Events of the Research Training Group
Winter semester 2024/25

(Un)Fair Practices: Cultural Policy Between Artistic Freedom and Political Control?
Conference, date: 5.-7.Dec.2024, location: Kulturcampus of the University of Hildesheim (Hohes Haus, room 302)
The DFG RESEARCH TRAINING GROUP 2477 ‘AESTHETIC PRACTICE’ (Meriam Bousselmi, Sonja Dinter) in co-operation with UNESCO CHAIR IN CULTURAL POLICIES FOR THE ARTS AND TRANSFORMATION (Julius Heinicke, Daniel Gad), are organising a conference from 5-7 December 2024 on the topic of (Un)fair Practices: Cultural Policy Between Artistic Freedom and Political Control?.
For registration please click here.
Click here for the programme.
Click here for the Book of Abstracts.
RTG Annual Conference 2024
“Decolonial Aesthetic Practices?”
07. – 09.11.2024, Culture Campus (Domäne Marienburg)
The international conference convenes scholars and practitioners from various fields to explore the interplay between theory and practice within decolonial frameworks.
The first section examines decolonial aesthetic practices that critically engage with the Eurocentric concept of historiography, narration and epistemology and its methodological coloniality. The contributions deal with decoloniality as a method in the analytical practice of art history and art studies, address the challenges for critical practices of a philosophy in an entangled historical perspective and examine the limits of some key concepts of decoloniality.
The second section focuses on decolonial aesthetic practices in the fields of visual arts, museums and visual media. The lectures explore how colonial materials, colonial destruction and the colonial power structures internalized and perpetuated in institutions, objects, images, testimonies and spaces can be addressed responsibly. Finally, they call for institutional power and existing analytical approaches to be questioned in ways that ensure the transformation of colonial practices into decolonial practices in the long term.
The third section, engaging with an Arab-African perspective, addresses a central paradox: despite the call to decolonize stemming from a rejection of colonial structures, can this injunction be perceived as a Western construct? How can decolonial struggles avoid being hijacked? This section critically examines whether the act of decolonizing effectively dismantles colonial power structures or merely reproduces them.
Summer semester 2024
Stating the aesthetics of access
Stating the aesthetics of access
Conference on accessible aesthetics
in cooperation with the Institute for Media, Theater and Popular Culture and the
Theater for Lower Saxony
with funding from the Lower Saxony Ministry for Science and Culture
16. - 18.05.2024, Theater im Malsaal (thim) Hildesheim
Program information (in German)
Winter semester 2023/24
On making visible - visualization as an aesthetic practice (Workshop)
NEW DATE 08.02.2024, Kulturcampus Domäne Marienburg
with Laura Ohmes (Oldenburg) and Paul Heinicker (Potsdam)
Visualization practices, from quickly scribbled sketches and finely detailed model representations to complex diagrams or infographic arrangements, can be found in many places: they are used in everyday life to plan or communicate things, they illustrate concepts and data. As pictograms, they show the way at the airport and organize public spaces, regulate access and convey content, structure websites and replace verbal instructions for assembling furniture. As part of intermedial media, they compress knowledge as location maps, in the form of sports tables in magazines or cite digital media as visual representations in films and series. They are part of scientific publications, artistic practice and research processes. Visualization practices can be individual everyday practice, experimental or artistic practice or professionally standardized practice.
In the context of this workshop, the realization of one's own practice will condition and deepen the theoretical classification and reflection of this practice.
The workshop will be held in German.
The workshop is aimed at people conducting research at the university: primarily doctoral students/postdocs/research and artistic staff/(junior) professors.
We kindly ask you to register by February 2 at:
Benjamin's Image Practices (Workshop)
15 - 17.02.2024, Kulturcampus Domäne Marienburg
The workshop examines image practices in and based on the work of Walter Benjamin. The workshop is explicitly designed as a reading workshop. In a joint close-reading, we will explore key passages of Benjamin's theory of image practices. The workshop will be supplemented by a practical section on calligraphy.
Entangled Practices
8.11. und 22. - 24.11.2023
Joint event with the Hildesheim Cathedral Museum
The Research Training Group "Aesthetic Practice" invites you! Over several days in November, we want to share with you the entanglements of practices that engage and move us - the PhD students of the Research College. From decolonial global art history and critical curatorial practice to practices of listening and meditation, the speculative field of design and art, to political staging and movement practices in public space: a kaleidoscope of scientific, artistic, and bodily-situational practices awaits you!
All interested parties are cordially invited to participate in the event. (We welcome registrations via a short message to: GRK2477(at)
The event will be held partly in German (DE) and partly in English (EN).
Workshop as part of our program of events on "Entangled Practices": Practices of listening and meditation.
