apl. Professor Dr. Uwe Kierdorf

Foto Uwe Kierdorf


Telephone: +49 5121 883-40704
email contact form
Room: HC.D.0.03
Consultation time: nach Vereinbarung (per E-Mail)
Homepage: https://www.uni-hildesheim.de/en/fb4/institute/biologie/abteilung-biologie/mitglieder/uwe-kierdorf/ Homepage

Fields of work:

  • Institut für Biologie und Chemie [Managing Committee]
  • Inst. für Biologie und Chemie - Abteilung Biologie [Professors]
  • Prüfungsausschuss Umwelt, Naturschutz und Nachhaltigkeit (M. Sc.) (UNN-neu) [Reserve Delegates (Professors)]
  • Zulassungskommission Umwelt, Naturschutz und Nachhaltigkeitsbildung (UNN-alt) (auslaufend) [Reserve Delegates (Professors)]
  • Prüfungsausschuss Umwelt, Naturschutz und Nachhaltigkeitsbildung (UNN-alt) (auslaufend) [Reserve Delegates (Professors)]
  • Zulassungskommission Umwelt, Naturschutz und Nachhaltigkeit (M. Sc.) (UNN-neu) [Reserve Delegates (Professors)]

Short academic CV of Uwe Kierdorf

June 1976: qualification for university entrance (Abitur)
July 1976 to September 1977: Military service
Tertiary education: University of Cologne, Germany
Undergraduate and graduate studies: October 1977 to September 1984 (biology, geography, prehistory)
PhD-student: October 1984 to February 1988


Academic degrees

1984: MSc degree in biology (minor: geography), University of Cologne, Germany
1988: Doctoral degree, zoology (Dr. rer. nat./PhD), minors: developmental biology, geography, University of Cologne, Germany
1997: Habilitation (Dr. rer. nat. habil.), University of Giessen, Germany



January 1985 – February 1988: Researcher, Wildlife Research Station of the Federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Bonn, Germany
March 1988 – July1994: Lecturer of zoology, Zoological Institute, University of Göttingen, Germany
August 1994 – April 1995: Postdoctoral researcher, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Aarhus, Denmark
May 1995 – September 2005: Lecturer/Reader of systematic zoology and animal ecology, Institute of General and Systematic Zoology, University of Giessen, Germany.
October 2005 – present: Staff member, Department of Biology, University of Hildesheim (since December 2007 Professor)


Other professional activities

1998 – 2005: Vice-chairman of the wildlife research group at the University of Giessen
2001- present: Advisor to the World Health Organization (International Programme for Chemical Safety, IPCS)
2001 – present: Member of the editorial board of the European Journal of Wildlife Research (Springer-Verlag)
2004: Member of the International Science Advisory Panel, Second ASPT-Symposium, Queenstown, New Zealand
2005: Co-chair, Session Wildlife Ecotoxicology, 27th IUGB-Congress, Hannover, Germany
2005: Chairman of the Scientific Committee, First Symposium Game and Ecology, Brijuni, Croatia
2007: Chairman of the Scientific Committee, Second Symposium Game and Ecology, Plitvice, Croatia
2007: Member of the Scientific Committee, 8th Roe Deer Meeting, Velenje, Slovenia
2011: Member of the Scientific Steering Committee, Third ASPT-Symposium, Changchun, China


Main research interests

  • Antler research
  • Wildlife ecotoxicology
  • Mammalian osteology and odontology
  • Physical Anthropology, Bioarchaeology
  • Paleopathology, Vertebrate Taphonomy
  • Ecology of bats



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