Ryan Hackländer

PhD Ryan Hackländer


Fields of work:

Biographical Sketch

Since 10/14           Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in the Department of Allgemeine Psychologie at the

                                University of Hildesheim


08/10 - 12/13        Doctoral student in the Department of Cognitive and Brain Sciences at the

                                University of Louisville


08/08 - 08/10        Master's student in the Department of Cognitive and Brain Sciences at the

                                University of Louisville


08/04 - 05/08        Bachelor's student at Kentucky Wesleyan College

Research Interests

Olfaction and cognition

Remembering and forgetting

Evolutionary constraints on cognition


Publications and Presentations

Journal Articles

*Hackländer, R.P.M., Schlüter, H. & Abel, M. (2023). Drinking the waters of Lethe: Bringing voluntary choice into the study of voluntary forgetting. Memory & Cognition. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13421-023-01467-7.

Bermeitinger, C., Baess, P., Hackländer, R. P. M., Kappes, C., & Meinhard, M. (2022). „In-emotional“ blindness? Lower detection rates for unexpected stimuli in negative compared to positive emotions. Open Psychology, 4, 292-305. doi.org/10.1515/psych-2022-0130

Bogenschütz, L., Bermeitinger, C., Brörken, A., Schlüter, H., & Hackländer, R. P. M. (2022). Odor associated memories are not necessarily highly emotional. Acta Psychologica, 230, 103767. doi.org/10.1016/j.actpsy.2022.103767

Öner, S., Watson, L. A., Adigüzel, Z., Ergen, I., Bilgin, E., Curci, A., Cole, S., de la Mata, M. L., Janssen, S. M. J., Lanciano, T., Markostamou, I., Nourkova, V., Santamaria, A., Taylor, A., Barzykowski, K., Bascon, M., Bermeitinger, C., Cubero-Perez, R., Dessenberger, S., Garry, M., Gülgoz, S., Hackländer, R., Heux, L., Jin, Z., Lojo, M., Matias-Garcia, J., A., Roediger III, H. L., Szpunar, K., Tekin, E., Under, O. (2022). Collective remembering and future forecasting during the COVID-19 pandemic: How the impact of COVID-19 affected the themes and phenomenology of global and national memories across 15 countries. Memory & Cognition. doi.org/10.3758/s13421-022-01329-8

Bermeitinger, C., Hackländer, R. P. M., Kollek, M., Stiegemeyer, M., & Tränkner, A. E. (2020). Perceived and one’s own motion in response priming. Open Psychology, 2, 213-237. doi.org/10.1515/psych-2020-0106.

Ostendorf, A., Schlüter, H., & Hackländer, R. P. M. (2020). Sounds in the classroom: Auditory context dependent memory in school-aged children. Open Psychology, 2, 106-118. doi.org/10.1515/psych-2020-0101. OSF page: https://osf.io/92dps/

Schlüter, H., Hackländer, R. P. M., & Bermeitinger, C. (2019). Emotional Oddball: A review on memory effects. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. doi.org/10.3758/s13423-019-01658-x

Hackländer, R. P., Janssen, S. M., & Bermeitinger, C. (2019). An in-depth review of the methods, findings, and theories associated with odor-evoked autobiographical memory. Psychonomic bulletin & review, 26, 401-429. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13423-018-1545-3. OSF page: https://osf.io/kwxt6/

Bermeitinger, C., & Hackländer, R. P. (2018). Response priming with motion primes: negative compatibility or congruency effects, even in free choice trials. Cognitive Processing. doi.org/10.1007/s10339-018-0858-5

Hackländer, R. P. M., & Bermeitinger, C. (2017). Olfactory context-dependent memory and the effects of affective congruency. Chemical Senses, 42, 777-788.

Edlin, J.M., Leppanen, M.L., Fain, R.J., Hackländer, R.P., Hanaver-Torrez, S.D., & Lyle, K.B. (2015). One the use (and misuse?) of the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory. Brain and Cognition, 94, 44-51.

Lyle, K.B., Hanaver-Torrez, S.D., Hackländer, R.P., & Edlin, J.M. (2012). Consistency of handedness, regardless of direction, predicts baseline memory accuracy and potential for memory enhancement.  Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 38, 187-193.

Derryberry, W.P., Mulvaney, R., Brooks, J. & Chandler, C. (2009). Addressing the relationships among moral judgment development, authenticity, nonprejudice, and volunteerism. Ethics and Behavior, 19, 201-217.


Book Chapters

Hackländer, R., Eckert, D., & Bermeitinger, C. (2016). Visual processing: The role of importance. In T. Heinen (Ed.), Advances in visual perception research. New York: Nova Publishing.