8.11.2023, Kulturcampus, KC.2.0.06 (Konferenzraum altes Pächterhaus)
The session (in English) opens up a space of deep listening and mindfulness where sound is a tactile, physical field: a source of knowing and understanding. Weather permitting, a sound walk in conjunction with field recording technology will be conducted outdoors. We will follow the connection of listening and meditation: ‘Listening to a sound awakens one to the path.’ With practical exercises and in-depth discussions, we will explore the interweaving of both paths along the practice of field recording.(We welcome registrations via a short message to: GRK2477(at)
Workshop led by Diane Barbé (
The "I" in Gender Studies. On the Significance of Experience and Experiencing for the Critique of the Gender Order. Guest lecture and workshop by/with Prof. Dr. Tomke König
Cooperation with the working group "Feminist Critique" and the Center for Gender Studies at the University of Hildesheim
Wednesday, 08.11.2023 (public lecture, 18:15 - 19:30) and Thursday, 09.11.2023 (workshop, 09:00 - 13:00 - with registration)
Auditorium, Hohes Haus, Kulturcampus Domäne Marienburg
The lecture will outline the contribution that a "first-person science" can make to the further development of gender theory and research. The thematic focus will be on an aspect that is central to gender research: the critique of the binary-hierarchical heteronormative gender order and the possibilities of its transformation. Living bodies - according to the thesis - always experience more than can be grasped and expressed in the available categories; precisely for this reason, they can also be understood and conceptualized as a condition of possibility for the transformation of the gender order. All interested persons are cordially invited to participate!
The workshop on the following day is titled "Speaking about - Speaking from" and ties in directly with the idea of the lecture. Starting from the indistinguishability of language and body, I would like to try out with the participants a certain way of speaking and writing that takes it seriously as a bodily process. The goal of the workshop is to approach the complexity and multiple meanings of our gendered modes of existence, which are mostly obscured by the paradigm of the binary-hierarchical heteronormative gender order. Register by November 3: GRK2477(at)
Tomke König holds the professorship of Sociology of Gender at Bielefeld University and heads the board of the Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies (IZG) there.
Past Semesters
International Conference "mimesis - praxis - aisthesis. A Constellation and its Heritage"
13. - 15.10.2022
with guests from the Chinese Culture University, Taipei (Taiwan)
Interdisciplinary Lecture Series "Critical Aesthetic Practice"
Thursdays from 18:00 - 19:30, Hs 50/202
The lecture series dealt with the idea of a practice that reflects on its own limits in execution and questions itself as well as its conceptualizations and modes of action with regard to the interconnections to which they owe their existence. It was based on an understanding of the critical that does not consist solely in discourse, but includes a practical dimension. A critical aesthetic practice, understood in this way, is always also a political practice that confronts its ambivalences and seeks controversy. It situates itself between different aesthetics and does not take any of them for granted, but rather thematizes, realizes, and seeks to take responsibility for power relations anew or to intervene in historiography and the present in a way that changes them. The lecture series therefore asked what is critical in and about aesthetic practice. In the process, the concepts of aesthetics and critique themselves were put to the test due to their historical genesis. How, for example, does the critique of the Eurocentrism of aesthetics and critique itself manifest itself through an aesthetic practice? What potential do the diverse post- and decolonial, gender- , ableist- and class-critical approaches in the arts open up with regard to marginalized perspectives and critical counter-narratives? In a transdisciplinary perspective, the lecture series with contributors from theory and practice addressed the question of how the critical is produced, represented, performed, curated, and/or mediated in practice itself.
With contributions by Mearg Negusse, Yvonne Schmidt, Thomas Lange, Fabiana Ex-Souza, Stefan Krankenhagen and Thomas Alkemeyer, Nikolaus Müller-Schöll, Ines Kleesattel, Marta Keil, Marc Siegel, Elizabeth Povinelli as well as the fellows of the GRK "Aesthetic Practice" Meriam Bousselmi, Florentine Muhry, Simone Niehoff and Simon Niemann, who together organized a panel at the end of the lecture series.
Organization: Martina Groß and Fiona McGovern

Research Day of the Critical Theatre Pedagogy Working Group
February 19, 2022, 9:30 am - 4:00 pm, online.
We notice that forms of critical theater pedagogical practice are developing that give rise to new aesthetic(s). The examples are numerous - post/decolonial critique, critique of power in transgenerational constellations, queer feminist perspectives, or aesthetic(s) of access - and raise multiple questions: What does a critical aesthetic practice look like? How do we critically examine (our own) theater pedagogical working attitudes and (aesthetic) practices? To what extent do structural and aesthetic questions combine in a critical theater pedagogy?
Program (german)
Please register for online participation by 07.02. to Sonja Schütte ( with your postal address and the text/working group you wish to participate in. The text will be sent digitally and on paper.
