Media Informatics

Media informatics is still a comparably young sub discipline of informatics (or computer science). It is often considered an "interdisciplinary discipline", combining topics from informatics with aspects of other scientific areas such as psychology, linguistics, design, information sciences or work studies and ergonomics.

Media informatics focuses on current technological developments, in particular the use of multimedia elements in a diverse range of interactive applications and multimedia networks such as the Internet. The discipline looks at a wide range of questions surrounding the use of interactive systems, starting with technological challenges of coding multimodal information to questions like "what is good design, and how do I achieve it" and further on to innovative forms of interaction, such as spatial gestures, augmented and virtual realities, or ambient intelligent systems.

In research and teaching, media informatics considers methods, tools and principles for design and implementation of solutions that make use of different modalities, different coding and different types of media all across society.

Further Information

Dr. Dipl-Inform. Jörg Cassens

Foto Jörg Cassens


Telephone: +49 5121 883-40324
email contact form
Room: SC.C.0.33 (Samelsonplatz, Raum C 033)
Consultation time: Details siehe
Homepage: Homepage


Media Informatics:
Dr. Jörg Cassens
fon +49 (0) 5121-934 9279

Institute of Computer Science
Samelsonplatz 1
31141 Hildesheim

fon +49 (0) 5121-883 40330