ZBI Conference 2019

'Stadt. Land. Diversität. Kulturelle Ausdrucksformen und künstlerische Teilhabe in schulischer und außerschulischer Bildung'

in cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Policy of the University of Hildesheim

'City. Countryside. Diversity. Cultural expressions and artistic participation in school and extracurricular education' 

"Oh Diversitaet, oh Diversitaet ...", a new text to the old song could become the new anthem of the Center for Diversity, Democracy and Inclusion in Education (ZBI). After the melody of the French song "Au Champs-Elysées", around five dozen enthusiastic conference participants sang a lyrically condensed result of two intensive days of dealing with diverse impulses on the subject of education and diversity in the city and countrysite.


As an interface to school and extra-curricular education, cultural education has a central function in shaping society and thus in cultural and educational policy. In rural areas, cultural education can build on the cross-generational structures of the more conservative popular culture, in urban areas, however, the focus on more experimental formats and diversity may be the focus as everyday experience. In theory, discourse and practice, the conference ventured a wide-ranging look at the topic and showed new findings from research and educational practice as well as perspectives and recommendations for action.



Video documentation (mp4)

Here you can gain impressions of the conference - visually and auditorily, cognitively and emotionally.

Created by Finn Baeßler on behalf of the ZBI.