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- Hildesheim Lab for Experimental Psychopathology (HiEXPO)
Hildesheim Lab for Experimental Psychopathology (HiEXPO)
In our laboratory we use state-of-the-art psychophysiological and neuroimaging methods to enable translational research of the Experimental Psychopathology Group.
For data recording, the lab is equipped with the BIOPAP hardware platform (www.biopac.com) in two lab rooms, Movisens EcgMove 4 and EdaMove 4 (www.movisens.com), NIRSport2 (www.nirx.net, cooperation with the Neurodidactics & NeuroLab group, Prof. Kristian Folta-Schoofs, and the Social, Organizational and Business Psychology group, Prof. Andreas Mojzisch) and DMK 33GX273 GigE monochrome industrial camera (www.theimagingsource.com). The following psychophysiological and neurobiological parameters can be derived in our laboratory:
The electrocardiogram (ECG) is a standard procedure for recording the electrical activity of the heart. By monitoring heart rate and heart rate variability, we can draw conclusions about psychological processes and, for example, investigate the effects of stress and emotional states on the cardiovascular system. The ECG can also be recorded by mobile EcgMove 4 outside the laboratory.
Electrodermal activity (EDA), also known as skin conductance, is a method of recording sweat gland activity that is closely linked to emotional and cognitive states. This is often used to assess the autonomic nervous system, particularly to determine the degree of sympathetic arousal in an individual.
Head of the experimental psychology laboratory:
(Kopie 4)
Dr. Yunbo Yang

Telephone: +49 (0)5121 883-12260Fax: +49 (0)5121 883-11261
email contact form
Room: SH.TW.2.08 - Schützenallee - Schützenallee-Campus
Fields of work:
- Department of Psychology [Academic Staff]