第3巻 西洋現代編

Volume 3: Western Modernism / Present

新カント学派と現象学派の倫理思想 鬼頭英一

The ethical thought of neo-Kantianism and phenomenology (Kitō Eiichi)



I 新カント学派の倫理学

1. The ethics of neo-Kantianism


        a. The ethics of the Marburg school


        b. The ethics of the South West German School

II 現象学派の倫理学

2. The ethics of phenomenology


        a.The ethics of the German and Austrian schools


        b. Husserl's theory of values


        c. Scheler's Ethics (1)


        d. Scheler's Ethics (2)


        e. Scheler's Ethics (3)


        f. Hildebrand's ethics


        g. N. Hartmann's ethics



生の哲学の倫理思想 原佑

The ethical thought of the philosophy of life (Hara Tasuku)

I 生の哲学の成立と展開

1.Origin and development of the philosophy of life

II 問題としてのニーチェ

2. Nietzsche as a problem

III 生の哲学の倫理性

3. The ethical nature of the philosophy of life

IV 倫理と歴史

4. Ethics and history

V 倫理と宗教

5. Ethics and religion

現代キリスト教倫理思想 山本和

The ethical thought of contemporary Christianity (Yamamoto Kanō)

I 現代における倫理問題

1. Ethical Problems of the Present


        a. Urgent tasks at the moment


        b. Overcoming the ethics of modernity


        c. The keynote of contemporary ethics

II 歴史と倫理

2. History and ethics


        a. Fundamental Problems of Ethics


        b. Is morality changing?


        c. The ethics of love

III 男と女 —共同人間性の倫理

3. Man and woman: the ethics of humanity in partnership


        a. Man and Woman


        b. The mystery of marriage


        c. Parents and children

IV 個人と社会

4. Individual and Society


        a. Between the individual and society


        b. Act in secret


        c. Fight to survive


        d. Class struggle


        e. Overcoming international differences

プラグマティズムの論理思想 大槻春彥

The ethical thought of pragmatism (Ōtsuki Hikoharu)

I アメリカ的思惟としてのプラグマティズム

1. Pragmatism as American thought

II アメリカ・プラグマティズムの展開

2. The development of American pragmatism

III ジェイムズの倫理思想

3. James' ethical thought

IV デューイの倫理思想

4. Dewey's ethical thought

マルクス主義の倫理思想 城塚登

The ethical thought of Marxism (Shirotsuka Noboru)

I どこに問題があるか

1. Where is the problem?

II マルクス主義の人間観

2. The conception of man in Marxism

III マルクス主義の道徳観

3. Morals of Marxism

実存主義の倫理思想 鈴木三郞

The ethical thought of existentialism (Suzuki Saburō)

I 実存主義の系譜と現代の精神状況

1. Genealogy of Existentialism and the Mental State of the Present

II 例外的実存の倫理—キェルケゴール

2. Ethics of Extraordinary Existence - Kierkegaard

III 理性的実存の倫理—ヤスパース

3. Ethics of Reasonable Existence - Jaspers

IV 未完の実存倫理思想

4. Ethical thinking of imperfect existence


        a. Ethics of Mystical Existence (Marcel)


        b. Ethics of an existence feeling homesickness (Heidegger)


        c. Ethics of void Existence (Sartre)