For lecturers

Workshops in courses: Peer tutoring on techniques of academic work

Supplement your courses with a session on academic work organized by our trained reading and writing tutors.

Selected working techniques are presented by our peer tutors and tested and reflected on with your students at eye level. They focus on specific aspects such as Finding topics and formulating questions, dealing with specialist texts, organizing writing processes, time management, general requirements for term papers, peer feedback, presentations, exposés, etc.

The session is planned according to the wishes of the lecturers and in close consultation with the staff of the Reading and Writing Center. Bring in your expectations or those of your seminar group.

Over the years, we have developed and tested a wide range of concepts for courses in various subjects such as sport, history, sociology, German, economics, Protestant theology and general studies.

Send us your request with the following information:

  • Course time and place
  • Your course, your institute
  • Desired date of the workshop
  • (average) semester of your students
  • Number of participants in your course
  • Desired topic(s) of the workshop
  • Questions of the students on the desired workshop topic

If you are a lecturer planning a workshop on selected topics of academic writing in one of your courses, please send us your request by email to: schreibberatung(at) Together, we will discuss which format would be suitable for implementing your workshop idea.

Designing reading- and writing-intensive teaching - exchange for lecturers

Writing at university means: on the one hand, knowledge is gained and deepened through writing, on the other hand, performance is assessed in writing. Sometimes both are even mixed in academic seminar papers and theses. This presents students with a number of challenges that we are familiar with from our reading and writing consultations.

Supplement your professional expertise, your teaching and supervisory experience with insights from writing research and ideas from writing didactics: you can discuss your seminar concepts with the  Reading and Writing Center team and develop them further with a view to writing.

Together, we will discuss how you can encourage your students to think in writing, how you can combine subject-specific learning with writing exercises, how you can initiate peer feedback among students and how you can make assessment processes transparent.