| Overview | Research | Teaching | Personal |
Meike Reichle, Kerstin Bach, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl, and Klaus-Dieter Althoff: Management of Distributed Knowledge Sources for Complex Application Domains (Resubmission). In Frederik Janssen and Melanie Hartmann (Eds.) : Proceedings of LWA 2009, Workshop Wissens- und Erfahrungsmanagement, accepted for publication, Spetember 2009 (BibTeX, abstract, full pdf).
Klaus-Dieter Althoff, Kerstin Bach and Meike Reichle (Eds.): Workshop Proceedings of the 32nd German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI-2009), Paderborn, September 2009 (BibTeX, pdf).
Meike Reichle, Kerstin Bach, and Klaus-Dieter Althoff: The SEASALT Architecture and its Realization within the docQuery Project. In Bärbel Mertsching (Ed.): Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence, KI-2009, Springer, September 2009, pp. 556-563, (BibTeX, preprint pdf).
Norman Ihle, Régis Newo, Alexandre Hanft, Kerstin Bach and Meike Reichle: CookIIS - A Case-Based Recipe Advisor. In Sarah Jane Delany (Ed): Workshop Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR) 2009, Seattle, WA, USA, pp. 269-278, July 2009 (BibTeX, full pdf).
Kerstin Bach, Meike Reichle, and Klaus-Dieter Althoff: A Value Supplementation Method for Case Bases with Incomplete Information. In Lorraine McGinty, and David C. Wilson (Eds.): Case-based Reasoning in Research and Development, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR-09), Springer, pp. 389-402, July 2009 (BibTeX, preprint pdf).
Meike Reichle, Kerstin Bach, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl, and Klaus-Dieter Althoff: Management of Distributed Knowledge Sources for Complex Application Domains. In Knut Hinkelmann and Holger Wache (Eds.) : Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Professional Knowledge Manegement - Experiences and Visions (WM'2009), pp. 128-138, March 2009 (BibTeX, pdf).
Ralph Bergmann, Klaus-Dieter Althoff, Mirjam Minor, Meike Reichle, and Kerstin Bach: Case-Based Reasoning - Introduction and Recent Developments. In: Künstliche Intelligenz, 23(1), pp. 5-11, February 2009 (BibTeX).
Alexandre Hanft, Norman Ihle, Kerstin Bach, and Régis Newo: CookIIS – Competing in the First Computer Cooking Contest. In: Künstliche Intelligenz, 23(1), pp. 30-33, February 2009 (BibTeX).
Kerstin Bach and Meike Reichle: MATES 2008 -- The 6th German Conference on Multiagent System Technologies (Conference Report). In: Künstliche Intelligenz, 23(1), p. 65, February 2009 (BibTeX).
- Bach, Kerstin, Reichle, Meike, Reichle-Schmehl, Alexander, and Althoff, Klaus-Dieter: Implementing a Coordination Agent for Modularised Case Bases. In: AI 2008, 13th UK Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning, December 2008, Cambridge, UK, pp. 1-12 (BibTeX, PDF)
- Althoff, Klaus-Dieter, Reichle, Meike, Bach, Kerstin, Hanft, Alexandre, and Newo, Régis: Agent Based Maintenance for Modularised Case Bases in Collaborative Multi-Expert Systems. In: Expert Update, Special Issue on tht 12th UK Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning (BibTeX, PDF)
- Reichle, Meike, and Bach, Kerstin: Improving Result Adaptation through 2-step Retrieval. In: Nalepa, Grzegorz J., and Baumeister, Joachim (Eds.) Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering (KESE 2008) at the 31st German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI-2008) Kaiserslautern, Germany, September 2008 (BibTeX , PDF)
- Althoff, Klaus-Dieter, Bach, Kerstin, Reichle, Meike: Realizing Modularized Knowledge Models for Heterogeneous Application Domains. In: Perner, Petra (Ed.) Proceedings of the 8th Industrial Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'08), LNAI, Springer Verlag, July 2008 (BibTeX , PDF preprint)
- Althoff, Klaus-Dieter, Reichle, Meike, Bach, Kerstin, Hanft, Alexandre and Newo, Régis: Agent Based Maintenance for Modularised Case Bases in Collaborative Multi-Expert Systems. In Proceedings of AI 2007, 12th UK Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning, December 2007 Cambridge, UK, pp. 7-18 ( BibTeX , PDF)
- Bach, Kerstin, Reichle, Meike, and Althoff, Klaus-Dieter: A Domain Independent System Architecture for Sharing Experience, Proceedings of LWA 2007, Workshop Wissens- und Erfahrungsmanagement, September 2007, 296-303 (BibTeX, PDF)
- Althoff, Klaus-Dieter, Bach, Kerstin, Deutsch, Jan-Oliver, Hanft, Alexandre, Mänz, Jens, Müller, Thomas, Newo, Regis, Reichle, Meike, Schaaf, Martin, and Weis, Karl-Heinz: Collaborative Multi-Expert-Systems - Realizing Knowlegde-Product-Lines with Case Factories and Distributed Learning Systems, Proceedings on the 3rd Workshop on Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering (KESE 2007), University of Osnabrück, Eds: Baumeister, Joachim, and Seipel, Dietmar, September 2007 (BibTeX, PDF)
- Reichle, Meike: Entwicklung und Implementierung eines Modells zum Retrieval von Free/Libre Open Source Software unter Verwendung eines Case-Based Reasoning Systems (Magisterarbeit), Universität Hildesheim, June 2007 (BibTeX, PDF)
- Hanft, Alexandre, and Reichle, Meike: The FLOSSWALD Information System on Free and Open Source Software, Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Professional Knowledge Management - Experiences and Visions, Gito Verlag, 135 - 142, Eds: Gronau, Norbert, March 2007 (BibTeX, PDF)
- Reichle, Meike: Entwicklung eines prototypischen Chatbots für die Universitätsbibliothek Hildesheim, Effektive Information Retrieval Verfahren in Theorie und Praxis: Proceedings Fünfter Hildesheimer Evaluierungs- und Retrieval (HIER) Workshop, Universität Hildesheim, 43 - 46, Eds: Womser-Hacker, Christa, and Mandl, Thomas, October 2006 (BibTeX, online Book, PDF)
- Reichle, Meike, and Hanft, Alexandre: The FLOSSWALD Information System on Free and Open Source Software, Lernen - Wissensentdeckung - Adaptivität Proceedings of the LWA 2006, FGWM 2006 Workshop on Knowledge and Experience Management, University of Hildesheim, 229 - 233, Eds: Schaaf, Martin, and Althoff, Klaus-Dieter, Oktober 2006 (BibTeX, PDF)