The Research Day is organized in cooperation of the Research Training Group 2477 "Aesthetic Practice" with the Institute for Media, Theater and Popular Culture of the Foundation University of Hildesheim.
Organizers: Prof. Dr. Maike Gunsilius, Laura Kallenbach, Simon Niemann, Frank Oberhäußer, Isabel Schwenk

"Practice Practice"
Annual Conference 2021
November 4 – 6th, 2021
For more information on the annual conference, click here.
Feministische Wissenschaftskritik über den Weg des Körpers.
Feminist critique of science (The event will be held in German)
A practical workshop with Sunny Graff
29.11.-30.11.2021, Monday13.00-17.00, Tuesday 9.00-14.00 (Aula, Domäne)
The workshop is aimed at female academic staff, lecturers, female professors at the University of Hildesheim (approx. 15 participants possible).
Registration until 30.10.21 with Ben Steppath (<>)
Conference "Gilbert Simondon: Ecological, aesthetic and technological modes of existence"
15 – 16 October 2021, Time Zone: Central European Summer Time
The conference will be held virtually. All contributions will be in English.
Please register here.
Gilbert Simondon is known as a philosopher of technology. Yet in his principal book on that subject he reflects on the "entire genesis implicating man and the world of which the genesis of technicity is perhaps only a small part" (MEOT 168). His book Individuation in Light of Notions of Form and Information (1958), recently translated into English, reveals him in turn as a philosopher of nature. In lecture courses, Simondon reflects on further topics such as aesthetics and psychology of perception, imagination and invention. The challenge is to show to what extent Simondon’s theories – of technology, nature and culture – are interrelated.
The conference aims to study the interconnections between the different aspects of Simondon’s philosophy – the various "modes of existence" to which he devoted considerable reflection. Its basic premise is the one that Simondon himself can be seen to have accepted as essential, that technology and its development are not an independent reality but encounter science and ethics, religious and aesthetic thought within a regulative system that Simondon names "Culture". Cultural objects fulfil the double role of mediating the relation between human beings and their natural as well as social milieu.
Simondon sees a role for philosophy in thinking the imbrication of these different modes of existence and fostering mutual exchange and communication between them. How can we think the relation between ecological, technological and aesthetic modes of existence? In what ways are they distinct in terms of structures and operations? In what ways are they engaged in a form of co-evolution? How might it be possible to reduce the fragmentation of human knowledge and experience and foster integration, in particular the reintegration of technical developments into cultural understanding?
The conference brings together international scholars from various disciplines to discuss Simondon’s thought and its relevance today in the light of possible "symbiotic" forms of ecological, aesthetic and technological modes of existence.
Organised by
Anne Sauvagnargues (University of Paris, Ouest Nanterre La Défense)
Daniela Voss (University of Hildesheim, Germany)
Confirmed speakers:
Andrea Bardin – Oxford Brookes University
Yuk Hui – City University of Hong Kong
Cécile Malaspina – King's College London
Heike Delitz – Otto-Friedrich University Bamberg
Olivier Del Fabbro – ETH Zurich
Anne Lefebvre – ENS Paris-Saclay
Jean-Hugues Barthélémy – Paris-Nanterre University
Anne Sauvagnargues – Paris-Nanterre University
Daniela Voss – University of Hildesheim

Workshop "Wittgenstein's Exercises: Aesthetic and Ethical Transformations"
15 - 16 July 2021
This workshop aims to investigate Wittgenstein’s philosophical practices as exercises. It explores their simultaneously aesthetic and ethical dimension, so as to uncover their transformative potential for and within ordinary social practices, conceived of as a weave of trained, embodied practices and techniques.
Invited Speakers
Anna Boncompagni (University of California, Irvine)
Anne-Marie-Christensen (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark)
Logi Gunnarsson (University of Potsdam, Germany)
Andreas Hetzel (University of Hildesheim, Germany)
Oskari Kuusela (University of East Anglia, UK)
Beth Savickey (University of Winnipeg, Canada)
Davide Sparti (University of Siena, Italy)
Katrin Wille (University of Hildesheim, Germany)
"Body Politics In The Exhibition Context"
April – September 2021
- Discussions
- (Interactive) Lectures
- Screenings
- Performances
- Workshops
Clémentine Deliss, Antje Géra, Fanny Hauser, Viktor Neumann, Alice Peragine, Megan Tamati-Quenell, Kathy-Ann Tan, Alice Wilke und Emma Wolf-Haugh
Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Praxistheorie(n)
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Practice Theory(s) (The event will be held in German)
Online Roundtable Discussion (via Zoom)
23.06.21, 10:00-12:00
Guests: Sophia Prinz und Hilmar Schäfer
"Widening Aesthetic Discourse – Postcolonial and Global Perspectives"
Online Roundtable Discussions
DFG Research Training Group "Aesthetic Practice", DFG Koselleck Project "Histories of Philosophy in a Global Perspective", Center for World Music
Interested? Please contact:
Over the past decades, postcolonial and global perspectives have significantly widened and rearranged aesthetic discourses. Cultural and philosophical theory is trying to keep pace with aesthetic practices, that have ceased to obey Eurocentric constrictions long ago. Thereby, a postcolonial view carries the potential not only for a rereading of the history of aesthetic practices. It also brings the political dimension of aesthetic practice and theory of aesthetics in the present to the fore. Based on postcolonial perspectivation, different layers and aspects of globalized discourses on art and aesthetics can be made accessible for analysis in novel ways.
