Financing of group travel to/from abroad

The aim of the sponsorship is to impart subject-related knowledge, to meet foreign students and scientists, and to gain insights into the country.


Who/What can be sponsored?

Funding is provided for group trips abroad with German students or by foreign students to the University of Hildesheim. Particular support is given to measures that include a return visit.

Attention! The funding only concerns the students, not the accompanying lecturers!

Who is eligible to apply?

Applications can be submitted by Hildesheim lecturers who are planning a group trip abroad with students or are expecting a visit from a group from abroad.

New regulations:

  • Only one application per lecturer may be submitted per application round.
  • The number of participants for whom grants are requested is limited to a maximum of 20 students (minimum 5 participants)

Applications will be reviewed based on the following criteria:

  • Reason for the trip
  • Information about the seminar
  • Information about the possibilities of recognition of study achievements
  • Detailed description of the trip as well as the planned activities
  • Information about concrete goals pursued by the group trip and about topics to be covered
Which documents are needed for the application?
How much is the grant?
Who decides how the funds are allocated?
Where are the application documents submitted?