Eastern/East-Asian Philosophy


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[KIM, Yong-bae: Overview in the history of Eastern philosophical thought, Sŏul: Samguch'ulp'ansa 1956.]


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[MORIMOTO, Junichirō: Study on the History of Eastern Political Thought (東洋政治思想史硏究), Trans. by KIM, Su-gil, Sŏul: Tongnyŏk 1985.]


金鍾振 編, 『東洋敎育思想史』, 서울: 學文社, 1991.

[KIM, Jong-jin (Ed.): History of Eastern Educational Thought, Sŏul: Hangmunsa 1991.]


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[MATSUSHIMA, Takahiro et al.: History of East Asian Thought: Comparative Studies on the History of Chinese, Korean, and Japanese Thought (槪說東アジア思想史), Trans. by CHO, Seong-eul, Sŏul: Hanul ak'ademi 1995.]


이돈희, 『교육사상사 : 동양편』, 서울: 학지사, 1997.

[LEE, Don-hui: History of Eastern Educational Thought, Sŏul: Hakchisa 1997.]


안종수, 『동양철학의 흐름』, 부산: 소강, 2002. 

[AN, Jong-su: The course of Eastern philosophy, Pusan: Sogang 2002.]


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[Research Society for the History of Political Thought in Korea and the East (ed.): The history of thought-comparative study on intellectual entanglements in the reception of Western thought and nation-building in the history of East Asian modernism: intellectual exchange between Korea, Japan and China for mutual understanding and Friendship, Sŏngnam: Research Society on the History of Political Thought in Korea and the East, 2003.]


강성률, 『동양철학사 산책』, 서울: 평단문화사, 2009.

[KANG, Seong-ryul: Walk through the history of Eastern philosophy, Sŏul: P'yŏngdanmunhwasa 2009.]

[Japanese 2008] 가쓰라지마 노부히로, 『동아시아 자타인식의 사상사: 일본 내셔널리즘 생성과 동아시아』, 김정근/김태훈/심희찬 옮김, 서울: 논형, 2009.]

[KATSURAJIMA,Nobuhiro: History of East Asian Thought for the Self-Image and the External Image: Origin of Japanese Nationalism and East Asia (orig.: 東アジア自他認識の思想史), übers. v. KIM, Jeong-geun/KIM, Tae-hun/SHIM, Hui-chan, Sŏul: Nonhyŏng 2009.]


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[SHIN, Jeong-geun: Turning the story of philosophy: The development of East Asian thought and its turning point, P'aju: Kŭrhangari 2012.]

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[SHIN, Chang-ho/JANG, Ji-won: History of Eastern Educational Thought, Koyang: Sŏhyŏnsa 2012.]


한국동양정치사상사학회: 『한국동양정치사상사연구』, 서울: 한국동양정치사상학회, 2014.

[Research Society on the History of Political Thought in Korea and East Asia: Study on the History of Political Thought in Korea and East Asia, Sŏul: Research Society on the History of Political Thought in Korea and East Asia 2014.]