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- International Conference HEDI 2025
International Conference HEDI 2025
International Conference - History Education, Diversity and Inclusion (HEDI) 2025 at University of Hildesheim, GER
Organization: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Barsch (Cologne) and Prof. Dr. Franziska Rein (Hildesheim)
Date: October 9th and 10th, 2025
Place: University of Hildesheim
Contact: s.barsch(at)uni-koeln.de und reinf(at)uni-hildesheim.de
Given the existing diversity in society, which is also represented in schools, the question of how to make history learning accessible to all remains of great importance. Inclusion and diversity are no longer alien to the discipline of history education, as diversity and inclusion-oriented research and methodological proposals have proliferated, especially in the last two decades. Nevertheless, there are still massive theoretical, empirical and pragmatic desiderata that call for the systematic and focused study of history education with a focus on inclusion and diversity.
In recent years, a broader understanding of inclusion has emerged. This means that inclusion is not only focused on people with disabilities, but also comprehensively addresses all areas of social inequality associated with disadvantage. This includes disadvantages caused by language skills, socio-economic conditions, sexual orientation, ethnicity, etc. that differ from those of the majority of society. As a result, inclusion has become a field of research and practice for different professions, each with its own specificities and perspectives. From a broad understanding of inclusion, intersectional intersections are also interesting in terms of their impact on historical learning processes.
The conference aims to provide a space for these issues to be addressed. In addition, theoretical perspectives, practical experiences, empirical findings and conceptual approaches will be given equal consideration.
The conference is planned as an international conference with English as the working language.
The conference is open to all scholars and interested persons! We`re looking forward to meet you in Hildesheim!
Further information on the conference program, hotels etc. will follow as soon as possible
If you would like to attend the conference, please send us an e-mail to s.barsch(at)uni-koeln.de und reinf(at)uni-hildesheim.de. It is possible to register to attend the conference until February 28, 2025. (Already registered contributors who will speak on the conference do not need to send a message)
If you need childcare during the conference, please contact us.