Posters and Talks

Hackländer, R. P. M., Abel, M., & Schlüter, H. (2021). Drinking the waters of Lethe. Short talk presented at the 63rd annual TeaP in Ulm, Germany (Virtual conference hosted by the University of Ulm).

Brörken, A. J., Hackländer, R. P. M., & Bermeitinger, C. (2021). Delayed rating of Autobiographical memories. Long talk presented at the 63rd annual TeaP in Ulm, Germany (Virtual conference hosted by the University of Ulm).

Eickemeier, S., Rühs, F., Bermeitinger, C., & Hackländer, R. P. M. (2021). Subtle changes in visually cued action influence memory. Long talk presented at the 63rd annual TeaP in Ulm, Germany (Virtual conference hosted by the University of Ulm).

Hackländer, R. P. M., Schlüter, H., & Bermeitinger, C. (2020). Olfactory context dependent memory: What makes odors effective mnemonic cues? Talk accepted at the 62nd annual TeaP in Jena, Germany. [Corona related cancellation of conference].

Schlüter, H., Hackländer, R. P. M., & Bermeitinger, C. (2020). Raiders of the lost effects: How robust is the emotional oddball effect in memory? Poster accepted at the 62nd annual TeaP in Jena, Germany. [Corona related cancellation of conference].

Eickemeier, S., Rühs, F., Bermeitinger, C., & Hackländer, R. P. M. (2020). Event cognition: Do changes in background lead to forgetting. Poster accepted at the 62nd annual TeaP in Jena, Germany. [Corona related cancellation of conference].

Bermeitinger, C. Stiegemeyer, Hackländer, R. P. M., Kollek, M., & Tränkner, A. E. (2020). You see it and you do it: Perceived and one’s own motion in response priming. Poster accepted at the 62nd annual TeaP in Jena, Germany. [Corona related cancellation of conference].

Bermeitinger, C., Hackländer, R. P., Kollek, M., Stiegemeyer, M., & Tränker, A. E. (2019). Seeing and doing motion: Interaction of one’s own motion and perceived motion in a response priming task. Poster presented at the 52nd annual HexKoP in Hildesheim, Germany.

Hackländer, R. P. M., Schlüter, H., & Bermeitinger, C. (2019). Odor contexts: What is stored? Poster to be presented at the 52nd annual HexKoP in Hildesheim, Germany.

Ostendorf, A., Schlüter, H., & Hackländer, R. P. M. (2019). Auditory context dependent memory in a classroom setting: The reinstatement of sounds improves recall and recognition. Poster to be presented at the 52nd annual HexKoP in Hildesheim, Germany.

Schlüter, H., Hackländer, R. P., & Bermeitinger, C. (2019). Raiders of the lost effects: How robust is the emotional oddball effect in memory? Talk to be presented at the 52nd annual HexKoP in Hildesheim, Germany.

Bermeitinger, C., Hackländer, R. P. M., & Baess, P. (2019). Smells like…no evidence that temporal attention is modulated by lavender vs. peppermint. Poster presented at the 3rd International Flavor and Fragrance Conference in Vina del Mar, Chile.

Hackländer, R. P. M. (2018). Olfaction: Neglected no more. Talk presented at the 51st annual DGPs-Kongress. Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Hackländer, R. P. M., Baess, P., Hellweg, C., & Bermeitinger, C. (2018). Attention blinks irrespective of (lavender or peppermint) odor. Talk presented at the 60th annual TeaP. Marburg, Germany.

Hackländer, R. P., & Bermeitinger, C. (2017). Affective congruence in olfactory context dependent memory. Poster presented at the first Human Olfaction Conference. Nijmegen, the Netherlands.

Baess, P., Hackländer, R., Hellweg, C., & Bermeitinger, C. (2017). Is attentional control in the attentional blink really modulated by odor? Poster presented at the first Human Olfaction Conference. Nijmegen, the Netherlands.

Schlüter, H., Hackländer, R., & Bermeitinger, C. (2017). Does valence matter? Influences of positive and negative deviants on neutral standard information in the Emotional Oddball Paradigm. Poster presented at the 59th annual TeaP. Dresden, Germany.

Hackländer, R. P., & Bermeitinger, C. (2017). Olfactory context dependent memory. Talk presented at the 59th annual TeaP. Dresden, Germany.

Bekil, A., Hackländer, R. P., & Bermeitinger, C. (2016). Hin und weg: Voraktivierungen emotionaler Konzepte in Abhängigkeit von Verarbeitungstiefe und Valenzbezug der Aufgabe. Poster presented at the 50th annual Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Leipzig, Germany.

