Das aktuelle Lehrangebot finden Sie hier:
- 0171 Sprachlernprojekt/ Zusatzqualifikation "Deutsch als Zweitsprache und Umgang mit Heterogenität"
- 1814 NOTATION as a transdisciplinary performance. The playful and the conceivable
- 1815 NOTATION as a transdisciplinary performance. The playful and the conceivable - practice
- 2101 Music History 1: From the beginnings of occidental art music to Viennese classical music
- 2102 Harmony I for major students KuWi Music
- 2103 Practical harmony I
- 2104 Starting Point Music
- 2106 harmonics for beginner
- 2107 "Mein Engel, mein Alles, mein Ich." Music and Love - Love in Music
- 2109 Introduction to Musicology
- 2111 harmonics for advanced learner, Jazzharmonics
- 2112 The history of piano music from 1700 to 1950. Repertory and analysis.
- 2113 60 years of Jazzfest Berlin: Festivals as focal points of musical and social life
- 2114 History of music education
- 2116 ENTFÄLLT - Digitale Musikinstrumente in der experimentellen Musik
- 2116 East Asian pop music in past and present
- 2117 Singing und moving to music
- 2118
- 2119 Musicking or orientation on the artwork? - Questions about the reality of music lessons
- 2125 Introduction to music education
- 2126 Dramatugy in musical and musictheatrical contexts
- 2127 History of popular music
- 2128 Music Journalism
- 2130 Music for children - opera, melodrama, radio play
- 2131 Contemporary music at school
- 2132 Project tape wrapup 9. Kohorte
- 2133 Introduction to the Sounds and Music of South Asia
- 2134 "How to read and write about music?"
- 2135 "(Dis)trusting music archives"
- 2140 Preparatory seminar practice phase music 10. Kohorte
- 2141 Class music making
- 2142 Dusty and boring? Classical music in the classroom
- 2143 Experiences with the voice, exercise 1
- 2146 Abrahamic religions in Popular Music
- 2148 Riding of texts to music
- 2150 Conducting
- 2151 University Choir
- 2152 soul-a-tronique!
- 2153 Rhythm and groove
- 2155 Method practice singing
- 2156 Musical Analysis. Methodology, possibilities and limitations
- 2158 Funk N Soul - Band "Funkin´Further
- 2160 Alexandertechnik
- 2161 Jazz and Pop choir
- 2162 Los Bandidos de la universidad
- 2163 Guitar 3rd subject / 5th & 6th semester
- 2164 General song accompaniment for guitarists
- 2165 Bandleitung Pop/Rock
- 2166 Guitar 3rd subject / 5th & 6th semester
- 2168 "Bühne frei" - Concert series with university students
- 2169 Kammerorchester - ImproEnsemble
- 2170 Gamelan Gender Wayang
- 2171 STH THAT RUNS – Electronic Sound and Beat Practices
- 2172 Intruduction to tonic-solfa
- 2173 Conducting of ensembles
- 2174 Song accompaniment (2semester), 1st part
- 2175 Tonstudio / Elektronisches Studio
- 2176 Country focus: Hungary
- 2177 One Song to the tune of another - Songwriting und Arrangement in der Populären Musik
- 2178 Song accompaniment piano (2semester): 1. and 2. part
- 2179 Chamber music
- 2180 Conducting of ensembles 1
- 2181 UNI Big Band
- 2182 Basic wind instrument training
- 2183 Universitätsblasorchester (UBLO)
- 2184 Jazzensemble "No Matter What"
- 2185 Starters Band for harmony based improvisation
- 2186 WiSe 2024/2025: Instrumental- und Gesangsprüfung KuWi Studiengänge
- 2187 WiSe 2024/2025: Instrumental- und Gesangsprüfungen Lehramt (2 Fächer BA)
- 2188 Beck sentence sample big band
- 2189 Beck Saxophonensemble
- 2190 Tutorium
- 2191 Tutorium Harmonielehre D. Cáceres
- 2192 Scientific work. Review of selected works.
- 2193 Colloquium Electronic Music Practice
- 2195 Colloquium with a focus on music
- 2196 Modulprüfung Praxisphase Musik 11. Kohorte