蒙古民族哲學 / 蒙古民族哲学


内蒙古蒙古族哲学及社会思想史研究会; 内蒙古社会科学院哲学所蒙哲史研究室 (编): 蒙古族哲学及社会思想史. 

[Inner Mongolia Research Society for the History of Mongolian Social Thought and Philosophy; Mongolian History of Philosophy Research Seminar of the Philosophical Institute of the Academy of Social Sciences of Inner Mongolia (eds.): History of Mongolian Philosophy and Social Thought. [place & publisher unknown] 1982.]


内蒙古社会科学院哲学研究所蒙哲室(编): 蒙古族哲学思想史研究. 呼和浩特: 内蒙古社会科学杂志社.

[Department of Philosophical Researches on Mongolian Philosophy of the Institute of Social Sciences of Inner Mongolia (ed.): Studies on the History of the Thought of the Mongolian People. Hohhot: Neimenggu Shehuikexue Zazhishe 1985.]


巴干; 赵智奎; 陈红艳: 蒙古族哲学思想史论集. 北京: 民族出版社.

[Bagan; Zhao Zhikui; Chen Hongyan: Treatises on the History of Mongolian Philosophical Thought. Beijing: Mingzu Chubanshe 1987.]


乌兰察夫: 蒙古族哲学思想史. 呼和浩特: 内蒙古大学出版社.

[Wulanchafu: History of Mongolian Philosophical Thought. Huhhot: Neimenggu Daxue Chubanshe 1994.]


于江河: 近代蒙古族哲学及社会思想史论文集. 北京: 民族出版社.

[Yu Jianghe: Essays on the History of Modern Mongolian Philosophy and Social Thought. Beijing: Minzu Chubanshe 1999.]


苏和; 陶克套: 蒙古族哲学思想史. 沈阳: 辽宁民族出版社.

[Su He; Tao Ketao: History of Mongolian Philosophical Thought. Shenyang: Liaoning Minzu Chubanshe 2002.]


宝力格: 蒙古族近现代思想史论. 沈阳: 辽宁民族出版社.

[Baolige: Treatise on the History of Modern and Contemporary Mongolian Thought. Shenyang: Liaoning Minzu Chubanshe 2005.]


蒙和巴图; 博·那顺: 蒙古民族哲学及社会思想史; 2册. 呼和浩特: 内蒙古人民出版社.

[Menghebatu; Bo Nashun: A History of the Philosophy and Social Thought of the Mongolian People; 2 vols. Hohhot: Neimenggu Renmin Chubanshe 2016.]


莫日根巴图: 古代蒙古族逻辑思想研究. 北京: 社会科学文献出版社.

[Mozhiganbatu: A Study of Ancient Mongolian Logical Thought. Beijing: Shehuikexue Wenjian Chubanshe 2020.]