Alexandre Hanft
- With our IIS Team we participated in the 1st and 2nd Computer Cooking Contest. We won the "Menu Challenge" in 2008 and awarded the World Champion of the 2nd Computer Cooking Contest in 2009. Visit the running system CookIIS to get an advice for cooking! Some nice videos, interviews and newspaper articles about the competition can be found at CookIIS and the CCC in press.
- We've build an e:IAS Wiki .
- I was Co-Chair of FGWM 06 (at LWA 06, University of Hildesheim, 9th-11th of October 2006).
- Publications and Projects
- Offered Bachelor and Master Thesis for students (Abschlussarbeiten, in german)
- Teaching
- Programming issues
Short CV
June 1995 | final secondary-school examinations (Abitur) in Berlin |
Aug 1995 - Aug 1996 | civilian service at hospital Evangelische Krankenhaus Königin Elisabeth Herzberge |
Oct 1996 - Nov 2004 | study of computer science at Humboldt University of Berlin, finished with Diplom (comparable to M.Sc.) |
May 1998 - April 2002 | student research assistant at Artificial Intelligence Lab (Prof. Burkhard) at department of computer science at Humboldt University of Berlin |
Dec 2004 - now | research assistant at the institute of computer science at University of Hildesheim |
research interests
Case-based Reasoning (CBR), especially Textual CBR, adaptation, retrieval and maintenance;
Collaborative Multi-Expert Systems (CoMES);
process-oriented knowledge management;
Databases; (semantic) wikis;
GnuPG Key
For encrypted email communiciation and verifying my email signature save the file behind the link to get my public GnuPG Key for hanft( ) Please don't hesitate an send me an encrypted email.