Meike Schudy

PhD Project "Forms and processes of solidarity in feminist movements using the example of #MeToo and TIME'S UP as aesthetic practice"

Meike Schudy's dissertation project deals with contemporary appearances and practices of solidarity in feminist movements. Using the method on performance and discourse analysis, the focus is on how solidarity is staged and performed. For this purpose, performances of solidarity in social media as well as bodily co-present performances are analysed. The project addresses the medial interaction between analog and digital modes of staging. Appearances of solidarity are scrutinized for their inconsistency in relation to demarcation and communization needs and for the inherent structures of power and desire. The aim of the dissertation project is to evaluate political potentials of the desire for solidarity in their diversity of meaning and thus to develop perspectives on contemporary protest cultures as aesthetic practice.


Meike Schudy studied the bachelor's program "Cultural Studies and Aesthetic Practice" and the master's program "Staging the Arts and the Media" with a focus on theater and media cultural studies at the University of Hildesheim. Her research focuses on gender performances and their socio-political and aesthetic dimensions of meaning. Since April 2022, Meike Schudy has been a research assistant in the DFG (German Research Foundation) Research Training Group "Aesthetic Practice" at the Institute for Media, Theater and Popular Culture of the University of Hildesheim.


Short CV


2015 - 2019: MA "Staging the Arts and the Media", University of Hildesheim

2011 - 2015: BA "Cultural Studies and Aesthetic Practice", University of Hildesheim


Work Experience

Since 04/2022: Research assistant in the DFG (German Research Foundation) Research Training Group 2477 "Aesthetic Practice" at the Institute for Media, Theater and Popular Culture of the University of Hildesheim

05/2021 - 03/2022: Project assistant "Pilotprojekt Kreismagazin" in the Department of Culture and Media of the Educational Center of the District of Wolfenbüttel

04/2020 - 09/2020: Student assistant at the Green Office of the University of Hildesheim

04/2015 - 04/2019: Student assistant of Prof. Dr. Jens Roselt at the Institute for Media, Theatre and Popular Culture of the University of Hildesheim

08/2015 - 04/2016: Co-direction, curation, public relations of the newcomer theater festival "DER SCHREDDER" with a focus on "family" at Theaterhaus Hildesheim

03/2014 - 08/2014: Dramaturgy and production management of the performance "Hermaphroditos – Ich bin die Metamorphose, Baby" at Theaterwerkstatt Pilkentafel, Flensburg

09/2010 - 09/2011: Freelancer at Radio ZuSa in Lüneburg



Summer semester 2023: Seminar “#WeStandWithYou! Forms and Processes of Solidarity as Aesthetic Practice”, Institute for Media, Theatre and Popular Culture, University of Hildesheim



11/2023: Conception, co-organization and realization of the conference “Entangled Practices”, 08.11. and 22.-24.11.2023, University of Hildesheim (together with members of the Research Training Group "Aesthetic Practice")

10/2022: Lecture "Moments of Mimesis using the example of #MeToo" at the international conference of the Research Training Group "Aesthetic Practice" mimesis - praxis - aisthesis. A constellation and its heritage, University of Hildesheim

01/2018: Lecture "It's Alright, I'm Only Bleeding. Biopower and Tampon Advertising", public Foucault Study Day, University of Hildesheim

02/2017: Lecture "I'm indestructible. The retrofuturistic staging of Robyn as a machine woman", Master's conference, University of Hildesheim

07/2016: Lecture "I'm your Venus! The Gilette Venus razor as a staging of idealized femininity", Master's conference, University of Hildesheim