
Fields of work:

Research interests

sexuality education, teacher education, intercultural education/ culturally responsive teaching, self-efficacy expectations


Academic teaching

since 10/2017: Supervision of students undergoing teacher training during their general school internship (‘ASP’)


Curriculum vitae

since 10/2017: PhD student in biology education, working title: "Professional sexual education knowledge of biology teachers in view of the cultural and religious diversity of learners - concepts and qualification approaches"

since 10/2017: PhD scholarship holder at the college for teaching research at the University of Hildesheim

since 10/2017: Research assistant at the Institute for Educational Science at the University of Hildesheim. Task: Supervision of students undergoing teacher training during their general school internship (‘ASP’).

10/2015-09/2017: Master of Education (Subjects: biology and German) at the University of Hildesheim, title of the final thesis: " Educational material for sex education suitable for children and adolescents " (translation from German)

11/2014-02/2015: Student assistant at the Institute for Biology and Chemistry at the University of Hildesheim, support in conducting the " Basic laboratory course biology I” (cytology/ botany)

10/2012-09/2015: Polyvalent two-subject bachelor with teacher training option (subjects: biology and German) at the University of Hildesheim (B.Sc.), title of thesis: "Adolescent pornography consumption and its effects on sexuality” (translation from German)



Bittner, V. & Meisert, A. (2020) Sex education meets interculturality – German biology teachers’ views on the suitability of specific topics and their personal competencies. Sex Education. DOI: 10.1080/14681811.2020.1766436



09/2019: Talk: "Topics of sex education regarding their intercultural potential from the view of biology teachers" (translation from German), 22nd International Conference of the Section Didactics of Biology (FDdB) together with the Society for Didactics of Chemistry and Physics (GDCP), University of Vienna

09/2019: Poster: „The (inter-)cultural potential of sex education topics from the perspective of biology teachers and their assessment of their own competences“ (translation from German),  National Conference on Sexual Education and Flight, Federal Language Office Naumburg

02/2020: Poster: "Teachers' self-efficacy expectations in sex education considering learners' cultural diversity" (translation from German), Spring School (FJS), Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg


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