| Conferences | Projects | Teaching | Personal |


Articles in Journals


  • Althoff, K.-D., Hanft, A., Mänz, J., Schaaf, M., Decker, B., Nick, M. & Rech, J. (2005). Intelligente Informationssysteme für wissensintensive Dienstleistungen. Universität Hildesheim - Magazin, Nr. 9, Okt. 2005, 5-8


  • Freßmann, A., Maximini, R., Schaaf, M., Franz, J., Traphöner, R. (2004). Intelligent Retrieval for Component Reuse in System-On-Chip Design, Künstliche Intelligenz Heft 2/04, Mai 2004, p. 45ff.
  • Martin Schaaf, Andrea Freßmann, Rainer Maximini, Ralph Bergmann, Alexander Tartakovski, Martin Radetzki (2004). Intelligent IP Retrieval Driven by Application Requirements, Integration, the VLSI Journal 37 (2004), p. 253-287



  • Spinelli, M., Schaaf, M. (2002). Experience Management 2002, Künstliche Intelligenz Band 16, Heft 4, p. 64.


  • Schaaf, M., Maurer, F. (2001). Integrating Java and CORBA: A Programmer's Perspective, IEEE Internet Computing, Vol. 5, No. 1, January/February 2001.
    An example accompanying this article is also available here.


  • Maurer, F., Dellen, B., Bendeck, F., Goldmann, S., Holz, H., Kötting, B., Schaaf, M. (2000). Merging project planning and web-enabled dynamic workflow for software development, IEEE Internet Computing, Special Issue on Internet-Based Workflow - May/June 2000.

Refereed Conference and Workshop Papers

Konferenzbeiträge und Workshoppapiere


  • Althoff, Klaus-Dieter, Bach, Kerstin, Deutsch, Jan-Oliver, Hanft, Alexandre, Mänz, Jens, Müller, Thomas, Newo, Regis, Reichle, Meike, Schaaf, Martin, and Weis, Karl-Heinz: Collaborative Multi-Expert-Systems - Realizing Knowlegde-Product-Lines with Case Factories and Distributed Learning Systems, Proceedings on the 3rd Workshop on Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering (KESE 2007), University of Osnabrück, Eds: Baumeister, Joachim, and Seipel, Dietmar, September 2007 (BibTeX, PDF)


  • Althoff, K.-D., Hanft, A., Mänz, J., Newo, R., Schaaf, M., Decker, B., Nick, M. & Rech, J., (2006). Intelligent information systems for knowledge work(ers). P. Perner & A. Ahlemeyer-Stubbe (eds), Proc. 6th Industrial Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'06), LNCS Volume 4065 / 2006, Springer Verlag. pp. 539 - 547 (BibTeX , PDF)
  • Althoff, K.-D., Hanft, A. & Schaaf, M. (2006). Case Factory - Maintaining Experience to Learn. Accepted for M. Göker & T. Roth-Berghofer (eds.), Proc. 8th European Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ECCBR'06), Springer Verlag. pp. 429-442


  • Ebbers, I., Schaaf, M. (2005). On the Teaching Method "International Academic Practice-Company". Intercultural Communication Competence: Proceedings of the International Conference in Singapore, October 2005, Marshall Cavendish International Academic Publishing, to be published
  • Tartakovski, A., Schaaf, M.,Bergmann, R. (2005). Retrieval and Configuration of Life Insurance Policies, Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development: 6th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, ICCBR 2005, Chicago, IL, USA, August 23-26, 2005. Proceedings. Editors: Héctor Muñoz-Avila, Francesco Ricci
    ISBN: 3-540-28174-6
  • Tartakovski, A., Schaaf, M., Maximini, R. (2005). Applying Generalized Cases to Retrieval and Configuration of Life Insurance Policies, Professional Knowledge Management, Third Biennal Conference, WM 2005, Kaiserslautern, Germany, April 2005, Revised Selected Papers, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer.
    ISBN 0302-9743
  • Holz, H., Maus, H., Nomura, N., Schaaf, M. (2005). Second Workshop on Knowledge Management for Distributed Agile Processes: Models, Techniques, and Infrastructure (KMDAP 2005), Professional Knowledge Management, Third Biennal Conference, WM 2005, Kaiserslautern, Germany, April 2005, Revised Selected Papers, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer.
    ISBN 0302-9743
  • Stahl, A., Schaaf, M., Traphöner, R. (2005). Third German Workshop on Experience Management (GWEM 05), Professional Knowledge Management, Third Biennal Conference, WM 2005, Kaiserslautern, Germany, April 2005, Revised Selected Papers, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer.
    ISBN 0302-9743
  • Stahl, A., Schaaf, M., Traphöner, R. (2005). German Workshop on Experience Management (GWEM 05), Contributions to the 3rd Conference on Professional Knowledge Management: Experiences and Visions, April 10-13, 2005, Kaiserslautern. Proceedings. Editors: Klaus-Dieter Althoff, Andreas Dengel, Ralph Bergmann, Markus Nick, Thomas Roth-Berghofer
    ISBN: 3-00-016020-5
  • Tartakovski, A., Schaaf, M., Maximini, R. (2005). Optimization Based Retrieval and Configuration of Temporary Life Insurance Policies, Contributions to the 3rd Conference on Professional Knowledge Management: Experiences and Visions, April 10-13, 2005, Kaiserslautern. Proceedings. Editors: Klaus-Dieter Althoff, Andreas Dengel, Ralph Bergmann, Markus Nick, Thomas Roth-Berghofer
    ISBN: 3-00-016020-5
  • Holz, H., Maus, H., Nomura, N., Schaaf, M. (2005). Second Workshop on Knowledge Management for Distributed Agile Processes: Models, Techniques, and Infrastructure (KMDAP 2005), Contributions to the 3rd Conference on Professional Knowledge Management: Experiences and Visions, April 10-13, 2005, Kaiserslautern. Proceedings. Editors: Klaus-Dieter Althoff, Andreas Dengel, Ralph Bergmann, Markus Nick, Thomas Roth-Berghofer
    ISBN: 3-00-016020-5