These questions are addressed from different angles in three online roundtable discussions: Michaela Ott and Ivo Ritzer will discuss "dividuation" and "composite cultures" from the point of view of Africa-focused media studies. Monica Juneja and Christian Utz will talk about the possibility of a global history and historiography of visual arts and music. Simon Gikandi and Ruth Sonderegger will engage in an intellectual exchange on the connectedness of colonialism and the emergence of aesthetic discourses in 17th- and 18th-century Europe.
Thursday, 16:00 – 18:00 h (CET) (online, BigBlueButton)
Postcolonial constellations in contemporary arts and aesthetics
Invited Guests: Michaela Ott (Professor of Aesthetic Theories, Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg) and Ivo Ritzer (Professor of Comparative Media Studies, University of Bayreuth)
Globalization of art history and music history in the course of the 20th century
Invited Guests: Monica Juneja (Professor of Global Art History, University of Heidelberg) and Christian Utz (Professor of Music Theory / Music Analysis at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz)
Colonialism and aesthetics
Invited Guests: Simon Gikandi (Robert Schirmer Professor of English, Princeton University) and Ruth Sonderegger (Professor of Philosophy and Aesthetic Theory, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna)
"Think Practice!" - Interdisciplinary lecture series
The lecture will be held digitally!
Lecture series in the course catalog LSF
The lecture series "Think Practice!" deals with the question of how practice is talked about and thought about in different disciplines. To this end, renowned representatives from a whole range of disciplines have been invited to present their respective understanding of practice. The lecture series will include lectures from the fields of education, art history, cultural studies, philosophy, political science, psycholinguistics, and sociology. These lectures will deal with the meaning of practice in the context of the respective discipline.
"Participation - Body - an Action: Dimensions of Aesthetic Practice"
1. International conference of the Research Training Group 2477
13.-15.02.2020, Kulturcampus Domäne Marienburg, Hohes Haus, Aula
Speakers (external guests): Prof. Dr. Thomas Alkemeyer, Prof. Dr. Kathrin Busch, Dr. Adam Czirak, Dr. Azadeh Sharifi, Prof. Dr. Kerstin Stakemeier
"Embodied Practices between Phenomenology and Performance Studies"
Scientific theory and practical experience workshop in combination with the Augmented-Reality-Installation "Conspiracy Archives"
06.-07.12.2019, Kulturcampus Domäne Marienburg, Hohes Haus, Aula
Participants (external guests): Prof. Susan Kozel PhD, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Michela Summa, Margret Sara Guðjónsdóttir (Installation, choreography und practical experience exercise)
"Professional wrestling in theory and practice."
Scientific Workshop with theory and practical experience
28.-29.11.2019, Kulturcampus Domäne Marienburg, Burgtheater
"Aesthetic practice. A Research Training Group introduces itself"
Events forming part of the anniversary week of the cultural studies
25.10.2019, 13:00 bis 15:00 Uhr, Kulturcampus Domäne Marienburg
Speakers (Graduates of the Training Group): Dr. Lucilla Guidi, Marie-Charlotte Simons, Salvatore Calabrese, Tobias Wittchen.
Lectures at the workshop "Event and Agency" with Gernot Böhme, Dieter Mersch and Rainer Winter
Thursday, July 4th, 2019
10.00 s.t.
Andreas Hetzel (Hildesheim) Welcome and introduction
Gernot Böhme (Darmstadt) The atmosphere of pictures
Jens Roselt (Hildesheim) Welcome and introduction
Dieter Mersch (Zürich) Artificial and Artistic Intelligence - On the critique of the algorithmization of creativity
Friday, July 5th, 2019
Andreas Hetzel (Hildesheim) Welcome and introduction
Rainer Winter (Klagenfurt) Power, obstinacy and the emergence of the political
Venue: University of Hildesheim, Kulturcampus Domäne Marienburg, Domänenstrasse 1, Hohes Haus/Aula (Hs 50/302)
Lecture "Ästhetische Praxis"
You can find the program here.