Research projects


Staging (In-)Justice

Research: Meriam Bousselmi
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Annemarie Matzke


Between sociological “fact” and literary autofiction. Depictions and staging strategies of social advancement in the works of Pierre Bourdieu, Didier Eribon and Annie Ernaux.

Research: Salvatore Calabrese
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Toni Tholen


Interspecies Collaborations? Nature Relations in Musical Works.

Research: Jonas Dahm
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Matthias Rebstock


Aesthetic practices of nonsense

Research: Ludwig Drosch
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Rolf Elberfeld


Performing Politics. Political potentials within contemporary dance

Research: Hannah Franziska Feiler
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Andreas Hetzel


Organising the open: Or a praxis of limits. Aristotle – Marx – Poststructuralism – Postmarxism

Research: Franziska Ipfelkofer
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Andreas Hetzel


Doing gender as aesthetic practice in theatre education

Research: Laura Kallenbach
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Annemarie Matzke


Doing Body Politics - Uses of performative and aesthetic strategies in curatorial practices

Research: Hanne König
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Fiona McGovern


On the Audacity of Poetic Practice

Research: Theresa Mayer
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Dagmara Kraus


Whose canon? Autodidactic and decolonial critique as aesthetic practice using the example of Rasheed Araeen

Research: Florentine Muhry
Supervision:: Prof. Dr. Thomas Lange


Design practice as an aesthetic practice in digital spaces

Research: Kerstin Rode
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Stefan Krankenhagen


Freedom and dependence

Research: Tanja Wischnewski
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Andreas Hetzel



Mediation of performance art as aesthetic practice

Research: Simon Niemann
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Jens Roselt


Inside choreography. Participative choreographic works in contemporary dance

Research: Dominika Cohn
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Annemarie Matzke


Situations of aesthetic-social negotiation – An ecological approach to reception practice

Research: Jens Fehrenbacher (née Schmidt)
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Matthias Rebstock


Materiality and substance in synthetic images

Research: Carolin Scheler
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Thomas Lange


Every body: Pose! The pose as aesthetic practice

Research: Marie-Charlotte Simons
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Stefan Krankenhagen


The selfie as a form of aesthetic self-referentiality on Instagram

Research: Tobias Wittchen
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Michael Corsten