Sina Gómez Thews


Building D

Universitätsplatz 1, 31141 Hildesheim

Email: gomezs[at]

Phone: 05121-883-40760



Doctoral Project


Working Title:

"The common subject matter in inclusive chemistry lessons - between normative claims and teaching practices.“


In the developmental education logic advanced by Feuser, all students in the classroom are to cooperatively work on a common objective. Feuser's theories have been widely taken up and processed. In the meantime, there are planning models for teachers, which should make it easier for them to design the inclusive lessons and make it possible to present a learning object in different complexity and with different levels of appropriation. However, it is still unclear what constitutes the common subject matter of such instruction for the students.

In order to reconstruct the common goals of the students, inclusive chemistry lessons are planned and videotaped in different grade levels. The group work phases are then evaluated with the documentary method.


Short Vita

§  Seit April 2018 Stipendiatin im Promotionskolleg „Unterrichtsforschung“

§  2018 Abschluss Master of Arts – Deutsch als Zweit- und Fremdsprache

Thema der Masterarbeit: Kontrastive Analyse der Ausspracheschwierigkeiten

arabischer Deutschlernender

§  Seit 2017 Betreuung des Allgemeinen Schulpraktikum (ASP)

§  2017 Abschluss Master of Education – Lehramt an HS/RS Chemie und Deutsch

Thema der Masterarbeit: Inklusiver Chemieunterricht – Planung und Analyse einer Unterrichtsstunde zum Thema Reduktion

§  2015 Abschluss Bachelor of Arts – Lehramt an Realschulen Deutsch und Chemie

Thema der Bachelorarbeit: Der Audiokommentar im Deutschunterricht – Buch und Film „Das Parfum“ im Vergleich unter den Bedingungen eines neuen Verfahrens

§  2011 Abitur