Michael Fuhr / Kerstin Klenke / Julio Mendívil (Ed.)
Diggin' Up Music - Ethnomusicology as Building Site
 A festschrift for Raimund Vogels' 65th birthday

2021, 470 p., Universitätsverlag Hildesheim / Georg-Olms-Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-487-15977-5


This volume is a festschrift to mark the 65th birthday of Raimund Vogels, who has been professor of ethnomusicology at the University of Music, Drama and Media Hanover for twenty years and director of the Center for World Music at the University of Hildesheim Foundation for ten years. During these decades he has, as a ‘foreman’ and ‘bridge builder’, been engaged in numerous projects and activities at the nexus of research, cultural safeguarding and music education in the field of ethnomusicology. His understanding of ethnomusicology as a socio-political practice that regards music as a tool for cultural diversity and social integration has provided important impulses both within and outside the discipline and has had a lasting impact on his academic offspring. Diggin' Up Music – Ethnomusicology as Building Site is a collection of contributions from his former and current doctoral students and research assistants, in which the diverse topics, approaches and perspectives of ethnomusicological work find expression.



Studies in Music

All following volumes are published in the series Center for World Music - Studies in Music by Georg-Olms Publishing house.

They can be purchased via its  Webshop and borrowed from the Library of the University of Hildesheim.

Yongfei Du

Cultural Heritage, Institutionalization and National Identity - Yangge after the Chinese Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)

2024, 350 p., paperback, ISBN: 978-3-96424-099-6

This book presents an in-depth analysis of the transformation processes of Chinese yangge and its complex interrelationships with political, economic and cultural developments after the Chinese Cultural Revolution (1966-1976). The author methodically traces the historical and political framework and, as an ethnologist, engages in self-reflexive ethnomusicology. By combining insider and outsider perspectives, the study positions itself in the context of a postmodern ethnomusicology and the tradition of cultural studies. The result is a thorough scholarly examination of three case studies of yangge, which moves between the poles of globalisation and national identity.

Michael Fuhr, Cornelia Gruber

Music, Remembering and Cultural Memory

2024, 275 p., paperback, ISBN: 978-3-96424-098-9

This volume brings together ethnomusicological and cultural studies perspectives on the topics of Music, Remembering and Cultural Memory. It includes chapters in German and English that analyze processes of memory-making based on specific musical practices and genres, and challenge national and canonical memory discourses. The authors discuss how music and sound practices as acts of remembrance may enable social transformation and recognition, and how different forms and media of musical memory are being appropriated and legitimized. In doing so, they apply diverse and transdisciplinary approaches—from feminist research and theories of contemporary witnessing to musically operative forgetting and pedagogical applications.

Hajara Amoni Njidda

Performing Authenticities and Nation Building in Nigeria

2021, 168 p., with coloured illustrations, paperback, ISBN: 978-3-487-16013-9

After the devastating civil war which lasted over 30 months (July 1967 – January 1970), the then Head of State and commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, General Yakubu Gowon initiated a National Festival for the main purposes of reintegration and reconciliation between ethnic nationalities that fought on the opposing sides during the war. It was an opportunity to use culture to heal the wounds of the war by uniting the people but as time went by, it became a forum for creativity, talent hunt and cultural promotion.

The thrust of this publication is to examine the festival from the perspectives of performing Authenticity, Cultural Nationalism, Nation Building and National Identification which was continued to be shaped by prevailing socio-political as well as economic condition.

Dr. Nepomuk Riva

Academia under Attack –
Accounts of the Boko Haram Insurgency at the University of Maiduguri.

2020, 334 p.  ISBN: 978-3-487-42281-7

'As a university, we have never closed for one day! We have been there all this while despite the Boko Haram insurgency.' In this book, academics of the University of Maiduguri in north-eastern Nigeria tell their stories about how they survived the violent movement that started in 2009. With Boko Haram meaning 'Western education is sin' the university was one of the main targets of the Islamist group. The eye-witnesses give insight into their individual experiences and coping strategies. Moreover, it becomes obvious how important a university can be in a time of a political crisis.


Christopher Yusufu Mtaku

Continuity and Change
The Significance of the Tsin bza (Xylophone) among the Bura of northeast Nigeria

2020, 196 p., Paperback, ISBN: 978-3-487-15532-6 

This study concerns the Bura tsinza xylophone, an instrument that is closely associated with the Bura peoples' identity. Old musicians emphasized that it was originally an important funeral instrument. Today, however, the instrument has assumed other roles with an entirely different meaning for many in the society. The traditional context of use of the instrument is disappearing, but new contexts have surfaced that keep the instrument a lively art amongst the people. This study explores the oral history of the instrument, its traditional and contemporary contexts of use with an aim to understand why and in what ways the Bura maintain tsinza musical performance despite the gradual disappearance of its traditional context.


