Annika Lisa Richter

Associated member of the research training group

Women Artists in the Weimar Republic and their Aesthetic Practice. Visual Representations of Artistic Activity

Annika Lisa Richter dedicates her dissertation project to the art production of female artists in the Weimar Republic. Against the background of political and social upheavals as well as shifts in gender relations and in the context of the immensely productive and experimental art and cultural scene of the Weimar era, she asks how women artists themselves negotiate their own artistic activity or that of other women in artistic works: In what ways is women's aesthetic practice constructed, commented upon, and represented in the process?

The object of investigation of the research are selected works of various women artists from such different artistic contexts as the Bauhaus, expressionist currents, Dadaism, expressive dance, or academy painting. The material studied deliberately includes different artistic media (photography, photomontage, drawing, collage, painting) in order to enable a multifaceted investigation of the aesthetic practice of women artists in the Weimar Republic.

The aim of the work is to focus on (expressive) forms and conditions of aesthetic practice and thus of women's professional activity in the Weimar Republic and to examine them from an art historical/historical and gender theoretical perspective.



Annika Lisa Richter studied European Art History and History (B.A.) and Art and Media Studies (M.A.) in Heidelberg and Oldenburg. She completed her master's degree with a study on visual representations of female homoeroticism in artistic works from Victorian England and Edo period Japan (19th century). In addition to her academic practice as an art scholar, she works as a dance and movement educator and is artistically and pedagogically active in the fields of dance and music. Since April 2022 she is a PhD student at the Foundation University of Hildesheim and an associate member of the research training group "Aesthetic Practice".


Research focus and interests

  • Feminist Art History
  • Gender and Queer Studies in Art History
  • Relationship between art and history
  • Art History
  • Intersectionality Studies
  • Disability Studies


Short CV


2017 – 2021: M.A. Art and Media Science,
Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg

2013 – 2017: B.A. European Art History; History,
Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg


Scientific career

Since 04/2022: Associate member of the DFG Research Training Group 2477 "Aesthetic Practice" and doctoral candidate at the Foundation University Hildesheim

2015 – 2016: Scientific author in the museum department, Hamburger Kunsthalle, management

2015: Staff member of the art education department (work contract), Hamburger Kunsthalle, education and outreach

2012 – 2013: Voluntary year in the preservation of historical monuments, Historical Museum Regensburg



SoSe 2020/ WiSe 2020/21: Tutor in the Master's program "Art and Media Studies", Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg

SoSe 2018/ WiSe 2018/19: Tutor in the Bachelor's program "Art and Media", Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg


Lectures (selection)

2021 (digital): Impulse lecture on a work from the series "From an Ethnographic Museum" (1929) by Hannah Höch.
Conference: QUE(E)RULED! Practices of Disruption in Art / Media / Science (Anniversary Conference for Profin. Barbara Paul),
Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg

2020 (digital): Of Martyrs, Role Models and Shell Divers - Visual Representations of Female Homoeroticism
10th Gender Research Day of the Center for Interdisciplinary Women's and Gender Studies, CvO University of Oldenburg.

2020 (digital): Of swan eggs and power relations: On Sexism and Violence in Mythological Representations.
Lecture in the context of the seminar "Heroes and Heroines in the Visual Arts of the Early Modern Period" by Profin. Verena Krieger, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Department of Art History and Film Studies

2019: "The son she bears him..." or: Power Relations. On Sexism and Non-Consensual Sex in Mythological Representations, 9th Annual Conference of the Gender Studies Association, FernUniversität Hagen.

2017: Of Red Mouths and Long Legs - Images of Women in the Work of Hannah Höch 93rd Art History Student Congress Bern



(in preparation) "A King of Rust!" - On the Queerizing Potential of Hanna Höch's Photomontage from the Series From an Ethnographic Museum (1929). In: Klaassen, Oliver; Radtke, Lena; Seier, Andrea (eds.): QUE(E)RULING! Practices of Disruption in Art / Media / Science. Berlin: Neofelis Verlag.


Event organization (selection)

2022: Initiator of the artistic-scientific and queer-feminist festival „Frauen*sache! Kunst. Macht. Raum.", where women and genderqueer people open artistic and scientific perspectives on the topic, network and question the relationship between art and science, Oldenburg (together with the organizing team of the festival)


Prizes and scholarships (selection)

2018: Semester Award Bachelor for special scientific achievement in the subject European Art History,
Association for the Scientific Promotion of European Art History at the Art History Institute of Heidelberg University e.V.

2013 – 2021: Study support from the German National Academic Foundation


Artistic and pedagogical practice (selection)

Since 2021: Dance pedagogical co-direction of an inclusive and movement-oriented performance ensemble, Blauschimmel Atelier, Oldenburg, Germany

Since 2021: Experimental improvised music in the inclusive BlueScreen Ensemble, Blauschimmel Atelier, Oldenburg

2020 – 2021: Advanced training as certified dance and performance pedagogue, Impuls e.V., Center for Healthy & Artistic Movement

2016: Dance theater production StarDust Variations, Theater Heidelberg



  • Ulmer Verein - Association for Art and Cultural Studies e.V.
  • Founding member of the AG Feministisch-queere Kunstwissenschaften, Ulmer Verein - Verband für Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften e.V.
  • Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg
  • Founding member of AG Queering: Visual Cultures & Intermediality, Gender Studies Society
  • Working Group Sexualities in History, network of a large number of participating universities, museums, research institutions and independent scholars