  • Schaaf, M., Visarius, M., Bergmann, R., Maximini, R., Spinelli, M., Lessmann, J., Hardt, W., Ihmor, S., Thronicke, W., Franz, J., Tautz, C., Traphöner, R. (2002). IPCHL - A Description Language for Semantic IP Characterization, Forum on Specification & Design Languages, September 2002.
  • Schaaf, M., Maximini, R., Bergmann, R., Tautz, C., Traphöner, R. (2002). Supporting Electronic Design Reuse by Integrating Quality-Criteria into CBR-Based IP Selection, Proceedings 6th European Conference on Case Based Reasoning, September 2002.
  • Schaaf, M., Elst van,  L. (2002). An Approach To Cooperating Organizational Memories Based On Semantic Negotiation and Unification, Proceedings AAAI 2002, Workshop on Meaning Negotiation, July/August 2002.
  • Bergmann, R., Maximini, R., Schaaf, M. (2002). Experience Management for Electronic Design Reuse through Quality-Oriented IP Selection, Proceedings German Workshop on Experience Management, March 2002.


  • Schaaf, M., Bendeck, F., Nour, P. (2001). Using MILOS For Dependency Management In UML-based SE-Processes, Proceedings IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE) 2001, IEEE Computer Society, 2001.
  • Bendeck, F., Kötting, B., Schaaf, M., Maurer F.,Valenti, M., Robert, M. (2001). Engineering of e-Business Applications & Infrastructure and Applications for the Mobile Internet, Proceedings IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE) 2001, IEEE Computer Society, 2001.

Technical Reports


  • Franz J., Tautz, C., Traphöner, R., Bergmann R., Freßmann A.,  Maximini, R., Schaaf, M., Spinelli M. (2003). Demonstrator Application for Online IP Retrieval, IPQ Technical Report, AP2-T2-EKM-EQ8, February 2003.


  • Franz, J., Tautz, C., Traphöner, R., Bergmann, R., Maximini, R., Spinelli, M., Schaaf, M. (2002). Concepts for the Representation of Parametrized IP by Constraints in the Sense of Artificial Intelligence, IPQ Technical Report, AP2-T3-EKM-MQ6, August 2002.
  • Franz, J., Tautz, C., Traphöner, R., Bergmann, R., Maximini, R., Spinelli, M., Schaaf, M. (2002). Concept for appropriate similarity and background knowledge for IP reuse, ToolIP Technical Report, EMP-T2.2-Q3/02, September 2002.
  • Franz, J., Tautz, C., Traphöner, R., Bergmann, R., Maximini, R., Spinelli, M., Schaaf, M. (2002). Rule-Based Representation and Processing of Reuse- Relevant IP Knowledge, IPQ Technical Report, AP2-T2-EKM-MQ6, June 2002.
  • Tautz, C., Traphöner, R., Bergmann, R., Maximini, R., Schaaf, M. (2002). Knowledge Representation for IP Retrieval, IPQ Technical Report, AP1-T1-EKM-EQ4, February 2002. (also ToolIP Technical Report EMP-T2.1-Q1/02).
  • Tautz, C., Traphöner, R., Bergmann, R., Maximini, R., Schaaf, M. (2002). Prototypical implementation of the Quality Related Retrieval, IPQ Technical Report, AP2-T1-EKM-EQ4, February 2002. (also ToolIP Technical Report EMP-T2.2-Q1/02).


  • Tautz, C., Traphöner, R., Rülke, S., Martínez Madrid, N., Seepold, R., Vörg, A., Radetzki, M., Thronicke, W., Jerinic, V., Müller, D., Siegmund, R., Bergmann, R., Vollrath, I., Schaaf, M., Hardt, W., Visarius, M. (2001). Requirements on IP Qualifying Format, IPQ Technical Report, AP1-T1-UniPB-EQ2, AP1-T1-SCIWORX-EQ2, AP1-T1-EKM-MQ2, AP1-T1-FZI-MQ2, August 2001.
  • Tautz, C., Traphöner, R., Bergmann, R., Maximini, R., Schaaf, M., Vollrath, I. (2001). Concepts for the Integration of IP Quality Criteria into IP Characterization and Retrieval, IPQ Technical Report, AP2-T1-EKM-MQ2, August 2001.

Misc. Publications


  • Schaaf, M. (1999). Ein System zum Kommunikationsmanagement verteilter Objekte in Java, Diploma Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Kaiserslautern, January 1999.


  • Schaaf, M. (1996). Ein Framework zur Erstellung verteilter Anwendungen, DFKI Document-96-05, Published by German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Kaiserslautern, May 1996.
<< PersonalConferences >>


Contact / Postal Address:
Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Althoff
Institute of Computer Science
Intelligent Information Systems Lab
Universitätsplatz 1
D-31141 Hildesheim, Germany

Visiting address:
Institute of Computer Science
Samelsonplatz 1
D-31141 Hildesheim, Germany

Secretary: Room A8b Spl,

Phone +49 5121 883 -750


Institute of Computer Science

Visiting address:
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Institute for Computer Science
Samelsonplatz 1
D-31141 Hildesheim, Germany

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