The congress will take place at the university of Hildesheim, mainly on the main campus and the Bühler campus. Detailed information about the locations can be found here:
Update for students and PhD candidates: A message from the psychology students in Hildesheim.
Liebe Studierende und Promovierende,
wir sind die Fachschaftsvertretung Psychologie an der Universität Hildesheim und organisieren eine Bettenbörse für euch. Falls du daran Interesse hast, füll bitte dieses Dokument aus und schicke es mit dem Betreff: „Bettenbörse DGPs-Kongress 2022“ an
Bitte beachte, dass möglicherweise mehr Nachfrage als Angebot vorhanden sein wird. In diesem Fall werden wir Studierende vor Promovierenden bevorzugen. Zudem gilt: wer sich früher bei uns gemeldet hat, hat größere Chancen auf einen Schlafplatz. Der Schlafplatz ist erst sicher, wenn du eine Mail mit den Kontaktdaten zu deinem Host bekommen hast.
Wir freuen uns auf euch!
Herzliche Grüße
eure FSV Psychologie der Uni Hildesheim
Update: Most hotels in Hildesheim are fully booked by now. There are still rooms available at the
Intercity Hotel Hildesheim: 05121 9134000
Ibis Styles Hotel Hildesheim: 05121 9128700
Outside of Hildesheim, there are still rooms available. Please have a look at the map to find the nearest hotels. In order to book your accommodation, we recommend you contact the hotels directly (via phone or their homepage) and refer to the room contingent for the “DGPs-Kongress 2022, Universität Hildesheim”.
Otherwise, we recommend looking for hotels in Hannover, Braunschweig or Göttingen. All three cities can be reached from Hildesheim in under 30 minutes via train. (Please note that train fares are not included in your congress ticket.)
On this site you can find hotels in and around Hildesheim. In order to book your accommodation, we recommend you contact the hotels directly (via phone or their homepage) and refer to the room contingent for the “DGPs-Kongress 2022, Universität Hildesheim”. Most room contingents will be held until 10th August 2022. However, the capacities are limited, so we recommend you book your accommodation as early as possible. Payment for accommodation is to be made onsite at the hotel receptions. Cancellation policies are up to each hotel – usually cancellation free of charge is possible 30 – 7 days prior to arrival.
You can find all hotels with room contingents on the map below. For your convenience, we also present you a selection of hotels with special features.
These hotels have rooms with three or more beds available or offer appartements.
These hotels are near the congress locations and offer different kinds of services, e.g. play areas, additional children´s beds or family rooms.
These hotels offer rooms with barrier-free access.
If you have any questions or need more specific information regarding accommodation or the congress locations (e.g. regarding accessibility), please do not hesitate to contact us.