Hannah Franziska Feiler

PhD Project "Performing Politics. Political potentials within contemporary dance"

In her research project, Hannah Franziska Feiler asks how contemporary dance unfolds political effect and what political, critical, resistant potentials are always already present. Normative orders  determining the possibilities for bodies (not) to move in certain spaces are criticised and renegotiated in dance: Contemporary dance forms not only address the changeability of norms that assign bodies and subjects clearly defined positions in spatially defined tableaus, but also perform this change.
Jacques Rancière's concept of the "Distribution of the Sensible" serves as a starting point, which is confronted by further conceptions of politics, e.g. by Judith Butler. With this perspective, Hannah Feiler examines plays and political protest forms drawing on dance by focusing on the process and the practice of dance. The aim of this research project is to develop a political aesthetic of contemporary dance.



Hannah Franziska Feiler studied philosophy and intercultural arts in Hildesheim and Montpellier. After her studies, she initially worked on various dance and theatre projects, including the format Theatrales Philosophieren in Hamburg. From August 2019 to March 2022, she worked as project coordinator and dramaturg for Compagnie Fredeweß in Hanover. Since April 2022, she has been a researcher at the DFG research training group 2477 Aesthetic Practice at the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Hildesheim.


Short CV


10/2012 – 09/2016: MA Philosophy and intercultural Arts, University of Hildesheim

09/2013 – 02/2014: Semester abroad with an Erasmus scholarship at Université Montpellier III Paul Valéry, Montpellier, France

10/2009 – 12/2012: BA Philosophy – Arts – Media, University of Hildesheim



03/2019 (with Marvin Dreiwes): “We’ll come united. On fragile performance of pluralised collectivity” during the workshop Critical perspectives on the formation of collectivity at the Research Institute for Philosophy Hanover.

10/2022: „Memories of a future past. Notes on pre-enactments at the intersection of arts and politics“ at the annual conference of the Research Training Group: mimesis – praxis – aisthesis. A constellation and its heritage, University of Hildesheim.



Anja Rüdiger: „Hegemonie als ethische Praxis. Zu den Strategien sozialer Bewegungen im neoliberalen Staat“ [From Resistance to Reconstruction: Hegemonic Movement Practices in the Neoliberal State], in: Andreas Hetzel (Hrsg.): Radikale Demokratie. Zum Staatsverständnis von Chantal Mouffe und Ernesto Laclau, Baden-Baden 2017 (Nomos Verlag).


Further work experience

04/2013 – 07/2013: Tutor for Parwez Ghafoori‘s seminar Introduction to Ethics at the University of Hildesheim

10/2011 – 12/2011: Internship in the cultural programme at the Goethe-Institut Lima, Peru