Hackländer, R. P., & Bermeitinger, C. (2016). Olfactory context dependent memory: The role of context-target affective congruence. Talk presented at the 49th annual HexKoP. Tübingen, Germany.

Hackländer, R.P., Baess, P., Hellweg, C., & Bermeitinger, C. (2016). Forest and flowers, trees and plants: Do specific odorants bias the level of processing of a visual scene? Talk presented at the 58th annual TeaP. Dresden, Germany.

Baess, P., Hackländer, R. P., Hellweg, C., & Bermeitinger, C. (2016). The influence of odor on attentional control: Insights from a trial-by-trial modulation. Talk presented at the 58th annual TeaP. Dresden, Germany.

Hackländer, R.P., Baess, P., Hellweg, C., & Bermeitinger, C. (2015). Missing the forest for the smell of a leaf, but not a flower? The influence of specific odors on global and local processing. Talk presented at the 48th annual HexKoP. Kaiserslautern, Germany.

Hackländer, R.P. & Lyle, K.B. (2015).  Snakes in the Street: The threat superiority effect depends on ecological congruence. Talk presented at the 57th annual TeaP. Hildesheim, Germany.

Hackländer, R.P. & Lyle, K.B. (2014).  Explicit location memory for threatening and nonthreatening stimuli. Talk presented at the fourteenth annual meeting of the Menschliches Verhalten in Evolutionärer Perspektive Liste. Wuppertal, Germany.  

Lyle, K.B., & Hackländer, R.P.  (2013).  Seeing the truth: Saccade execution increases correct “true” responses on T/F history tests.  Poster presented at the fifty-fourth annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society.  Toronto, Canada.  

Hackländer, R.P., & Lyle, K.B.  (2012).  Where was that snake in the grass?  Detecting versus remembering threatening stimuli.  Poster presented at the twenty-fourth annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science.  Chicago, IL.  

Hackländer, R.P., & Lyle, K.B. (2010).  Do all bilateral motor movements enhance memory retrieval?: A test of the interhemispheric interaction hypothesis.  Poster presented at the eighty-second annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association.  Chicago, IL.  

Derryberry, W.P., Barger, B., Brooks, J., & Mulvaney, R. (2007). The effect of affect: Exploring the relevance of sadness and anger to macromoral reasoning and judgment. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago, Illinois.  

Derryberry, W.P., Mulvaney R., Brooks, J., & Chandler, C. (2007). Addressing the relationships among authenticity, nonprejudice, moral judgment and volunteerism. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago, Illinois.



WiSe 2021-22     Projektband 1st semester: Forgetting in the classroom

WiSe 2021-22     General Psycholgie II - Seminar accompanying lecture

WiSe 2021-22     EmPra/ExPra: Semester 1

SoSe 2021          EmPra/ExPra: Autobiographical memory and the senses

SoSe 2021          EmPra/ExPra: Threatening information and source memory

SoSe 2021          Motivation and emotion in human mating and courtship

SoSe 2021          Master's course: Forgetting what we want to

WiSe 2020-21     EmPra/ExPra: Semester 1

WiSe 2020-21     General Psycholgie II - Seminar accompanying lecture

WiSe 2020-21     Projektband 3rd semester: Event cognition

WiSe 2020-21     Projektband 3rd semester: Arousal biased competition

SoSe 2020          WiPra 2nd semester: Event cognition

SoSe 2020          Projektband 2nd semester: Event cognition

SoSe 2020          Projektband 2nd semester: Arousal biased competition

WiSe 2019-20     WiPra 1st semester: Event cognition

WiSe 2019-20     Projektband 1st semester: Event cognition

WiSe 2019-20     Projektband 1st semester: Arousal biased competition

WiSe 2019-20     Projektband 3rd semester: Digitales medien und Gedächtnis Forschung

SoSe 2019          Projektband 2nd semester: Digitales medien und Gedächtnis Forschung

WiSe 2018-19     Projektband 1st semester: Digitales medien und Gedächtnis Forschung

WiSe 2018-19     Projektband 3rd semester: Memory

WiSe 2018-19     General Psycholgie II - Seminar accompanying lecture

WiSe 2015-16     Projektband: Podcasts as Supplemental Learning Material

SoSe 2015          Methoden der Datenerhebung

SoSe 2015          Motivation and Emotion: Moral Emotions

WiSe 2014-15     WiPra - The Psychology of Olfaction

WiSe 2014-15     General Psychology: An Evolutionary Perspective