Jonas Dahm

PhD Project "Interspecies Collaborations? Nature Relations in Musical Works."

In his PhD project Jonas Dahm is dedicated to musical practice with the sonic expression of animals, plants, fungi and ecosystems. Plants as sound generators, responding whales, communicating mushrooms, landscapes as soundtrack, humans and birds in musical relationship - the relations of nature and culture that are actualized here are the subject of discussion. For this purpose, the work takes a look at the encounter of human and non-human actors as a common execution of aesthetic practice. Thus, among other things, it is about the possibilities of questioning anthropocentric certainties in music, as well as the limits and gradients of an 'interspecies practice'.




Jonas Dahm studied Culture of the Metropolis at Hafencity University Hamburg (B.A. 2015) and Culture Arts & Media with a focus on Sound Studies at Leuphana University Lüneburg (M.A. 2020). He works as a freelance journalist for Deutschlandradio Kultur, among others. Since April 2022, Jonas Dahm has been a research assistant in the DFG Research Training Group 2477 "Aesthetic Practice" at the Institute for Music and Musicology at the University of Hildesheim.