Dr. Jörg Cassens

Foto Jörg Cassens


Telephone: +49 5121 883-40324
email contact form
Room: SC.C.0.33 (Samelsonplatz, Raum C 033)
Consultation time: Details siehe http://mi.kriwi.de/meet/
Homepage: https://www.uni-hildesheim.de/fb4/institute/ifi/mi/mitglieder/cassens/ Homepage

Fields of work:

  • Inst. für Informatik - Abteilung Medieninformatik [Lecturers]
  • Fachstudienberatung Medieninformatik (B.Sc.) [Fachstudienberater - und Beratung für Anrechnungsfrage]


I generally teach the following units:

  • Medieninformatik (lectures and tutorials, 5495). Given usually in the winter term. German language only.
  • Contextual Design of Interactive Systems (lectures and tutorials, 5496). Given usually every third summer term.
  • Data and Process Visualisation (lectures and tutorials, 5498). Given usually every third summer term.
  • Contextualised Computing and Ambient Intelligent Systems (lectures and tutorials, 5499). Given usually every third summer term.
  • Praktikum Medieninformatik (lab course, 5497).  Given usually in the summer term.
  • Seminar Medieninformatik (seminar, 5489). Given usually in the winter term.
  • Informatik und Gesellschaft (seminar, 5481).  Given usually in the winter term. German language only.
  • Systemadministration (seminar, 5482).  Given usually in the winter term.

I also supervise theses related to my research topics.


A general theme of my work is human-centered computing. My main research topics in the area of media informatics are at the borderline of artificial intelligence and human-computer interaction. This includes development of principles, methods and tools for design and implementation of software systems as well as specific applications in the areas of mobile computing, ambient systems, natural and intelligent user interfaces as well as cooperative systems.

Recent Publications

Jörg Cassens

For older publications, please see my list of publications.


2014 - 2015Acting Professor in Media Informatics at University of Würzburg
since 2013Akademischer Rat (lecturer and senior researcher) at the Institute for Mathematics and Applied Informatics at the University of Hildesheim, Germany.
2009 - 2013Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (lecturer and senior researcher) at the Institute for Multimedia and Interactive Systems at the University of Lübeck, Germany.
2008 - 2009Forsker (Research Scientist) at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway.
2008Dr. Scientiarum (PhD) at NTNU
Title of the thesis: Explanation Awareness and Ambient Intelligence as Social Technologies
2004 - 2007Overingeniør (staff engineer) at NTNU
2000 - 2004Research Fellow at NTNU at the Artifical Intelligence and Learning group, Section for Intelligent Systems
1998 - 2000Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (research fellow) in the research group for process informatics at the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Germany.
1998Diplom (master) in Informatik (computer science) at the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Germany.
Title of the thesis: Unscharfe Methoden zur Analyse individuenorientierter Simulationsmodelle in der Epidemiologie (Fuzzy methods for the analysis of individ-oriented simulation models in epidemiologic research)