Repeat steps 3-5 until you have registered for all modules / courses, in which you will participate (exam, academic achievement) to get credits, that should be certified in the Transcript of Records.
- Verification: You can find an overview about all currently open POS registrations via menu 'My functions', submenu 'POS management', then 'My POS registrations'.
In case of problems please consult first the Frequently asked questions regarding POS registration (in German only currently).
zu 1.: The menu 'POS management' is not yet available for all studies (details)
zu 2.: This 'warning' is also important to avoid confusion among the course registration before the semester and the POS registration within the semester (details)...
zu 3.: The modules / courses of the current semester as well as past semesters will be shown. To ensure that the courses are correctly assigned to the corresponding modules, repetition exams etc. have to be placed into the semester where the original course has taken place (details).
zu 4.: Several instructors can exist for a single course and, hence, also several registration lists, e.g., if a course has several parallel groups. It may also be that the examiner is not specified in LSF - in this case you will find the remark 'cf. instructors at the corresp. course description'. Repetition exams will only be shown, when the first exam has already been taken or when the 'repetition exam' has a dedicated date (e.g., when an exam is offered at two days and you can participate in the second without having taken the first) (details).
zu 6.: Please register for all exams or other course achievements, where you plan to participate to get credits (as stated by the instructors). This way, you ensure that courses are listed under the corresponding modules in the Transcript of Records. Furthermore, this helps the instructors to certify you academic achievement and the credits in the Transcript of Records.