We are your English-Fachschaft

Dear English students!

Have you got...

... any questions concerning your studies?

... any questions about how or when to go abroad?

... problems with lecturers?

... and would you like to socialise with other students?



That is what we are here for!

The Fachschaft Englisch meets regularly to discuss up-to-date topics concerning university life, studies and to organise fun events such as BBQs and parties.

If there are any topics you would like to address, feel free to contact us or come to our next meeting! We try to help you wherever we can!

Also have a look at our FAQs - you might find an answer to your question immediately!

OUR NEXT MEETING: Mo. 16 - 18, Tue 14 - 16, room L 065

CONTACT US: fs-englisch@uni-hildesheim.de

FOLLOW US : @facebook ( Fachschaft Englisch Uni Hildesheim)  & @instagram (fsenglisch) 

Institut für englische Sprache und Literatur


Universität Hildesheim
Universitätsplatz 1
31141 Hildesheim


Lübecker Str. 3
31141 Hildesheim


Tanja Bartol
Raum LN 103
Tel.: +49 5121 883 30500
Email: bartol@uni-hildesheim.de
Sprechzeiten: Mo. - Fr. 8 - 13 Uhr
vom 19.08. - 06.09.2024 keine Sprechzeiten


Prof. Dr. S. Brusberg-Kiermeier
Raum LN 114
Tel.: +49 5121 883 30502


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