Philosophy of the (European) Middle Ages

中世紀哲學 / 中世纪哲学


劉伯明: 西洋古代中世哲學史大綱. 上海: 中華書局.

[Liu Boming: Overview of the History of Ancient and Medieval Occidental Philosophy. Shanghai: Zhonghua Shuju 1932.]


[originally Russian] 特拉赫坦贝尔: 西欧中世纪哲学史纲. 上海: 上海人民出版社.

[Trachtenberg, Orest Wladimirowitsch: Overview of the History of Medieval Philosophy in Western Europe. Shanghai: Shanghai Renmin Chubanshe 1960.]


[English 1922] 胡爾夫: 中古哲學與文明. [unknown translator] 臺北: 臺灣商務印書館. 

[Wulf, Maurice de: Philosophy and Civilization in the Middle Ages. [unknown translator] Taibei: Taiwan Yinshuguan Chuban 1972.]

謝幼偉: 西洋哲學史稿: 中古及近代. 臺北: 文津出版社.

[Xie Youwei: Draft of a History of Occidental Philosophy: Middle Ages and Modern Times. Taibei: Wenjin Chubanshe 1972.]


鄔昆如: 中世哲學趣談. 臺北: 東大圖書.

[Wu Kunru: Discussions on the Philosophy of the Middle Ages. Taibei: Dongda Tushu 1979.]


车铭洲: 西欧中世纪哲学概论. 天津: 天津人民出版社.

[Che Mingzhou: An Introduction to the Philosophy of the Western European Middle Ages. Tianjin: Tianjin Renmin Chubanshe 1982.]


威柏: 中世紀哲學. 臺北: 金楓出版.

[Weber, Alfred: Philosophy of the Middle Ages. Taibei: Jinfeng Chuban 1987.]


[English 1950] 柯普斯登: 中世紀哲學: 奥古斯丁到斯考特 (西洋哲學史; 第2册). [unkown translator] 臺北: 黎明.

[Copleston, Frederick: Philosophy of the Middle Ages: Augustine to Scotus (History of the Philosophy of the West; Volume 2). [unknown translator] Taibei: Liming 1988.]

[English 1953] 柯普斯登: 中世紀哲學: 奧坎到蘇亞雷 (西洋哲學史; 第3册). [unknown translator] 臺北: 黎明.

[Copleston, Frederick: Philosophy of the Middle Ages: Ockham to Suarez (History of the Philosophy of the West; Volume 3). [unknown translator] Taibei: Liming 1988.]


[English 1954] 弗里曼特勒: 信仰的时代. 程志民 (译). 北京: 光明日报出版社.

[Fremantle, Anne: The Age of Faith. [Original secondary title: The Medieval Philosophers.] Translated by Cheng Zhimin. Beijing: Guangming Ribao Chubanshe 1989.]


唐逸: 西方文化與中世紀神哲學思想. 臺北: 東大.

[Tang Yi: Western Culture and Medieval Theological-Philosophical Thought. Taibei: Dongda 1992.]


赵敦华: 古代中世纪部分 (西方哲学通史; 第1册 [second volume cannot be found]). 北京: 北京大学出版社.

[Zhao Dunhua: Antiquity and the Middle Ages (General History of Western Philosophy; Volume 1 [second volume cannot be found]). Beijing: Beijing Daxue Chubanshe 1996.]


[French 1989] 阿兰·德利贝拉: 中世纪哲学. 北京: 商务印书馆.

[Libera, Alain de: Philosophy of the Middle Ages. Beijing: Shangwu Yinshuguan 2004.]

叶秀山; 王树人 (编): 中世纪哲学 (西方哲学史; 第4 册). 南京: 凤凰出版社; 北京: 人民出版社.

[Ye Xiushan; Wang Shuren (eds.): Philosophy of the Middle Ages (History of Western Philosophy; Volume 4) Nanjing: Fenghuang Chubanshe; Beijing: Renmin Chubanshe 2004.]


張正修: 古代希臘與中世紀哲學. 臺北: 臺灣教授協會.

[Zhang Zhengxiu: Philosophy of Ancient Greece and the Middle Ages. Taibei: Taiwan Jiaoshou Xiehui 2005.]


[English 1993] 杉克尔马仁邦 (编): 中世纪哲学 (劳特利奇哲学史; 第3册). 孙毅 (译). 北京: 中国人民大学出版社.

[Marenbon, John (ed.): Philosophy of the Middle Ages (Routledge History of Philosophy; Volume 3) Beijing: Zhongguo Renmin Daxue Chubanshe 2009.]


[English 2005] 安东尼·肯尼: 中世纪哲学 (牛津西方哲学史; 第2册). 袁宪军 (译). 长春: 吉林出版.

[Kenny, Anthony: Philosophy of the Middle Ages (Oxford History of Western Philosophy; Volume 2). Trans. by Yuan Xianjun. Changchun: Jilin Chuban 2010.]


佘碧平: 中世纪文艺复兴时期哲学. 北京: 人民出版社.

[She Biping: Philosophy of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Beijing: Renmin Chubanshe 2011.]


[English 1962] 大卫·瑙尔斯: 中世纪思想的演化. 北京: 商务印书馆.

[Knowles, David: The Evolution of Medieval Thought. Beijing: Shangwu Yinshuguan 2012.]


赵敦华: 中世纪哲学. 北京: 商务印书馆.

[Zhao Dunhua: Philosophy of the Middle Ages. Beijing: Shangwu Yinshuguan 2013.]


段德智: 中世纪哲学研究. 北京: 人民出版社.

[Duan Dezhi: Studies on the Philosophy of the Middle Ages. Beijing: Renmin Chubanshe 2014.]


林玉体: 古代哲學到中世紀哲學史 (西洋哲學史; 第1冊). 臺北: 五南.

[Lin Yu: History of Philosophy from Antiquity to the Middle Ages (History of the Philosophy of the West; Volume 1). Taibei: Wunan 2017.]