Barbara Alge


Forschungsdatenmanagement in der Musikethnologie
(Research Data Management in Ethnomusicology)

2019, 108 p., Paperback, ISBN: 978-3-487-15835-8

This book provides insight into the current practice of ethnomusicologists working in Germany in dealing with research data. Excursions also lead to Great Britain and the USA, especially to the repository Ethnographic Video for Instruction and Analysis Digital Archive in Bloomington. The most important findings of the study include specific professional problems of ethnomusicology through its handling of ethnographic material and non-European musical cultures, which in turn entail specific questions regarding copyright and intellectual property. The book provides valuable recommendations on the provision of research data for those working in ethnomusicology from the perspective of ethnomusicology and information science. In German.


Keivan Aghamohseni


Tango auf dem persischen Teppich
Das Medium Schellackplatte im Kontext von Modernisierung und Nationalismus im Iran
Tango on the Persian Carpet - The Medium Shellac Record in the Context of Modernisation and Nationalism in Iran)

2017, 292 p., Paperback, ISBN: 978-3-487-15548-7

Under the reign of Reza Shah Pahlavi I (1925-1941), a major cultural transformation took place in Iran. During this time, the shellac record not only established itself as a sign of Western lifestyle, but it was also a suitable tool in the hands of the Iranian regime to propagate its views of modernity and Iranian national identity. With the shellac records, new musical practices such as the tango entered the country, which were also practised by women and members of religious minorities. This study presents the social and musical meanings of the shellac record under Pahlavi's rule as well as in the 1970s, when musicians increasingly turned to classical Iranian music again. In German.


Lisa Gaupp


Die exotisierte Stadt
Kulturpolitik und Musikvermittlung im postmigrantischen Prozess
(The exoticised city - Cultural policy and music education in the post-migrant process)

2016, 458 P., Paperback. ISBN: 978-3-487-15423-7

This field study analyses interactions between cultural policy, music education and youth identity constructions in the field of tension of the complexity of today's globalised societies. It focuses on (post-)migrant and transcultural perspectives. "Imaginary identity myths" as a system of representation of interculture are analysed and their attribution mechanisms, their exoticising Othering revealed. Through the field study, the perspectives of cultural and educational policy and the independent cultural institutions are correlated with the perspectives of young people and recommendations are provided to policy-makers. In German.

Dissertations of the SDG-Graduate School

The following volumes are dissertations by scholarship holders of the DAAD-funded Graduate School "Performing Sustainabilty - Cultures and Development in West-Africa".

Asare, Amos Dwarka
Policy Strategies for a Performing Arts Sector: An Analysis of Cultural Support for the Performing Arts in Ghana.
2021, 224 pp., Publishing house: Universitätsverlag Hildesheim, DOI: https://doi.org/10.18442/173

Shallangwa, Zainab Musa
Effects of Displacement on Kanuri Cultural Practices of Internally Displaced Persons of Borno State, Northeast, Nigeria.
2021, 225 pp ., Publishing house: Universitätsverlag Hildesheim, DOI: https://doi.org/10.18442/148

Appiah-Boateng, Sabina
Land-Use Conflicts and Psychosocial Well-Being. A Study of Farmer-Herder Conflict in Asante Akyem North District of Ghana.
2020, 157 pp., Publishing house: Universitätsverlag Hildesheim, DOI: https://doi.org/10.18442/146

Ukuma, Shadrach Teryila
Cultural Performances: A Study on Managing Collective Trauma Amongst Displaced Persons in Daudu Community of Benue State, Nigeria.
2020, 176 pp., Publishing house: Peter-Lang-Verlagsgruppe, ISBN: 978-3-631-83955-3, DOI: https://doi.org/10.3726/b17754

Yusuf, Umar Lawal
Community Perception of the Role of Civilian Joint Task Force (CJTF) in Resisting Boko Haram Culture of Violence in Borno State, Nigeria.
2020, 102 pp., Publishing house: Universitätsverlag Hildesheim, DOI: https://doi.org/10.18442/142

Anima, Prisca Ama
Adaptation Strategies To Motherhood Challenges: A Study of Teenage Mothers in the Adaklu District of Ghana.
2019, 292 pp.

Osman, Adams
Landscape Change and Sustainability of Indigenous Culture ofthe Ga/Dangme in Greater Accra Region, Ghana.

Nyingchuo, Alasambom
Examination of Women’s Socio-Cultural Exclusion Through Film for Development in Kom, North West Region of Cameroon.

Cheri, Lawan
mplications of settling internally displaced persons in host communities on the management of common pool resources In Yobe State, Nigeria.

Bello, Madinatu
Building and Sustaining a Performing Arts Market in Cape Coast Metropolis of Ghana: A Study of Connections Among Universities and Non-Academic Performing Arts Organisations.